Monday, 26 March 2012

E Commerse

A broad variety of information about the company, product and other related material can be placed in a public area called _ _ _ _ _ _.< == >a. Passive interaction via anonymous FTP sites 
A software agent views the www as a< == >a. graph 
advertising is relatively high cost of production, limited exposure time ,short air time.< == >b. Television 
allows communication between company and customers through bulletin boards,news groups and other forums .< == >a. Group dialog 
An e-mail message full of promotions engenders fear and loathing in the hearts of users that leads to the most vicious flaming is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.< == >b. unique mail 
Apple search software can select information by using< == >a. relative ranking algorithm 
Architecture for supporting internal commerce is classified into _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ areas< == >d. 5 
are essential for digitizing the incoming video for use in video conferencing.< == >a. Video capture boards 
Boolean model is based on< == >a. The exact match principle 
Business modeling defines _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ structures.< == >c. Internal as well as External 
Business wide data ware house represents _< == >b. Data library 
By using reflectors cu- seeme allows _ _ _ _< == >c. One- many broadcast. 
Catalogs must support product/service bundling. This statement is correct because< == >a. It is applicable 
categorizes the market in terms of population charactereristics such as age, sex, income, occupation, race, family size or relation.< == >b. Demographic approaches 
CD-ROM disk contains< == >b. 530mb audio cd,4.8video cd 
Cily key was introduced in 1993 by< == >b. Bell Atlantic rival 
Cinepak is widely used for distributing movies on< == >c. CD-ROM 
Competitive differentiation mainly focuses on the _ _ _ _ _< == >a. corporate information 
Creative labs uses a codec called _ _ _ _ _ _< == >a. Vector adaptive transform processing
Cross-Platform development is the process of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >c. Compressing 
Customization focus on which of the following issues.< == >a. time to market for flexible operation 
Data conferencing is a form of _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >d. screen sharing 
Desktop Video conferencing is gaining momentum as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >a. Communication tool 
Digital library is used to access _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ information.< == >a. Regarding multimedia 
Digital video first appeared in teleconferencing application in the early< == >d. 1980 
Digital video is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >c. Binary data 
Document -oriented computing includes.< == >a. Active documents only 
EMWAC stands for< == >b. European Microsoft Windows NT Academic Centre 
Example for Mail - Filtering agents< == >a. Apple search software 
Example of WPS implementation is< == >c. X.500 
Expand JPEG.< == >b. Joint Photographic experts group 
Expand MPEG?< == >c. Moving pictures expert group 
Exploiting the data in front end involves _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ activities.< == >b. 2 
Filtering process used by< == >a. Smart agents 
Filtering system involve in< == >d. Giga bytes of text or much larger amount of text 
Filtering systems primarily deals with< == >a. textual information 
Filtering typically involves streams of< == >b. Incoming data 
Filters can be mainly categorized as< == >a. local, remote filters 
Fundamental goals of e-commerce are< == >a. Availability & accessibility of useful information 
Goal of X.500 is< == >a. Create a directory for a group e-mail 
How does WAIS work.< == >a. Find relevant document based on user's question 
How many tasks are involved in a simple work flow.< == >c. one or two tasks 
How many types of digital documents exist.< == >d. 4 
How the information in the horizontal organization is processed .< == >c. at local level 
In multithreaded environment a process is broken into< == >a. Threads 
In which advertising the customer is in passive mode.< == >b. Linear 
In which of the following customization is used< == >c. traditional products, textiles and clothing 
In which of the following we can see the genesis of cross functional system .< == >d. supply chain management 
Information filtering is not applicable to< == >d. Web pages 
Information organization and browsing is accomplished using< == >c. Directories or catalogs 
Information products will most likely be priced based on< == >b. Speed of availability 
Integrating business functions, application program interfaces, and database across departments and grows involves in _ _ _ _ ______.< == >d. organizational integration 
Interactive Environment is a key element of< == >a. Electronic commerce 
Interframe compression generates compressed frames called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >b. Delta frames 
Internal commerce can be made by _ _ _ _ _< == >a. global market place 
Internet using the multicast back bone facility where several distributed parties can actively participate and monitor product-related activities is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _.< == >b. Video conferencing 
is an standard of ANSI and ISO< == >c. ODA 
is based on publish-and- subscribe mechanism.< == >b. Proactive deliver 
is designed as central information repository.< == >b. Data ware house 
is essential in future that requires new and innovative manufacturing practices.< == >a. Agility 
is not an application itself but an environment within which applications can be developed.< == >b. middleware 
is the application of Digital video in Electronic Commerce.< == >a. Digital movie players 
JPEG is used to compress _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >c. Still Images 
Local filters works on< == >d. Between file sharing 
Logical data warehouse contains _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to organize data.< == >a. Meta data, business rules, processing logic 
More indexing methods are available for< == >d. UNIX - based workstation 
MPEG-1 used in commercial chips allows users to play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _video< == >a. MPEG-1 
MPEG-2 decoder chips provides hardware support for< == >c. 500 channels 
MPEG-2 is used to compress signals for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ video< == >d. Broadcast-quality 
Multicasting involves passing the same request< == >c. By a DSA to two or more DSAs 
Multitasking means that the server operating system can run< == >b. Multiple programs 
Navigation and retrieval methods locate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ information< == >a. Multimedia 
News- Filtering agents can< == >b. Deliver real time online news 
News filtering services are primarily targeted< == >a. Executives 
One of the digital-video engine is _ _ _ _ _ _< == >c. Apple Quick time 
Probabilistic information retrieved models are based on< == >a. Probability ranking principle 
Public commerce is built on which of the following foundation.< == >d. WWW 
Quantization manipulates the data and compresses string by using _ _ _ _ _ _< == >a. Run length encoding technique 
Querying, searching & Governing the data means _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >b. data ready for analysis 
Quick time file offers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >a. device independence 
Quick time is a set of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >b. Software programs 
Reengineering can occur when _ _ _ _ _ to _ _ _ _ % of work processes are altered.< == >c. 70-100 
Remote filters works on networks from< == >d. Between file sharing 
RF tags are used in _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >a. security 
Robot and spiders are used to< == >a. Access publicly accessible databases 
SDI stands for< == >b. Selective dissemination of information 
SGML supports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >d. Hypertext and multimedia 
Software filters are useful to< == >a. Gather metadata 
Structured documents represent _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >a. Electronic document manipulation 
Suppose if we want to buy the car in limited budget, then its information can be got from directories of< == >d. Yellow pages 
The ability to link databases to analytic tools like econometric programs and forecasting modes is called< == >c. Data sensing 
The advantage of directories in catalogs is< == >c. Essential for conducting e-commerce 
The agile manufacturing is used to _ _ _ _ _ _< == >c. Increase product customization 
The approach that characterize the market by type or size of industry or institution is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >d. Business specialization 
The approach that distinguishes heavy, medium, light or non users of a product category and after determining the profitability of the product is called _ _ _ _ _.< == >c. Volume 
The approach that divides the market according to how people behave, their attitudes or the benefits they seek is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.< == >b. Benefit or behavioral 
The architecture of tele or video conferencing using ISDN is found in _ _ _ _ _< == >c. Video phones. 
The authors of marketing material of the Interactive marketing are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.< == >a. companies and consumers 
The bundled as well as individual component products or services are priced and offered as options are called as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >c. Mixed strategy 
The CD-ROM spiral surfaces contain shallow depressions called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and Spaces between indentations called _< == >c. Hole and lands 
The content that includes inquiries, orders buyer support is called _ _ _ _ _ _< == >b. Support content 
The coordination of tasks and other resources throughout the company are the key elements of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >d. market -driven business 
The data Compression works by< == >b. Eliminating redundancy 
The disadvantage of word level indexing is< == >a. Requires a lot of disk space 
The goal of information filtering is< == >a. To select relevant & reduced information 
The image quality delivered by H .261 is called as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >d. Graceful degradation. 
The importance of agent based resource discovery is increased when< == >a. Number of sellers increase 
The information architecture depends on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >c. protocols in h/w, s/w & telecommunications 
The integration of the enterprise information and C/S systems connecting corporate databases, workers and task via the networking infrastructure called as _ _ _ _ _ _ _.< == >b. cross functional system. 
The key aspect of multimedia is< == >c. Digital video 
The key technologies of DSS represents< == >a. Electronic-commerce 
The main disadvantage of Boolean method is< == >a. It doesn't allow for any form of ranking of the retrieved document set 
The Major Player that used in video Conferencing is< == >a. Indeo 
The market strategy for interactive marketing is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.< == >c. Targeted audience 
The marketer is responsible for the costs of direct marketing in _ _ _ _ _ _< == >b. Non-Internet world 
The model which refers to information placed where it will come to the attention of customers in the course of other activities that does not require active search is called _ _ _ _ _ _< == >b. Bill-board 
The model which represents one unique aspect advertising on the internet Where people tell their xperiences with products and services Both positive and negative is called as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >d. Endorsements 
The place is an unique position to redefine the relationships between Advertisers and consumers is called as _ _ _ _ _ _< == >
The process of reaching the customer using a broadcast or direct mail to influence purchase behavior is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.< == >a. Advertising 
The process of searching for text strings can be divided into< == >a. 2-phases 
The Quality of Decompressed Digital video is measured by< == >a. Pixels per frame 
The relevance of retrieved information is a function of< == >a. Time 
The seller prices that offers the component products or services only as bundles is called _ _ _ _ _ _.< == >b. Only bundle strategy 
The standard operations in Boolean model is< == >b. OR, AND & NOT 
The talk that allows two parties to hold discussion on-line through e-mail or chat is called _ _ _ _ _< == >c. Direct interaction 
The way of managing the business so that each important business decision is made with full knowledge that has its impact on the customer is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.< == >b. Marketing 
The white board data are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >c. static 
Traveling is a< == >a. combination of crawling and traveling 
Video for windows has its own set of compression/decomposition drivers called _ _ _ _ _< == >d. Codecs 
WAIS is a< == >a. Searching 
WAIS of type EMWAC has been ported on< == >a. UNIX-based free WAIS 
We use Reengineering to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< == >b. Increase efficiency & quality 
What are essential for success in customized service.< == >a. speed and concurrent activity 
What are sequence of transformations involved in the E-commerce.< == >a. technology->choice ->marketplace 
What are the categories of Codec Schemes?< == >c. Hybrid and software-Based 
What are the factors that made desktop conferencing a viable solution for business and personnel communication.< == >b. Price, standards, Compression 
What are the key ingredients missing from the vertical organization.< == >c. product, process , customer 
What are the new forms of organizational structure.< == >d. vertical or network organization 
What are the standards used for imaging.< == >a. TIFF, ITU-TSS 
What are the steps taken by the management in customization.< == >b. reducing cost and increases the productivity 
What are the three Hybrid standards for compression.< == >c. JPEG, MPEG-1, MPEGII 
What are the three Standards of codec?< == >b. JPEG, MPEGI &MPEGII, Cinepak & Indeo 
What are the two primary models of supply chain management.< == >d. push based supply chain vs customer based supply chain 
What are the two types of accelerator boards?< == >d. text,audio 
What are the two types of compression techniques.< == >d. Lossy and lossless 
What are the two types of compressions done in a video sequence?< == >b. Interframe, Intraframe 
What are the two types of Storage technology.< == >c. Disk arrays, CD-ROM 
What are the two video conferencing programs.< == >a. Cu-see me, MBone. 
What are the two ways of JPEG used in digital video?< == >d. JPEG,MPEG 
What are the types of desktop video processing.< == >c. POTS, ISDN 
What are the types of online transactions.< == >a. OLTP and OLAP 
What becomes crucial when the technology provides too many consumer choices.< == >b. customer -driven customization 
What comes under OLTP umbrella.< == >b. EDI & Consumer order processing 
What do you mean by ``information''in business organization. .< == >c. corporate data 
What do you mean by Agile manufacturing.< == >b. consumers and manufacturers are stressing quality 
What do you mean by Global market.< == >a business in foreign country & true multinational 
What do you mean by supply chain.< == >d. The network of suppliers and customers 
What does WAIS do< == >a. Let users search the full text of all doc. on server 
What is major draw back of the vertical organization.< == >a. does not provide corporation between department
What is meant by International'.< == >a. a company office in foreign country 
What is meant by work flow automation .< == >c. Automating routine business task 
What is needed as the technology to move into products ,the work place and the market place with astonishing speed and thoroughness.< == >c. customization 
What is the acronoym for CRS.< == >b. computerized reservation system 
What is the acronym of ECR.< == >a. Efficient customer response 
What is the asset to gain competitive advantage.< == >a. infrastructure 
What is the desktop component needed for digital video processing and production .< == >c. microphones 
What is the goal of work flow automation.< == >a. timely, cost-effective 
What is the hidden element of E-Commerce.< == >b. OLAP 
What is virtual corporation.< == >b. closely coupled upstream with its suppliers and downstream with its customers 
What products can be integrated into the pc to improve the ability to carry Multimedia?< == >c. Chips and board product 
What should a pc have to handle digital video.< == >d. Digital-video engine. 
What types of problems are solved by Codecs?< == >b. Storage and Throughput 
What we have to do with workflows to improve coordination within the enterprise.< == >b. Reengineering 
When the number of parties in the work flow increases, the coordination becomes< == >c. crucial 
Where does the sector oriented disk compression is integrated< == >a. Operating system 
Which is the new tool for the organizational memory.< == >a. corporate digital library 
Which of the following are not information search and resource discovery paradigms.< == >c. Electronic devices 
Which of the following are the components of logistics.< == >d. raw materials and goods for sale 
Which of the following can be intelligently choreographed through promotions.< == >b. Market presence 
Which of the following creates unwanted expenses as well as annoyance.< == >c. Junk mail 
Which of the following is a directory type< == >c. yellow pages 
which of the following is not a program< == >d. filters 
Which of the following is not a researchers search method< == >c. Arithmetic 
Which of the following is not a type of indexing method< == >c. directory level indexing 
Which of the following is not a X.500 feature< == >a. Decentralize maintenance 
Which of the following is not an indexing package< == >d. The serial processing 
Which of the following is precondition for success in an agile.< == >a. True communication between involved parties 
Which of the following is the characteristic of supply chain management. .[a]< == >a. A centralized global business and management strategy with flawless local execution. 
Which of the following is the primary element of supply chain management.< == >c. integrated logistics 
Which of the following marketing achieves adaptability, Flexibility and responsiveness< == >c. Interactive marketing 
Which of the following marketing uses postal service using mailing lists as distribution channel.< == >b. Direct marketing 
Which of the following marketing uses storyboard and desktop Publishing< == >c. Mass marketing 
Which of the following provides as feed-back loop connecting. Company and customer< == >b. Push based 
Which of the following qualities are essential for customization.< == >d. adaptability, programmability and flexibility 
Which technology is used to eliminate the need for bar -coded labels.< == >c. radio frequency tags 
Why the customization is needed in service industries.< == >b. to attracting and retaining customers 
Work flow applications can be developed by _ ______< == >d. middleware environment 
Work flow software electronically supports _ _______.< == >b. real world collaborative activity