1 . A challenge posed by an unfavorable trend <==>c. Threat
2 . A process designed to maintain or improve current job performance <==>b. Training Program
3 . A programme is also called <==>d. network
4 . Actual performance based on results is considered for evaluation in <==>c. MBO
5 . Advancement of an employee to a job with higher authority and responsibility is <==>b. Promotion
6 . An alliance is said to be successful when it can promote more sales at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cost. <==>a. lower
7 . Aptitude tests form a part of <==>c. Selection
8 . Average time estimate (te) is <==>c.
9 . Balanced scorecard was developed by <==>c. Robert Kaplan & David Norton
10 . BPO contracted outside a company's own country <==>a. Offshore outsourcing
11 . Capability Maturity Model implies <==>a. Instructions an organization can follow to gain better control over its software
12 . Chandana Bros , a leading retailer in textile business, adds jewellery section also to its business. This is an example for <==>c. horizontal diversification
13 . CMM ranks software development organization in a hierarchy of <==>d. Five levels
14 . CMMI is<==>b. Capability Maturity Model Integration
15 . Companies having alliance with GATI for transportation of goods are said to have <==>c. Logistic alliance
16 . Complaint when ignored takes the form of <==>b. Grievance
17 . Concentric and conglomerate diversification form a part of <==>b. Diversification growth
18 . Conferences and seminars form a part of <==>a. Off the job training
19 . Consultation & Quality Circles form a part of <==>b. Non-Financial Incentives
20 . Corporate planners are called as <==>a. Strategists
21 . CPM involves a tradeoff between <==>c. Cost & Time
22 . CPM is <==>c. Deterministic
23 . Decision to sub contract some or all non core processes <==>b. BPO
24 . Demotion results in <==>c. Lower authority and salary
25 . Developing organizational culture and management style is the function of <==>a. Human Resource Management
26 . Disinvestment from PSU's by Government is an example for <==>b. Threat-Weakness strategy
27 . During initial stages of product life cycle, which of the following strategy is preferred? <==>b. Expansion
28 . EOQ is <==>c. Economic order quantity
29 . EOQ is the order quantity that <==>d. Minimizes total annual carrying cost
30 . ERP is <==>b. Enterprise resource planning
31 . ESOP form a part of <==>b. Financial Incentive
32 . Experiential learning is a part of <==>a. on-the-job training
33 . Final stage in grievance handling is <==>c. Arbitration
34 . Float represents <==>a. Under utilized resources
35 . Focuses on creating methodical & predictable ways to improve business results <==>c. OPM
36 . For which of the following, Outsourcing is an example? <==>b. Combination
37 . Human resource Management is <==>b. Strategy-driven Process
38 . Identifying opportunities to develop or acquire business related to companys current businesses is <==>a. Integrative growth
39 . Identifying the career plans of key position in an organization is a part of <==>b. Succession Strategy
40 . If the effort on a non-critical activity is to be reduced, it may result in <==>a. its duration and time
41 . Improvements by means of elevating efficiency & effectiveness of processes <==>a. BPR
42 . In Beta distribution, standard deviation is equal to <==>a.
43 . In network analysis the overall objective is <==>a. To minimize overall time spent
44 . In optimistic time estimate the time taken by activity is <==>b. Minimum
45 . In PERT activity is represented by <==>a. Arrow
46 . In PERT, dummy activity represents <==>b. logical dependence
47 . In PERT, the event is represented by <==>b. Circle
48 . In physical distribution the final destination of marketing channel is <==>c. Customer
49 . In Six sigma methodology, DMADV is used for <==>a. New process designs
50 . In Six sigma methodology, DMAIC is to improve <==>b. Existing business process
51 . In which of the following cases, expansion strategy is followed? <==>c. when there is competition and the product is in early stages of product life cycle
52 . In which of the following enactments, the Procedure for handling Industrial disputes are clearly laid down? <==>a. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947
53 . In which of the following, Skill, effort, responsibility and job conditions are widely accepted factors?<==>c. Point Rating method
54 . Inbound and outbound logistics form <==>a. Operational activity
55 . Increased responsibility for planning and self evaluation is a part of <==>c. Job enrichment
56 . Information technology infrastructure for SCM is grouped under <==>c. Strategic Activity
57 . Initial ERP implementation is the responsibility of <==>a. Consulting team
58 . Jikoda is <==>c. Providing machines with autonomous capability to use judgment
59 . JIT system is sometimes referred to adapting <==>b. Lean Production system
60 . Just in time concept eliminates <==>b. Inventory
61 . Kanban is <==>a. Information as to what has to be done
62 . Key ingredient of ERP system is <==>c. Unified database
63 . Labour Management is the key issue for <==>b. Personnel & IR
64 . Legally taking over business of competitors is <==>d. Horizontal Integration strategy
65 . Link between Gantt chart & PERT/CPM network is <==>a. Milestone chart
66 . Magnitude of difference in wages is <==>a. Wage differential
67 . MBO was coined by <==>b. Peter Drucker
68 . Minimum Wages Act provides <==>b. Statutory Norm
69 . Most favoured strategy for progressive firm is <==>c. Strength Opportunity strategy
70 . MRP is<==>a. Material requirement Planning
71 . Negative float occurs <==>b. When Ts is greater than total project time
72 . Non-Conformity of product or service to its specifications is <==>a. Defect
73 . Path which contains all event with zero or minimum slack is <==>a. Critical path
74 . PERT & CPM provide <==>b. Identifying the critical activities & events
75 . PERT refers to <==>b. Programme Evaluation Review Technique
76 . Positive float occurs when <==>a. Ts is less than project time
77 . Process of comparing organizations operations & internal processes against other organizations in/outside industry <==>b. Benchmarking
78 . Production decisions and scheduling activities of SCM are grouped under <==>b. Tactical Activity
79 . Rational method of assessing requirements of human resources at different levels in the organization is called <==>b. Manpower planning
80 . Redundancy results in <==>b. Separation of employees
81 . Role playing helps in enhancing <==>d. Interpersonal skills
82 . SBU refers to <==>d. Strategic Business Unit
83 . Single Business Unit planned independently from rest of company is <==>b. SBU
84 . Six sigma is registered trademark of <==>d. Motorola
85 . Six sigma methodology is accomplished through the use of <==>c. DMAIC and DMADV
86 . Six sigma practice was first developed by <==>c. Motorola
87 . Six sigma process can have maximum defects of <==>c. 3.4 defects per million
88 . Specifying the requirements on the part of persons doing the job' is called <==>b. Job Analysis
89 . Start or end of activity is called <==>a. Event
90 . Such events left untied to overall network are called <==>c. Danglers
91 . Supply sourcing and negotiations are the functions of <==>c. Procurement
92 . SWOT analysis is analysis of <==>c. Strengths, weakness, opportunities & Threats
93 . Termination of employment is also referred as<==>a. Separation
94 . The alliances the corporate choose to develop with the members of their strategic groups are called <==>a. Strategic alliance
95 . The broad guideline set by Top Management for making decisions is called <==>b. Strategy
96 . The course of action desired to achieve the objective of the enterprise is <==>a. Strategy
97 . The discipline within systems management that focuses on monitoring & managing performance <==>b. Application performance management
98 . The financial implication of high labour turnover is <==>c. Additional overtime costs
99 . The guide to management action in HRM is <==>b. customer
100 . The logical sequence of operations to be performed in a given project refers to <==>a. Programme
101 . The major concern of CRM is <==>a. Relationship between organization and customers
102 . The management's decision to convert one of their manufacturing unit to Export Oriented Unit (EOU) forms an example of <==>b. Corporate planning
103 . The minimum slack will always be <==>b. negative
104 . The number of employees leaving the organization is referred as <==>c. Labour Turnover
105 . The process of analyzing the firm's internal strength and weakness is <==>a. Internal analysis
106 . The process of assessing progress in achieving predetermined goals is <==>a. Performance management
107 . The process of developing DVD players from VCR in keeping view of the technology trends is an example of <==>b. Product Development Strategy
108 . The process of evaluating the performance or accomplishments of an employee is called <==>c. Performance appraisal
109 . The process of extending or changing system work by writing new user interface and underlying code is <==>c. Customization
110 . The process of familiarizing new employees with vision, mission and goals of organization is called <==>a. induction
111 . The Process of identifying opportunities to achieve further growth within the company`s current businesses is called <==>a. Intensive growth
112 . The process of planning and management of sourcing, procurement, conversion and logistics activities is called <==>a. Supply Chain Management
113 . The process of Strategic Management begins with <==>c. Mission and Goal
114 . The process where a manager intervenes to give feed back & adjust performance <==>b. Performance coaching
115 . The strategy of penetrating into the existing markets with current product is <==>b. Market penetrating strategy
116 . The task or job in a program is represented by <==>b. Activity
117 . The technique of assessing systematically the relative worth of each job is called <==>c. Job evaluation
118 . The wide fluctuations in the foreign currency exchange rate imply <==>c. financial risk
119 . Time taken to delay a particular event without affecting the project completion time <==>c. slack
120 . To identify and understand new opportunities in which the company can perform profitably is <==>b. Environmental scanning
121 . To see India polio free by end of 2015 is an example of <==>a. Mission
122 . TQM was first coined by <==>b. US Naval Air Systems Command
123 . Training needs are assessed when <==>b. gap exists between actual and standard performance of a job
124 . Training the employees selected to work in shop floor in the factory itself is <==>b. Apprentice Training
125 . Two or more companies coming to promote their products & services form <==>c. Advertisement alliance
126 . Wage and salary administration is done through <==>d. Job evaluation
127 . Wages paid on basis of units produced is <==>b. Piece wage system
128 . Walmart proposes an alliance with Bharti Group. What is this alliance called? <==>a. Product-service alliance
129 . When a company finds its product-wise performance is not even the best suited, the strategy is <==>d. Combination strategy
130 . Which of the following cannot be assessed through group discussions? <==>d. Conduct and character
131 . Which of the following denotes a set of activities with specific goal for a specific period of time? <==>b. Project
132 . Which of the following denotes number of techniques for planning & control of complex projects <==>a. Network analysis
133 . Which of the following describe elements of infrastructure and practice for effective mplementation?<==>a. Key practices
134 . Which of the following does not consume resources? <==>d. Dangler
135 . Which of the following ensures strategic allocation of resources in organizations? <==>b. budgets
136 . Which of the following evaluates systematically the company's internal factors? <==>a. strategic advantage profile
137 . Which of the following explains the basic reason for the existence of an organization? <==>a. mission
138 . Which of the following facilitates employees working on series of jobs thereby learning a broad variety of skills is <==>c. Job Rotation
139 . Which of the following form the basis for the most desirable strategy for a business unit? <==>b. strengths and opportunities
140 . Which of the following forms a part of external environmental analysis? <==>d. Opportunities & Threats
141 . Which of the following identifies cluster of related activities achieve a set of goals. <==>a. Key process areas
142 . Which of the following implies performance appraisal done by self by an employee? <==>c. Self-appraisal
143 . Which of the following implies the `Overall objective` or `over all goal` of a firm? <==>c. Mission
144 . Which of the following implies the process of reducing the operations of the unprofitable business? <==>b. downsizing
145 . Which of the following imply opportunities? <==>b. threats
146 . Which of the following indicates time by which an activity can expand? <==>b. free float
147 . Which of the following involves motivational climate at all levels by training, counseling and delegation? <==>b. Positive reinforcement
148 . Which of the following involves providing the organizations profile, business, its departments, their jobs to new employees? <==>a. Orientation
149 . Which of the following is a dynamic linked system? <==>a. JIT
150 . Which of the following is a natural choice for most of the knowledge-based organizations? <==>b. Flexi time
151 . Which of the following is a negative function <==>b. Selection
152 . Which of the following is a strategy that aims at optimising strengths and weaknesses? <==>a. Strength Threat Strategy
153 . Which of the following is a tool for coordination and timing of different supporting programmes in a complex project? <==>a. PERT/CPM
154 . Which of the following is a tool that aids for corporate strategy evaluation and control? <==>b. MIS & MBO
155 . Which of the following is an example for non-analytical method of job evaluation><==>a. Ranking method
156 . Which of the following is an operational tool to achieve the goals set through mission? <==>c. strategy
157 . Which of the following is event oriented? <==>a. PERT
158 . Which of the following is not an internal strategy variation? <==>d. budgeting
159 . Which of the following is not one as suggested by Michael Porter? <==>b. overall profit leadership
160 . Which of the following is not the limitations of Gantt's bar chart? <==>d. coordination
161 . Which of the following is predominantly a HR function? <==>a. supporting
162 . Which of the following is the basis for process capability study? <==>b. If one has six standard deviations between mean of a process and nearest specification limit there will be practically zero errors
163 . Which of the following is the starting point for strategic management process? <==>a. mission and goals
164 . Which of the following is viewed as reward for better services one has rendered on a particular job? <==>a. Promotion
165 . Which of the following managers perform both line and staff functions? <==>c. Personnel Manager
166 . Which of the following organizations treat change management as an ordinary business process in orderly way?<==>d. Maturity level 5
167 . Which of the following organizations treat change management as an ordinary business process in orderly way? <==>d. Maturity level 5
168 . Which of the following refer to interactive exercises practiced in mock situations? <==>d. Simulation Exercises
169 . Which of the following refers to a directive written to guide personnel department in fulfilling its objectives or functions? <==>a. Personnel policy
170 . Which of the following refers to the method of assessment to predict who would be successful on job?<==>c. Aptitude tests
171 . Which of the following signify the scope, boundaries and intent of each key process area? <==>c. Goals
172 . Which of the following strategies means gaining more market share with the current products in the current markets? <==>b. market penetration strategy
173 . Which of the following strategies the company is said to pursue when it provides `Employee stock options` are offered? <==>c. Retention
174 . Why mission statements are communicated down the cadres in the organisation? <==>b. to develop shared vision
2 . A process designed to maintain or improve current job performance <==>b. Training Program
3 . A programme is also called <==>d. network
4 . Actual performance based on results is considered for evaluation in <==>c. MBO
5 . Advancement of an employee to a job with higher authority and responsibility is <==>b. Promotion
6 . An alliance is said to be successful when it can promote more sales at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cost. <==>a. lower
7 . Aptitude tests form a part of <==>c. Selection
8 . Average time estimate (te) is <==>c.
9 . Balanced scorecard was developed by <==>c. Robert Kaplan & David Norton
10 . BPO contracted outside a company's own country <==>a. Offshore outsourcing
11 . Capability Maturity Model implies <==>a. Instructions an organization can follow to gain better control over its software
12 . Chandana Bros , a leading retailer in textile business, adds jewellery section also to its business. This is an example for <==>c. horizontal diversification
13 . CMM ranks software development organization in a hierarchy of <==>d. Five levels
14 . CMMI is<==>b. Capability Maturity Model Integration
15 . Companies having alliance with GATI for transportation of goods are said to have <==>c. Logistic alliance
16 . Complaint when ignored takes the form of <==>b. Grievance
17 . Concentric and conglomerate diversification form a part of <==>b. Diversification growth
18 . Conferences and seminars form a part of <==>a. Off the job training
19 . Consultation & Quality Circles form a part of <==>b. Non-Financial Incentives
20 . Corporate planners are called as <==>a. Strategists
21 . CPM involves a tradeoff between <==>c. Cost & Time
22 . CPM is <==>c. Deterministic
23 . Decision to sub contract some or all non core processes <==>b. BPO
24 . Demotion results in <==>c. Lower authority and salary
25 . Developing organizational culture and management style is the function of <==>a. Human Resource Management
26 . Disinvestment from PSU's by Government is an example for <==>b. Threat-Weakness strategy
27 . During initial stages of product life cycle, which of the following strategy is preferred? <==>b. Expansion
28 . EOQ is <==>c. Economic order quantity
29 . EOQ is the order quantity that <==>d. Minimizes total annual carrying cost
30 . ERP is <==>b. Enterprise resource planning
31 . ESOP form a part of <==>b. Financial Incentive
32 . Experiential learning is a part of <==>a. on-the-job training
33 . Final stage in grievance handling is <==>c. Arbitration
34 . Float represents <==>a. Under utilized resources
35 . Focuses on creating methodical & predictable ways to improve business results <==>c. OPM
36 . For which of the following, Outsourcing is an example? <==>b. Combination
37 . Human resource Management is <==>b. Strategy-driven Process
38 . Identifying opportunities to develop or acquire business related to companys current businesses is <==>a. Integrative growth
39 . Identifying the career plans of key position in an organization is a part of <==>b. Succession Strategy
40 . If the effort on a non-critical activity is to be reduced, it may result in <==>a. its duration and time
41 . Improvements by means of elevating efficiency & effectiveness of processes <==>a. BPR
42 . In Beta distribution, standard deviation is equal to <==>a.
43 . In network analysis the overall objective is <==>a. To minimize overall time spent
44 . In optimistic time estimate the time taken by activity is <==>b. Minimum
45 . In PERT activity is represented by <==>a. Arrow
46 . In PERT, dummy activity represents <==>b. logical dependence
47 . In PERT, the event is represented by <==>b. Circle
48 . In physical distribution the final destination of marketing channel is <==>c. Customer
49 . In Six sigma methodology, DMADV is used for <==>a. New process designs
50 . In Six sigma methodology, DMAIC is to improve <==>b. Existing business process
51 . In which of the following cases, expansion strategy is followed? <==>c. when there is competition and the product is in early stages of product life cycle
52 . In which of the following enactments, the Procedure for handling Industrial disputes are clearly laid down? <==>a. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947
53 . In which of the following, Skill, effort, responsibility and job conditions are widely accepted factors?<==>c. Point Rating method
54 . Inbound and outbound logistics form <==>a. Operational activity
55 . Increased responsibility for planning and self evaluation is a part of <==>c. Job enrichment
56 . Information technology infrastructure for SCM is grouped under <==>c. Strategic Activity
57 . Initial ERP implementation is the responsibility of <==>a. Consulting team
58 . Jikoda is <==>c. Providing machines with autonomous capability to use judgment
59 . JIT system is sometimes referred to adapting <==>b. Lean Production system
60 . Just in time concept eliminates <==>b. Inventory
61 . Kanban is <==>a. Information as to what has to be done
62 . Key ingredient of ERP system is <==>c. Unified database
63 . Labour Management is the key issue for <==>b. Personnel & IR
64 . Legally taking over business of competitors is <==>d. Horizontal Integration strategy
65 . Link between Gantt chart & PERT/CPM network is <==>a. Milestone chart
66 . Magnitude of difference in wages is <==>a. Wage differential
67 . MBO was coined by <==>b. Peter Drucker
68 . Minimum Wages Act provides <==>b. Statutory Norm
69 . Most favoured strategy for progressive firm is <==>c. Strength Opportunity strategy
70 . MRP is<==>a. Material requirement Planning
71 . Negative float occurs <==>b. When Ts is greater than total project time
72 . Non-Conformity of product or service to its specifications is <==>a. Defect
73 . Path which contains all event with zero or minimum slack is <==>a. Critical path
74 . PERT & CPM provide <==>b. Identifying the critical activities & events
75 . PERT refers to <==>b. Programme Evaluation Review Technique
76 . Positive float occurs when <==>a. Ts is less than project time
77 . Process of comparing organizations operations & internal processes against other organizations in/outside industry <==>b. Benchmarking
78 . Production decisions and scheduling activities of SCM are grouped under <==>b. Tactical Activity
79 . Rational method of assessing requirements of human resources at different levels in the organization is called <==>b. Manpower planning
80 . Redundancy results in <==>b. Separation of employees
81 . Role playing helps in enhancing <==>d. Interpersonal skills
82 . SBU refers to <==>d. Strategic Business Unit
83 . Single Business Unit planned independently from rest of company is <==>b. SBU
84 . Six sigma is registered trademark of <==>d. Motorola
85 . Six sigma methodology is accomplished through the use of <==>c. DMAIC and DMADV
86 . Six sigma practice was first developed by <==>c. Motorola
87 . Six sigma process can have maximum defects of <==>c. 3.4 defects per million
88 . Specifying the requirements on the part of persons doing the job' is called <==>b. Job Analysis
89 . Start or end of activity is called <==>a. Event
90 . Such events left untied to overall network are called <==>c. Danglers
91 . Supply sourcing and negotiations are the functions of <==>c. Procurement
92 . SWOT analysis is analysis of <==>c. Strengths, weakness, opportunities & Threats
93 . Termination of employment is also referred as<==>a. Separation
94 . The alliances the corporate choose to develop with the members of their strategic groups are called <==>a. Strategic alliance
95 . The broad guideline set by Top Management for making decisions is called <==>b. Strategy
96 . The course of action desired to achieve the objective of the enterprise is <==>a. Strategy
97 . The discipline within systems management that focuses on monitoring & managing performance <==>b. Application performance management
98 . The financial implication of high labour turnover is <==>c. Additional overtime costs
99 . The guide to management action in HRM is <==>b. customer
100 . The logical sequence of operations to be performed in a given project refers to <==>a. Programme
101 . The major concern of CRM is <==>a. Relationship between organization and customers
102 . The management's decision to convert one of their manufacturing unit to Export Oriented Unit (EOU) forms an example of <==>b. Corporate planning
103 . The minimum slack will always be <==>b. negative
104 . The number of employees leaving the organization is referred as <==>c. Labour Turnover
105 . The process of analyzing the firm's internal strength and weakness is <==>a. Internal analysis
106 . The process of assessing progress in achieving predetermined goals is <==>a. Performance management
107 . The process of developing DVD players from VCR in keeping view of the technology trends is an example of <==>b. Product Development Strategy
108 . The process of evaluating the performance or accomplishments of an employee is called <==>c. Performance appraisal
109 . The process of extending or changing system work by writing new user interface and underlying code is <==>c. Customization
110 . The process of familiarizing new employees with vision, mission and goals of organization is called <==>a. induction
111 . The Process of identifying opportunities to achieve further growth within the company`s current businesses is called <==>a. Intensive growth
112 . The process of planning and management of sourcing, procurement, conversion and logistics activities is called <==>a. Supply Chain Management
113 . The process of Strategic Management begins with <==>c. Mission and Goal
114 . The process where a manager intervenes to give feed back & adjust performance <==>b. Performance coaching
115 . The strategy of penetrating into the existing markets with current product is <==>b. Market penetrating strategy
116 . The task or job in a program is represented by <==>b. Activity
117 . The technique of assessing systematically the relative worth of each job is called <==>c. Job evaluation
118 . The wide fluctuations in the foreign currency exchange rate imply <==>c. financial risk
119 . Time taken to delay a particular event without affecting the project completion time <==>c. slack
120 . To identify and understand new opportunities in which the company can perform profitably is <==>b. Environmental scanning
121 . To see India polio free by end of 2015 is an example of <==>a. Mission
122 . TQM was first coined by <==>b. US Naval Air Systems Command
123 . Training needs are assessed when <==>b. gap exists between actual and standard performance of a job
124 . Training the employees selected to work in shop floor in the factory itself is <==>b. Apprentice Training
125 . Two or more companies coming to promote their products & services form <==>c. Advertisement alliance
126 . Wage and salary administration is done through <==>d. Job evaluation
127 . Wages paid on basis of units produced is <==>b. Piece wage system
128 . Walmart proposes an alliance with Bharti Group. What is this alliance called? <==>a. Product-service alliance
129 . When a company finds its product-wise performance is not even the best suited, the strategy is <==>d. Combination strategy
130 . Which of the following cannot be assessed through group discussions? <==>d. Conduct and character
131 . Which of the following denotes a set of activities with specific goal for a specific period of time? <==>b. Project
132 . Which of the following denotes number of techniques for planning & control of complex projects <==>a. Network analysis
133 . Which of the following describe elements of infrastructure and practice for effective mplementation?<==>a. Key practices
134 . Which of the following does not consume resources? <==>d. Dangler
135 . Which of the following ensures strategic allocation of resources in organizations? <==>b. budgets
136 . Which of the following evaluates systematically the company's internal factors? <==>a. strategic advantage profile
137 . Which of the following explains the basic reason for the existence of an organization? <==>a. mission
138 . Which of the following facilitates employees working on series of jobs thereby learning a broad variety of skills is <==>c. Job Rotation
139 . Which of the following form the basis for the most desirable strategy for a business unit? <==>b. strengths and opportunities
140 . Which of the following forms a part of external environmental analysis? <==>d. Opportunities & Threats
141 . Which of the following identifies cluster of related activities achieve a set of goals. <==>a. Key process areas
142 . Which of the following implies performance appraisal done by self by an employee? <==>c. Self-appraisal
143 . Which of the following implies the `Overall objective` or `over all goal` of a firm? <==>c. Mission
144 . Which of the following implies the process of reducing the operations of the unprofitable business? <==>b. downsizing
145 . Which of the following imply opportunities? <==>b. threats
146 . Which of the following indicates time by which an activity can expand? <==>b. free float
147 . Which of the following involves motivational climate at all levels by training, counseling and delegation? <==>b. Positive reinforcement
148 . Which of the following involves providing the organizations profile, business, its departments, their jobs to new employees? <==>a. Orientation
149 . Which of the following is a dynamic linked system? <==>a. JIT
150 . Which of the following is a natural choice for most of the knowledge-based organizations? <==>b. Flexi time
151 . Which of the following is a negative function <==>b. Selection
152 . Which of the following is a strategy that aims at optimising strengths and weaknesses? <==>a. Strength Threat Strategy
153 . Which of the following is a tool for coordination and timing of different supporting programmes in a complex project? <==>a. PERT/CPM
154 . Which of the following is a tool that aids for corporate strategy evaluation and control? <==>b. MIS & MBO
155 . Which of the following is an example for non-analytical method of job evaluation><==>a. Ranking method
156 . Which of the following is an operational tool to achieve the goals set through mission? <==>c. strategy
157 . Which of the following is event oriented? <==>a. PERT
158 . Which of the following is not an internal strategy variation? <==>d. budgeting
159 . Which of the following is not one as suggested by Michael Porter? <==>b. overall profit leadership
160 . Which of the following is not the limitations of Gantt's bar chart? <==>d. coordination
161 . Which of the following is predominantly a HR function? <==>a. supporting
162 . Which of the following is the basis for process capability study? <==>b. If one has six standard deviations between mean of a process and nearest specification limit there will be practically zero errors
163 . Which of the following is the starting point for strategic management process? <==>a. mission and goals
164 . Which of the following is viewed as reward for better services one has rendered on a particular job? <==>a. Promotion
165 . Which of the following managers perform both line and staff functions? <==>c. Personnel Manager
166 . Which of the following organizations treat change management as an ordinary business process in orderly way?<==>d. Maturity level 5
167 . Which of the following organizations treat change management as an ordinary business process in orderly way? <==>d. Maturity level 5
168 . Which of the following refer to interactive exercises practiced in mock situations? <==>d. Simulation Exercises
169 . Which of the following refers to a directive written to guide personnel department in fulfilling its objectives or functions? <==>a. Personnel policy
170 . Which of the following refers to the method of assessment to predict who would be successful on job?<==>c. Aptitude tests
171 . Which of the following signify the scope, boundaries and intent of each key process area? <==>c. Goals
172 . Which of the following strategies means gaining more market share with the current products in the current markets? <==>b. market penetration strategy
173 . Which of the following strategies the company is said to pursue when it provides `Employee stock options` are offered? <==>c. Retention
174 . Why mission statements are communicated down the cadres in the organisation? <==>b. to develop shared vision
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