Friday, 21 October 2011


1. ____ develops a characterization of the over all size, process, environment, people and quality required for the project .<===>software project manager
2. _____ and ______ teams tend to engage in support roles while preparing for the full-scale production stage.<===>Software Assessment team & Software Development team
3. ______ is responsible for quality of individual components including all component development, testing, and maintenance.<===>Software Development team
4. ______ is the responsibility of Software Management team.<===>Resource commitments
5. ______ is used to mean a complete synchronization across the project.<===>iteration
6. ______ provide an important perspective for managing the process<===>Metric value
7. _______ % of the engineering is consumed by ______ % of the requirements.<===>80% & 20%
8. _______ % of the progress is made by 20% of the people<===>80%
9. _______ activity of the engineering stage of the life cycle is important.<===>Automating the development process
10. _______ is about managing change and measuring change.<===>Iterative development
11. _______ phases are dominated by Software Management and Software Architecture team.<===>Inception and elaboration
12. ________ are crucial for focusing continuous attention on the evolving health of the project and its dynamic priorities<===>periodic status assessments
13. ________ plays a greater role for small commercial product.<===>deployment
14. ________&_________ with the process frame work are critical factors in software project success.<===>work break down structure & its synchronization
15. _________ decomposes the character of the project and maps it to the life cycle, the budget and the personnel.<===>work break down structure
16. _________ guide lines capture the expertise and experience of many people.<===>initial planning
17. _________ include absorptions into overhead of general administrative cause, project billing based on usage.<===>Financing models
18. _________ is the architecture for the financial plan.<===>work break down structure
19. _________ is the basis for predictable, cost efficient construction for large projects.<===>good design
20. _________ partitions the estimate for the effort into a top level work break down structure<===>software project manager
21. __________ are highly dependent on numerous parameters, which have a significant impact on the direction of a project.<===>comprehensive project plans
22. __________ consists of CDW,TOR,PDW.<===>individual milestones
23. __________ forces the project history to the captured and documented, when the period varies.<===>recurring event
24. __________ graph presents values over time.<===>trend graph
25. __________ need to the derived from forward looking top-down approach.<===>project plans
26. __________ serve as project snapshots<===>periodic status assessments
27. __________ should organize the planning elements around the process framework rather than the product framework.<===>evolutionary work break down structure
28. __________ starts with small team until the risks in the requirements have been suitably resolved.<===>Iterative development project
29. __________ teams have common goals, complementary skills, and close communications.<===>cohesive
30. ___________ bugs are software faults that are coincidental with probabilistic occurrence of a given situation.<===>Heisen
31. ___________ has the goal to present to all stake holders a recommendation on how to proceed with development industry plans .<===>life cycle objective milestone
32. ___________ is a sign of success.<===>Low attrition
33. ___________ is defined as the number of software change orders opened and closed over the life cycle.<===>Change traffic
34. ___________ is extremely important to project success.<===>the art of planning
35. ___________ is the relationship between opened versus closed software change orders.<===>Stability
36. ___________ teams have conflicting goals, competing or incomplete skills, and less-than-open communications.<===>adversarial
37. ____________ can be measured by defining planned estimate of the work & then tracking progress against that plan.<===>Iterative development project
38. ____________ contains background material on software oriented work break down structure.<===>software engineering economies
39. ____________ exaggerate the performance biases and result in an overly pessimistic plan.<===>bottom up approach
40. _____________ and ___________are useful for generating the planning artifacts.<===>software cost estimation tools & work breakdown structure tools
41. _____________ is highly dependent on the skills of personnel, especially subproject managers and team leads.<===>performance
42. _____________ quantifies the volume of change.<===>Breakage item
43. ______________ are formally planned and conducted and the impacts of changes are typically benign.<===>project milestone
44. ________________ plans can shape,cultures and encourage team work.<===>open plan
45. ________________defines how the project requirements will be transformed into a product with in the business constraints.<===>project plan
46. _______________captures the contract between the development group and the buyer.<===>Vision statement
47. _______________focuses line of business units, but not on the top level organization or the projects.<===>Standardization
48. ______________quantifies the complexity of change.<===>Rework item
49. ____________review is conducted at the end of each iteration to assess the degree to the iteration which achieved its objective and satisfied its evaluation criteria<===>iteration assessment
50. ___________focuses the overflow of a project level environment, the infrastructure context of the project's parent organization, and tool building.<===>Process automation
51. ___________is companion group to the Software Engineering Process Authority.<===>Software Engineering Environment Authority
52. ___________provides the change management instrumentation necessary to automate metrics and control release baselines.<===>Defect tracking
53. ___________reviews both the projects conformance to contractual obligations and the project s organizational policy obligations.<===>Project review authority
54. __________are motivated by return on investment, new business discriminators, market diversification, and profitability.<===>Software lines of business
55. __________is a necessary role in any organization.<===>Software Engineering Process Authority
56. __________provide human resource support, project independent research and development.<===>Organization's infrastructure
57. _________is responsible for automating the organizational process, maintaining, and training.<===>Software Engineering Environmental Authority
58. ________are management reviews conducted at regular iterations to address program and quality indicators<===>periodic status assessments
59. ________are motivated by the cost, schedule and quality of specific deliverables.<===>Project teams
60. ________facilitates the exchange of information and process guidance.<===>Software Engineering Process Authority
61. ________team takes ownership of all aspects of quality.<===>Software Management team
62. _______are prematurely decomposed, structured planned around the product design, and budgeted in either too little.<===>conventional break down structure
63. _______team is fairly balanced organization in which most of the activity resides in the Software Development and Software Assessment teams.<===>construction
64. ______are project specific.<===>conventional work break down structure
65. ______review is conducted at the start of each iteration to review the detailed Iteration plan and the evaluation criteria<===>iteration readiness
66. ___is simply hierarchy of elements that decomposes the project plan into the discrete work tasks.<===>work break down structure
67. 80% errors are caused by _________ % of the components.<===>20%
68. 80% of contributors comes from _______ % of contributors<===>20
69. 80% of the software cost is consumed by __________ % of the components.<===>20%
70. a and ß releases are parts of ____________<===>construction
71. A modern process attacks how much percentage of the requirements, usecases, components & risks?<===>20%
72. A transition to more mature iterative development process that supports automation does not include<===>delete
73. Acceptable prototype is achieved after _______ iterations.<===>inception
74. Acceptance criteria for product release & releasable user manual are the requirements in __________ milestone<===>initial operational capability mile stone
75. After product release _________________ is done.<===>transition iteration
76. An organization has_______________ types of teams.<===>four
77. An organization's policies, procedures, and practices for managing a software intensive line of business is called<===>Meta process
78. Architecture frame work is done in ________ phase.<===>elaboration
79. As team size ____________, a new level of personnel management is introduced at roughly each factor of 5.<===>grows
80. Automation enables teams to spend less time on<===>over head tasks
81. Automation enables teams to spend more time on<===>engineering
82. CCPDS-R includes _________ number of phases<===>2
83. CD phase in CCPDS-R is similar to _________ phase<===>inception
84. Check points more emphasis on executable demonstration in____________<===>complete architecture feasibility demonstration
85. Construction phase takes ________ %of all, for small commercial project.<===>50
86. During the engineering stage _________ will dominate.<===>top-down perspective
87. Evaluation criteria in early release plans are__________<===>goals
88. From __________ , the primary measure of scale is the size of the team.<===>process tailoring perspective
89. FSD phase is____________<===>large
90. Good and bad project performance is much more obvious in _________ phase of life cycle.<===>inception
91. How many core metrics are there?<===>seven
92. How many simple planning guide lines should be considered when a project plan is being initiated or assessed?<===>2
93. How much software development effort is devoted to programming?<===>15%
94. In 1955 the overall ratio of software to hardware cost is<===>15:85
95. In late risk resolution, which kind of system elements are elaborated early in the life cycle?<===>high leverage
96. In modern process, the system requirements are captured in _______<===>Vision statement
97. In the work break down structure budgeting defaults, the management has ______ % of default budget<===>10
98. In which mile stone software quality metrics received to determine whether quality is sufficient to transit to the support organization<===>product release mile stone
99. In which phase, the Software Architecture team has only 50% involvement?<===>elaboration
100. In which phase, the Software Assessment team has only 50% involvement?<===>construction
101. In which phase, the Software Development team has only 50% involvement?<===>transition
102. In which phase, the Software Management team has only 50% involvement?<===>inception
103. Inception & elaboration phases are present in which stage<===>engineering stage
104. Inception team focuses on ________<===>planning
105. Incremental test process consists of ________ phases.<===>5
106. Integration that occurs early & continuously serves as the ________ activity of the design artifacts.<===>verification
107. Iterative process deliver a product with only about ___________ of the total budget consumed by these activities.<===>25%
108. Major mile stones are<===>system wide events
109. Making the solution smaller reduces<===>management complexity
110. Metrics applied to ----------------------- will be far less accurate than those applied to the production stage.<===>Engineering stage
111. Mile stones in life cycle must have<===>Well defined expectations and provide tangible result
112. More effort is needed for ______phase of software development life cycle<===>construction
113. Most of the critical risks will be resolved by____________<===>end of the elaboration phase
114. Mostly the iterations which have 1 to 6 months duration need only the ___________ & _____________ reviews<===>iteration readiness review & milestones assessment
115. Organizations with a mature process have<===>high level of precedent experience
116. PDW stands for___________<===>preliminary design walkthrough
117. Performance issues arise _________ in the life cycle<===>early
118. Performance issues arise in _________ phase of life cycle.<===>inception
119. Project organization represents _____________<===>the architecture of the team
120. Protrated integration & late design breakage are resolved by forcing integration into which stage?<===>engineering stage
121. Recurring themes from successful projects include status assessments that are______<===>low overhead activities
122. Reusable components for network management are provided by________<===>NAS
123. software process maturity and domain experience are mandatory to avoid _____and ensure of expectations across numerous stakeholders.<===>risks & synchronization
124. Software systems & products typically costs, how much times as much per SLOC as individual software programs?<===>4
125. Specific monitors are also known as____________<===>roles
126. System of systems is known as<===>software system products
127. TBD statements comes in _________<===>component evolution
128. The _____________ is a architecture focused organization.<===>elaboration team
129. The _________________of Software Assessment focuses on Infrastructure baseline.<===>elaboration phase
130. The actual spending profile for a project over its actual schedule is___________<===>Actual cost
131. The amount of time spent to engineering stage compared to production stage for large project is in the ratio____________<===>45/55
132. The architecture first approach forces integration into which phase?<===>design phase
133. The Architecture team is responsible for _______________<===>System level quality
134. The art of good project management is to make __________________in current iteration plan and the next iteration plan.<===>trade offs
135. The Assessment team is responsible for_____________<===>the quality of baseline releases
136. The atomic unit of software work that is authorized to create, modify, or obsolescence components within a configuration baseline is called ____________<===>Software Change Order
137. The automation that support for meta process is called<===>Infrastructure
138. The conventional focus on documents and review meetings are replaced by:<===>both demonstrable results and well defined sets
139. The demonstrations do not eliminate which breakage?<===>design phase
140. The four major mile stones occur at the____________ between life cycle phases<===>transistion points
141. The general guide lines are that most projects will use between_________<===>4 and 9
142. The guide line should be considered when a project plan is a _________<===>default allocation of costs among the first level WBS elements
143. The inception phase of software management life cycle consists of _____ phase.<===>Elaboration
144. The intermediate line of business level standard promotes ____________<===>Domain-specific technology inception and training
145. The lower project level standard promotes<===>Project-specific training
146. The management team should be ___________ development team.<===>Smaller than
147. The milestone of an iteration and its associated evaluation criteria need to focus the engineering activities on the<===>project priorities
148. The MTBF trend over time is known as_____________<===>Maturity
149. The plan of product release mile stone is<===>next generation product plan
150. The planned cost of the actual progress is represented by<===>Earned value
151. The positive value of cost variance corresponds to<===>Over-budget region
152. The primary support required for the design workflow is the_________________<===>visual modeling
153. The purpose of ______________is financial insight , plan vs actuals ,management indicators.<===>Budgeted cost and expenditures
154. The requirements driven functional decomposition is avoided by organizing _________ kind of specifications.<===>low level
155. The transition phase of Software Assessment life cycle includes_________<===>Infrastructure maintenance
156. The user points to graphical object displaying a point in time & drills down to view the trend for the metric using<===>drill down to trend
157. Transition phase takes ________ %of all, for large commercial project.<===>15
158. User interface control is provided by____________<===>DCO
159. Walk through catches _______ % of errors.<===>80
160. What is the dimension for metric?<===>Dynamic trend
161. When a transition is to be done, which of the following is false<===>improve the persons working on the program
162. Which includes the name of the organization, date of organization?<===>Description
163. Which is not good of software metrics<===>Work and process
164. Which is not in the seven core metrics?<===>Work break down structure
165. Which is not provided by work break down structure?<===>a mechanism for disseminating process
166. Which is not the building block of the automation tools?<===>Testing
167. Which is not the component of an organization s automation build block?<===>Workflow automation
168. Which is not the project environment?<===>Stakeholder Environment
169. Which is not the type of joint management reviews<===>maintenance
170. Which is not the type of major mile stones<===>iteration and initiation mile stone
171. Which is primarily a function of number of source lines of code<===>maintenance cost
172. Which is resolved by emphasizing an architecture first<===>late risk resolution
173. Which is the defining document for the organization s software policies?<===>Organizational policy
174. Which kind of requirements are captured in evaluation criteria<===>lower level
175. which mile stones focus on demonstrated results?<===>major
176. Which milestone has the high fidality transition phase plan<===>initial operational capability mile stone
177. Which of following come under lower management complexity?<===>smaller scale
178. Which of following come under lower technical complexity?<===>single thread
179. Which of the following indicators are derived from the evolving product?<===>Quality
180. Which of the following is a crux of software project success?<===>management discipline
181. Which of the following is an example of metrics automation?<===>SPCP
182. Which of the following is correct flow for small commercial project?<===>design-implementation-deployment
183. Which of the following is not a characteristic of cohesive team?<===>well defined phase transition
184. Which of the following is not a characteristic of conventional software?<===>low fidelity traceability among all artifacts
185. Which of the following is not a characteristic of flexible process<===>more credible
186. Which of the following is not a characteristic of good metric?<===>Untailorable
187. Which of the following is not a characteristic of level 1 organization<===>well established
188. Which of the following is not a characteristic of modern development process?<===>postponement of completeness
189. Which of the following is not a management indicator?<===>No of releases
190. Which of the following is not a metric<===>CCPDS-R
191. Which of the following is not a perspective of work and progress indicator?<===>Software design. team
192. Which of the following is not included in management indicator?<===>No of releases
193. Which of the following is not the management?<===>Rework and adaptability
194. Which of the following is not true?<===>early increments will be matured.
195. Which of the following is the quality indicator<===>
196. Which team is independent team among the following?<===>Software Assessment team
197. Which topic is not in the default content of periodic status assessments<===>designing
198. Who is responsible for meeting the requirements of a contract or some other project compliance standard?<===>Software project manager

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ relieves the CPU from waiting for every I/O event, but many CPU cycles are still spent in transferring data<===>Interrupt-driver I/O
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ device is used to handle the complexities of disconnect / connect and read ahead in magnetic disks.<===>Disk controller
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ multithreading achieves the improvement in throughput at the cost of some overhead<===>simultaneous
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ automatically forces accesses to several disks.<===>striping
5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ faults have declined due to a decreasing number of chips in systems, reduced power, and fewer connectors<===>Hardware
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have the ability to work around failed nodes and switches<===>SANs
7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the no of misses in cache divided by the total no of memory accesses to this cache<===>local miss rate
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the node where the memory location and the directory entry of an address reside.<===>home node
9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is used for congestion control in ATM<===>credit based
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ availability and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ extensibility make clusters attractive to service provides for the WWW.<===>High, incremental
11. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a common technique for reducing contention in shared resources including access to shared networks and buses<===>exponential back off
12. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ latency schemes sacrifice fault tolerance<===>low
13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ optimization reduces misses by improved temporal locality<===>blocking
14. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sends different streams simultaneously on the same fiber using different wavelengths of light.<===>WDM
15. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tapes limit the speed at which the tapes can spin with out breaking or jamming.<===>helical scan
16. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cache contains only blocks that are discarded from a cache because of a miss<===>victim
17. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ faults exist for a limited time and are not recurring<===>Transient
18. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ keeps the state of every block that may be cached<===>Directory
19. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ memory, divided physical memory into blocks and allocates them to different processes<===>virtual
20. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ misses decreases as associativity increases<===>collision
21. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ optimization improves cache performance without affecting the number of instructions executed<===>loop interchange
22. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server has the goal that a node can fail or be upgraded without bringing down the whole machine.<===>Sun Fire 6800
23. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tapes mean access to terabytes of information in tens of seconds.<===>near line
24. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was deployed by cable television companies to deliver a higher rate over a few kilometers.<===>coaxial cable
25. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ actions introduce the possibility that the protocol can deadlock<===>non atomic
26. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ added to the cpu protection structure expand memory access protection from two levels to many more<===>rings
27. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are used to send a value from the home node back to the requesting node<===>Data value reply
28. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ caches rely of write buffers<===>write back
29. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ conflict misses -are due to going from eight way associative to four- way associative<===>four way
30. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ field in the segment descriptor of IA-32 specifies the valid opera tions and protection levels for operations that use this segment<===>attributes
31. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ multithreading uses the insight that a dynamically scheduled processor already has many of the hardware mechanisms needed to support the integrated exploitation of TLP through multithreading .<===>simultaneous
32. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ occurs in paging<===>internal fragmentation
33. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ synchronization primitives returns the value of a memory location and automatically increments it<===>fetch-and-increment
34. _ _ _ _ _ _ followed open standards and have less stringent electrical requirements.<===>I/O buses
35. _ _ _ _ _ _ multithreading switches between threads on each instruction causing the execution of multiple threads to be interleaved<===>fine - grained
36. _ _ _ _ _ _ reconstruction speed implies _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ application performance<===>increased, decreased
37. _ _ _ _ _ provides unique register identifiers , instructions from multiple threads can be mixed in the data path without confusing sources and destinations across the threads<===>Register renaming
38. _ _ _ _ transmits digital data as pulses of light<===>Fiber optics
39. A descriptor pointing to a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ segment is placed in the global descriptor table, while a descriptor for a __ _ _ _ _segment is placed in the local descriptor table.<===>shared, private
40. A gigabit per second LAN can fully occupy a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GHZ CPU when running TCP/IP<===>0.8-1.0
41. A multi computer consisting of completely separate computers connected on a local area network are called _ _ _<===>Cluster
42. A quad processor running IIS/Windows 2000 is _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ a dual processor running TUX/LINUX.<===>slower than
43. A SAN that tries to optimize based on shorter distance is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Infiniband
44. A Sequential program in a cluster of N machines has _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the memory available compared to a sequential program in a shared memory multiprocessor.<===>1/N
45. Assume we have a computer where the clock per instruction (cpi) is 1.0 when all memory accesses hit in the cache. The only data accesses are loads and stores and these total 50 % of the instructions. If the miss penalty is 25 clock cycle and miss rate is 2 %,how much faster would the computer be if all the instructions were cache hits.<===>1.75
46. A system _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ occurs when the actual behavior deviates from the specified behavior<===>failure
47. Achieving higher _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ requires improvement in software quality and software fault tolerance.<===>Availability
48. Administering a cluster of N machines is close to the cost of administering<===>N independent machines
49. Alpha 21264 employs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TLBs to reduce address translation time<===>2
50. An attempt to write a block in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state always generates a miss, even if the block is present in the cache , since the block must be made _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>shared ,exclusive
51. Array density is measured as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Tracks/inch on a disk surface*(bits/inch) on a track
52. Assume a disk subsystem with the following components and MTTF . 10 disks, each rated at 1,000,000 - hours MTTF . 1 SCSI controller, 200,000 - hours MTTF. . 1 power supply, 200,000 - hours MTTF . 1 FAN 200,000 - hours MTTF. . 1 SCSI cable, 1,000,000 - hours MTTF. Compute the MTTF of the system as a whole assuming that the age of the component is not important in probability of failure and that failures are independent<===>43,500 hours
53. Assuming that the components lifetimes are exponentially distributed and that failures are independent, compute . 1 power supply, 200,000 - hours MTTFthe failure rate of a disk subsystem with the following components and MTTF. 10 disks, each rated at 1,000,000 - hours MTTF . 1 SCSI controller, 200,000 - hours MTTF.<===>20/1,000,000
54. Astandard VME rack is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ inches wide and about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ feet tall, with a typical depth of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ inches respectively.<===>19,6,30
55. Au1000 includes about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DMA channels and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I/O device controllers on chip respectively.<===>10,20
56. Average memory access time= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>hit time+miss rate*miss penalty
57. Bridges operate at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ layer of the OSI model<===>Data link
58. By limiting the length to 100 meters,``Cat5" wiring can be used for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>1000M bits/sec
59. cache coherence is an accepted requirement in _ _ _ _ _multiprocessors<===>small-scale
60. Cache memory works on the _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Principle of locality
61. Clock rate of PCI is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>33 or 66MHz
62. Clusters are used for the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ computers, NUMA the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ computers<===>largest, smaller
63. Clusters are usually connected using the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the computer<===>I/O bus
64. Clusters gets _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ performance by scaling.<===>high
65. Collaction rates are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ per unit as space requirements increases<===>much cheaper
66. Collaction Sites are designed assuming no more than _ __ _ watts per square foot.<===>100
67. consider a logical address space of eight pages of 1024 words each, mapped on to a physical memory of 32 frames . How many bits are there in the physical address<===>15
68. CPU time = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>(cpu execution clock cycles +memory stall clock cycles)*clock cycle time
69. Data cache performs slightly _ _ _ _ _ with SMT, while the l2 cache performs slightly _ _ _ _<===>worse ,better
70. Depending on the program, a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ victim cache might remove one- quarter of the misses in a 4KB direct mapped data cache<===>four entry
71. Directory requests need to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the set shares and also _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the set to perform invalidations<===>read , update
72. Disk media failures on writes fall into which category of faults?<===>Permanent
73. Ethernet is codified as IEEE standard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>802.3
74. FC-AL can be connected in a loop with up to _ _ _ _ _ devices.<===>127
75. For every 100 NFS operations per second, the capacity must increase by _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>1GB
76. For flash ,assume it takes 65ns to read 1 byte,1.5μs to write 1 byte and 5ms to erase 4KB.What are the times required to read and write a 64KB block to flash memory.<===>4.3,178.3
77. Hardware queuing locks implementation assumes a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ multiprocessor<===>directory-based
78. How many bus transactions are needed to have 10 processors lock and unlock the variable using a queuing lock that updates the lock on a miss?<===>3n-1
79. IBM RAID controller requires _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ disk.<===>FC-AL
80. If an operation is done with out intervening operation then the operation are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>atomic
81. If multiprocessors are attempting to get the lock, each will generate the _ _ _ _ _ _<===>write
82. If the CPU uses a multi level cache with the _ _ _ _ _ property , then every entry in the Primary cache is required to be in the secondary cache<===>inclusion
83. If the memory hierarchies of the two computers are identical, the cpu with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _clock rate has a _ _ number of clock cycles per miss.<===>higher, larger
84. If the number of failures of 58 desktop computers on a traditional LAN are 654 and that these failures are equally distributed among work stations, then what percentage of hours a user on a workstation can't get his work done.<===>0.13 %
85. If the OS uses 50,000 CPU instructions for a disk I/O. What is the maximum IOPS for CPU with 2500 MIPS?<===>50,000 IOPS
86. If the upper level memory is smaller than what is needed for a program and a significant percentage of the time is spend moving data between two levels in the hierarchy, the memory hierarchy is said to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>trash
87. In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , the cpu and the memory is shared among several interactive uses at the same time, giving the illusion that all users have their own computers<===>timesharing
88. In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , portions of the machines address space are assigned to I/O devices.<===>Memory mapped I/O
89. In a directory protocol in which state no processor has a copy of the cache block?<===>uncached
90. In a failure-intolerant LAN if thetotal intervals and intervals of no failures are 8974 and 8605 respectively, then what percentages of hours a user can`t get his work done<===>4.1 %
91. In alpha memory management, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is reserved for the operating system kernel, has uniform protection for the whole space, and does not use memory management<===>kseg
92. In alpha memory management, which protection field allows the kernel to read the data within the page<===>kernel read enable
93. In Performance-tuned organization the disk utilization is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>80 %
94. In the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ case the interleaving of threads eliminate fully empty slots<===>super scalar
95. In which design of I/O system shows the folly of 100 % utilization<===>Response times of the naive cost-preformance design & evaluation
96. In which of the multiprocessors communication of data is done by explicitly passing messages among the processors?<===>message passing multiprocessors
97. In which state exactly one processor has a copy of the cache block and it has written the block , so the memory copy is out of date<===>exclusive
98. Level 3 unshielded twisted pairs was good enough for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ethernet<===>10M bits/sec
99. Linux reconstructs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and Solaris reconstructs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>slowly, quickly
100. Low cost VCRS and camcorders make us of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tapes<===>helical scan
101. Mean-time until data loss (MTDL) increase with _ _ _ __ _ _ _ disk reliability, and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MTTR.<===>Increased, reduced
102. Memory bus has _ _ _ _ bandwidth and _ _ _ latency.<===>higher, lower
103. Memory buses provide _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bandwidth and _ _ _ _ _ _ latency than I/O buses<===>Higher,lower
104. Memory stall cycles= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>number. of misses* miss penalty
105. Miss penalty is measured in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>cpu clock cycles for a miss
106. Multiple writes to the same word with no intervening reads require _ _ _ _ _ _ _ write broadcast in an update protocol<===>multiple
107. N devices generally have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the reliability of a single device<===>1/N
108. Non redundant disk array is often called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _<===>Raid 0
109. Optimization in directory protocols often add complexity by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ possibility of deadlock and by _ _ _ _ _ __ the types of messages that must be handled.<===>increasing ,increasing
110. Replication _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ latency of access and _ _ _ _ __ _ _ contention for a read shared data item<===>reduces , reduces
111. Rewritable DVD drives cost _ _ _ _ _ _ times as much as DVD-ROM drives<===>10
112. Routers are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than Bridges<===>slower
113. Segment registers in the IA - 32 contains and index to a virtual memory data structure called a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ table<===>descriptor
114. Simulation results have shown that sharing everything is key to maximizing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>simultaneous MT
115. Small SMP's with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ processors has much better cost-performance than clusters<===>2-4
116. Smaller computers are generally _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for a given function compared to the larger computers.<===>Cheaper , faster
117. SMT exploits _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ parallelism on a multiple-issue superscalar and hence it is included in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ processors targeted at server markets<===>thread level, high-end
118. Software failures occur _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than Hardware failures<===>much more frequently
119. Split-transaction bus has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ band width, but it usually has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ latency than a bus that is held during the complete transaction<===>Higher, higher
120. Storage device used for embedded applications is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>flash memory
121. Succesful standards include _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cost and stability<===>Low
122. Suppose there are 10 processors on a bus that each they to execute a barrier Simultaneously. Determine the number of bus transactions required for all 10 Processors to reach the barrier, be released from the barrier and exit the barrier<===>204
123. Suppose you have 25 magnetic tapes, each containing 40GB.Assume that you have enough tape readers to keep any network busy. How long will it take to transmit the data over a distance of 1 Km using cat5 twisted pair wires at 100M bits/sec.<===>22.8 hrs
124. Synchronization problems are quite acute in _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ microprocessors<===>large- scale
125. Th advertised average seek time is 5 ms, the transfer rate is 40MB/Sec, it rotates at 10,000 RPM and the controller overhead is 0.1ms. Assume the disk is idle so that there is no queuing delay. What is the average time to read or write a 512 byte sector for a disk?<===>8.11
126. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the CPI execution, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the relative impact of the fixed no of cache miss clock cycles.<===>lower, higher
127. The alpha memory management uses a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ page table to map the address space to keep the size reasonable<===>TLB
128. The behavior of reads and writes to the same memory location is defined as _ _ _<===>coherence
129. The civilian programs are the _ _ _ _ _ _ trusted and hence, have the _ _ _ _ _ _ limited range of accesses<===>most , least
130. The communication system must have mechanisms for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of a message in case of failure<===>Retransmission
131. The cost of building basic synchronization primitives will be too _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and will _ __ _ _ _ _ _ as the processor count increases<===>high,increase
132. The database cost is primarily a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ function of the number of processors.<===>linear
133. The diameter of multimode fiber is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>62.5 microns
134. The disk surface is divided into concentric circle, designated _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Tracks
135. The distributed parity organization is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Raid 5
136. The latency of the 21264 data cache is _ _ _ _ _ _ clock cycles<===>3
137. The loss of signal strength as it passes through a medium, called _ _ _ _ _ _ , limits the length of the fiber<===>Attenuation
138. The processor configuration for the evaluation of an SMT extension starts with an aggressive superscalar that has capacity of existing superscalar processors in 2001.roughly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the<===>double
139. The processors with the sole copy of a cache block is normally called the _ _ _ _ of the cache block.<===>owner
140. The size of the page table is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the page size<===>inversely proportional to
141. The storage overhead of RAID 6 is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ that of RAID 5<===>twice
142. The uniprocessor clusters costs _ _ _ _ _ _ times the two-way SMP option, and the 8 way SMP cluster costs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ times the two way SMP.<===>1.6, 1.1
143. The very first access to a block cannot be in the cache, so the block must the brought into the cache. These are called __ _ _ _ misses<===>compulsory
144. The work-load is gradually _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ until the server software is saturated with hits and the response time _ _ _ Significantly<===>increases, decreases
145. To reduce the address translation time , computers use a cache dedicated to these address translations called a _ _ _ _ _<===>TLB
146. TPC-C cluster scale by a factor of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in price or processors while maintaining respectable cost-performance.<===>8
147. Transaction processing is concerned with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>I/O rate
148. Transferring _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pages to or from secondary storage, possibly over a network, is more efficient than transferring _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pages<===>larger, smaller
149. Vector architectures are the largest class of processors of __ _ _ _ _ type<===>SIMD
150. Virtual memory system include a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bit, since the cost of an unnecessary access to the next lower level is so high<===>dirty
151. What are the local and global miss rates of second level cache if in 1000 memory references there are 40 misses in the first level cache and 20 misses in the second level cache<===>50 % and 2 %
152. what fraction of the original computation can be sequential to achieve a speed up of 80 with 100 processors?<===>0.25
153. What is the bench mark used for evaluating the performance of WWW Servers<===>SPECWEB
154. What is the disk access latency for performance and availability tuned organization<===>41ms
155. What is the interconnection network used in cray T3E multiprocessors?<===>2-way 3D torus
156. What is the maximum number of processes in sun star fire servers ?<===>64
157. What is the miss penalty of L1 cache<===>hit time L2 + miss rate L2 *miss penalty L2
158. What is the number of bus transactions required for all n processors to acquire a lock on a variable simultaneously, assuming they are all spinning when the lock is released at time 0.<===>n2 +2n
159. What is the performance metric of complex query OLTP bench mark<===>new order transactions per minute
160. What is the remote request cost for an application running on a 32- processor Multiprocessors, which has a 400ns time to handle reference to a remote memory. The processors clock rate is 1GHz<===>400 cycles
161. What is the response time of an I/O system with a single disk, if it gets on average 64 I/O requests per second and the average disk service time in 7.8 ms.<===>15.6ms
162. What is the size of L2 Cache in xseries370?<===>1024kB
163. What is the size of the page table, given a 32 bit virtual address, 4 KB pages and 4 bytes per page table entry<===>4MB
164. What is the size of the smallest packet on the Ethernet<===>64 bytes
165. What is the typical remote memory access time of HPV series?<===>1000
166. What is the utilization of seek time per disk, if the time of average seek in 5s with 100 IOPS<===>50 %
167. What message type and contents are to be transmitted from the local cache to the home director when a processor P has a read miss at address A request data and make P a read sharer<===>Read miss P,A
168. when the cpu finds a requested data item in cache, it is called a _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>cache hit
169. Which among the following is a simplex media<===>fiber optics
170. Which among the following is connection oriented<===>ATM
171. Which among the following is not a cache optimization technique<===>reducing the miss penalty or miss rate via serialism
172. Which among the following is not a fault classification in VAX systems<===>design fault
173. Which among the following operate at the network layer of OSI model<===>routers
174. Which design cluster example includes the cost of software, the cost of space, some maintenance costs and operator costs.<===>Cost of cluster options that in more realistic
175. Which directory request sets the shares to the identity of the new owner and the state of the block remains exclusive.<===>write miss
176. Which is the best I/O technique to send large messages?<===>DMA
177. Which is the probable architecture for on-chip multiprocessors<===>SMP
178. Which mechanism allows the same program to run in any location in physical memory<===>Relocation
179. Which miss penalty reduction technique ignores the cpu, concentrating on the interface between the cache and main memory<===>multilevel caches
180. Which miss penalty technique combines writes to sequential words into a single block to create a more efficient transfer of memory<===>merging write buffer
181. Which miss penalty technique is based on the observation that the cpu normally needs just one word of the block at a time<===>critical word first and early restart
182. Which miss rate reduction technique is popular in off chip caches<===>larger caches
183. Which miss rate reduction technique reduces miss rates without any hardware changes<===>compiler optimizations
184. Which of the following is a false statement regarding distributed shared memory multiprocessors.<===>It increases the latency for accesses to the local memory
185. Which of the following is a false statement regarding the I/O processor<===>parallelism they enable is very high
186. Which of the following is a serial I/O bus often used in embedded computers.<===>SPI
187. Which of the following is not a characteristic of TPC bench mark.<===>The benchmark results are not audited
188. Which of the following is not true regarding SAN<===>SANs appreciate dropping packets during congestion is critical for SANS
189. Which of the following statement is false about finegrained multithreading<===>it fastens the execution of the individual threads
190. Which of the following statement is false regarding writeback cache<===>they are not preferable in multiprocessors.
191. Which of the following statement is false<===>Cost of the bus is high
192. Which of the following statement is true about single mode fiber<===>More expensive
193. Which of the following statement is true regarding I/O bus.<===>Have a wide range in the data bandwidth of the devices connected to them
194. Which of the following statements is false about queuing locks<===>They are used to reduce the performance of barrier operation
195. Which of the following statements is not true about blocking<===>blocking algorithms operate on entire rows or columns of an array
196. Which of the following violates rule of thumb<===>No disk string should be utilized less than 40 %
197. Which option for a bus among the following leads to high performance.<===>Synchronous
198. With virtual memory, the cpu produces _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ addresses<===>virtual
199. Write - back caches generate _ _ _ _ _ _ requirements for memory bandwidth , and slightly __ _ _ _ _ _ in complexity<===>lower, increase
200. Write buffers hold the update value of a location needed on a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>read miss


1. -------- is a triplet summary information about sub clusters of objects<===>clustering features
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _are the techniques for approving overall classifier accuracy by learning and combining series of individual classifiers.<===>bagging & boosting
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are the two major types of prediction problems.<===>classification-regression
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a signal processing technique that decomposes a signal into different frequency sub bands.<===>Wavelet transform
5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are modified so as to minimize the mean squared error b/w the networks prediction and the actual class<===>weights of the nodes
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a two step process<===>data classification
7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ methods use statistical measures to remove the least reliable<===>tree pruning
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ performs multidimensional clustering in 2 steps.<===>CLIQUE
9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ verifies whether an object is significantly large or small in relation to the distribution F.<===>discordancy test
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a collection of pointers to spatial objects.<===>spatial measures
11. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is used to identify outliers w.r.t the model.<===>discordancy test
12. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ methods quantize the object space into a finite number of cells that form a grid structure.<===>grid-based methods
13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ notation be used to represent sequence of actions of the same type.<===>+
14. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uses the concept to generalize the data by replacing lower-level data with high-level concepts.<===>attribute oriented induction
15. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are two operators of COBWEB.<===>merging, splitting
16. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can be used to find the most "natural" number of clusters using a silhouette coefficient.<===>CLARANS
17. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ doesn't require a metric distance between the objects.<===>dissimilarity f unction
18. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ find all pairs of gap free windows of a small length that are similar.<===>atomic matching
19. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a dimension whose primitive level data are spatial starting at a certain level, becomes non-spatial.<===>spatial to non-spatial dimensions
20. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a task of mining significant patterns from a plan base.<===>plan mining
21. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is used to access the percentage of samples.<===>precision
22. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is used to improve the efficient of the Apriori algorithm.<===>Iceberg queries
23. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ refers to the preprocessing of data in order to remove noise.<===>data cleaning
24. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stores and manages a large collection of multimedia objects.<===>multimedia database system
25. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are important means of generalization .<===>aggregation, approximation
26. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can be modeled by adding polynomial terms to the basic linear mode.<===>polynomial regression
27. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a optimization method for spatial association analysis.<===>progressive refinement
28. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is one where properties can be inherited from more than one super class.<===>multiple inheritance
29. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the database that consists of sequence of ordered events with / without concrete notions of time.<===>sequence database
30. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ refer to the cycles which are long term oscillations about a trend line/curve which may/may not be periodic.<===>cyclic movements
31. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ regression can be modeled by adding polynomial terms to the basic linear model<===>polynomial
32. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can automatically result in the removal of outliers.<===>Wavelet transform
33. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ compete in a "winner-take-all" fashion for the object that is currently presented to the system<===>competitive learning
34. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ has the ability to automatically adjust the number of classes in a partition.<===>COBWEB
35. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a density-based method that computers an augmented clustering.<===>OPTICS
36. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a simple technique that uses a test set of class-labeled samples.<===>holdout method
37. _ _ _ _ _ are used to incorporate ideas if natural evolution<===>genetic algorithms
38. _ _ _ _ if(x, age > 20) Λ if(x, percentage >= 70) then placement = approved _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is defined in terms of Euclidean distance<===>Closeness between 2 points
39. _ _ _ _ refers to the extraction of knowledge spatial relationships not explicitly stored in spatial databases.<===>spatial data mining
40. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ has complex tasks, graphics, images, videos, maps, voice, music etc.<===>multimedia database
41. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ resembles a nominal variable.<===>discrete ordinal variable
42. A constraint "max(I.marks) >=600" is acceptable for _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _categories.<===>monotone,succinct
43. A constraint such as "avg(I.marks) <= 70" is not a(n) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>anti-monotone
44. A huge amount of space-related data are in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ forms.<===>images
45. A Neural Network containing N hidden Layers is called as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Neural network layered<===>(N+1)
46. A set of items is referred to as a(n) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>itemset
47. A set-valued attribute may be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i) homogenous ii)heterogeneous<===>i or ii
48. Accuracy estimates also help in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>comparison of different classifiers
49. Accuracy is given as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>specificity * (neg/(pos+neg)) + sensitivity *(pos/(pos+neg))
50. AGNES is expanded to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>agglomerative nesting
51. Anti-monotone states _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>if a set cannot pass a test, all its supersets also cannot pass the same test
52. Anti-monotone, monotone, succinct, convertible and inconvertible are five different categories of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ constraints.<===>rule constraints
53. Apart from prediction, the log linier model is also useful for _ _ _ _ _<===>data compression
54. Apriori algorithm employs level-wise search, where k-itemsets uses ------ itemsets.<===>(k+1)
55. Assume the fallow data X(years experience ) y( salary) 02 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 13000 09 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 45000 15 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 75000 03 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 18000 Its β value is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>4698.6
56. Assume the following salary details: X(years experience) Y(salary in Rs.)2 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 13000 9 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 45000 15 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 75000 4 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 18000 The value of x = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>8.5
57. Back propagation is a neural n/w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ algorithm<===>learning
58. Bayes theorem provides a way of calculating which probability<===>posterior
59. Block and consecutive procedures are 2 basic types for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>detecting outliers
60. Bootstrap is also known as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>bagging
61. car => financial from bank [loan=80 %, insurance=20 %] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ are two measures of Association rules.<===>loan,insurance
62. car =>financial from bank [loan=80 %,insuranace=20 %] Association rules are satisfied if they have _ _<===>maximum loan threshold, minimum insurance threshold
63. CF tree has how many parameters?<===>2
64. Classification threshold is also called as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>precision threshold
65. CLASSIT and Auto class are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>statistical approaches
66. Clustering is a form of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>learning by observation
67. Clustering large applications can be shortened as _ _ _ _ _<===>CLARA
68. Consider a spatial association rule Is-a(X,"office") Λ near-by(X,"house") => near-by(X,"university") [ 0.5 % 80 %] The rule states _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ percent of the offices are close to houses.<===>80 %
69. Consider the data Original data: 3 7 2 0 7 2 Moving average of order 3: 4 3 2 6 Weighted(3,4,3) The first weighted average value is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>4.3
70. Consider the following rile Age(A,"18,19, _ _ _ _ _ 29") Λ placement(A,"Infosys,IBM, _ _ _ _ ") Λ purchases(A,"mobile") => purchases(A,"high memory card") Λ purchases(A,"card reader") This rule is highlighted in saying that it has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>repetitive predicate
71. Consider the following rule: If an engineering student inWarangal bought "speech recognition CD" and "MS Office" and "jdk 1.7", it is likely (with a probability of 58 %) that the student also bought SQL Server and "My SQL Server" and 6.5 % of all the students bought all five. The meta rule can be generated in association rule as _ _ _ _<===>lives(S, _,Warangal") Λ sales(S,"speech recognition", _) Λ sales(S,"MS Office", _) Λ sales(S,"jdk 1.7", _) =>sales(S,"SQL Server", _) Λ sales(S,"My SQL Server", _) [6.5 % 58 %]
72. CPT stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Conditional probability table
73. Data which are inconsistent with the remaining set of data is called as _ _ _ _<===>Outliers
74. DBSCAN is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ clustering algorithm<===>density-based methods
75. Decision trees can easily be converted to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rules.<===>If-THEN
76. Density connectivity is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ relation.<===>symmetric
77. DFT and DWT are two popular data-independent transformations where F stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Fourier
78. During Bayesian n/w s incomplete data is referred to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Hidden data
79. During the construction of decision tree induction the tree starts as _ _ _ _ _ _<===>single node
80. Each attribute to simple-valued data for constructing a multi-dimensional data cube are called as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>object cube
81. Each object in a class is associated with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>object identifier & set of attributes
82. Early decision tree algorithms typically assume that the data is from _ _ _ _<===>memory
83. EM is expanded to _ _ _ _ _ _<===>expectation maximization
84. EP stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>emerging patterns
85. Erri = where are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>actual o/p, true o/p
86. For given n objects the complexity of CURE is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>O(n)
87. From the eg. Y= | x, the co-efficient a= ______________<===>y'-βx
88. Gaussian influence function is given as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>e-
89. Grid-based computation is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>query independent
90. If a k-dimensional unit is dense , then its projections are in _ _ _ _ _ _ _dimensional space.<===>(k-1)
91. If a rule concerns associations between the presence or absence of items, it is a _ _<===>Boolean association
92. If a rule describes association between quantitative attributes, it is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Quantitative
93. If a set of rules has same condent,then the rule with highest confidence is selected as _ _ _ to represent the set<===>possible rule
94. If a single distinct predicate exists in single dimensional association rule , it is also called as _ _ _<===>intra dimension association rule
95. If an arc is drawn from node A to node B then A is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of B i)Parent ii)immediate predecessor iii)descendent iv)immediate successor<===>i & ii
96. If in multi dimensional association rule with repeated predicates, which contains multiple occurrences of some predicate certain rules are called as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>hybrid association rule
97. If in the item set {percent <= "59", placement ="no" } whose support increases from 0.7 % is c1 to 92.6 % in c2, the growth rate is _ _ _ _ _ _<===>92.6 %/0.7 %
98. If no repeated predicates exists in multi dimensional association rule is also called as<===>inter dimension association rule
99. If the time interval "int=0" means _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>no interval gap is allowed
100. If the transactional data is The minimum support count is _ _ _ _ _ _<===>2
101. If there are 'm' number of objects within d-neighborhood of an outlier and later it is decided as not an outlier because of its _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ number of neighbors.<===>(m+1)
102. If X=>Y[a=50 %,b=2 %] a(X=>Y) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and<===>P(AUB),P(B/A)
103. In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature, its image includes a composition of multiple features.<===>multi feature composed
104. In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the class label of each training sample is not known, and the number or set of classes to be learned may not be known in advance.<===>unsupervised learning
105. In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the class distribution of the samples in each fold is approximately the same as that in the initial data.<===>stratified cross-validation
106. In a decision tree, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ represents an outcome of the test.<===>branch
107. In a multilayer feed-forward NN the weighted output of hidden layer are inputs to _<===>output layer
108. In cell-based algorithm, if k represents dimensionality and c is a constant. Its complexity is defined as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>O(+n)
109. In Gaussian density function stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>mean & SD
110. In how many approaches does tree pruning work?<===>2
111. In index-based algorithm, if k represents dimensionality and n represents number of objects in the data set. The worst-case complexity is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>O(k*)
112. In which operation Substring from pairs of rules are swapped to form new pair of rules<===>crossover
113. In Y= X, are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>regression coefficients
114. Interval-scaled variables are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ measurements of a linear scale.<===>continuous
115. Into how many independent sets the given data are randomly partitioned in holdout method?<===>2
116. is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Jaccard coefficient
117. is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>simple matching coefficient
118. It is difficult to construct an object cube containing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dimension<===>keyword
119. JEP is a special case of EP , where J stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>jumping
120. Let A[X] be the set of 'n' tuples t1,t2, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tn projected on the attribute set X . Which measure of A[X] is the average pair wise distance between the tuples projected on X?<===>diameter
121. MBR stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ which represents 2 points for rough estimation of a merged region.<===>minimum bounding rectangle
122. Mining _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ specifies the periodic behavior of the time series at some, but not all of the points in time.<===>partial periodic pattern.
123. Most of the partitioning methods cluster objects are based on _ _ _ _ _<===>distance between objects
124. Nave Bayesian classifier is also called as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ classifier.<===>simple Bayesian
125. Neural n/w learning is also referred to as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ learning<===>connectionist
126. Normalization fall within a range of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>-1.0 to +1.0
127. Object-by-object structure is also known as _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Dissimilarity matrix
128. Outlier detection and outlier analysis is a data mining task referred to as _ _ _<===>Outlier mining
129. P(H/X) is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ probability.<===>posterior
130. Percent(A,"70,71 _ _ _ 80") => placement(A,"Infosys") percent(A,"70,71 _ _ _ 80") => placement(A, "Microsoft") percent(A,"70,71 _ _ _ _ 80") => placement(A," Dell") percent(A,"70,71 _ _ _ _ 80") => placement(A,"IBM") These set of rules clearly refer to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rule<===>Multi dimensional association
131. Preprocessing of data in preparation for classification and prediction can involve ------ for normalizing the data.<===>data transformation
132. Rough<===>equivalence
133. Sensitivity & specificity can be used to measure _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>+ve samples & -ve samples
134. SOM stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>self organizing maps
135. Sp = calculates _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>mean absolute deviation
136. Square wave influence function is set to 0(zero) if _ _<===>d(x,y)> σ
137. STING is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ clustering algorithm<===>grid-based methods
138. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is an object is defined as the sum of influence functions of all data points<===>density function
139. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ states that discordant values are not outliers in distribution F, but contaminants from some other distribution G.<===>mixture alternative distribution
140. The _ _ _ _ _ _ algorithm where each cluster is represented byy one of the objects located near the center of cluster.<===>k-medoids
141. The absolute closeness between 2 clusters, normalized w.r.t the internal closeness of two clusters is _ _<===>relative closeness
142. The agglomerative approach is also called as _ _ _ _ _ approach.<===>bottom-up
143. The algorithm of "Training Bayesian Belief Networks" involve which sequence of steps i)compute the gradients ii)renormalize the weights iii)update the weights<===>i, iii, ii
144. The basic algorithm for decision tree induction is _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>greedy algorithm
145. the computational complexity of CLARANS is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>O(n2)
146. The constraint "max(I.marks)<=600" is acceptable by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ categories.<===>antimonotone,succinct
147. The constraint "support(s) is acceptable by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ category.<===>monotone
148. The correlation between the occurrence of A and B can be measured by computing _ _<===>corrA,B = P(A∪B) / (P(A)P(B))u
149. The data matrix is often called as _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>two-mode matrix
150. The data tuples analyzed to build the model collectively form _ _ _<===>training data set
151. The following rule Age(A,"20,21 _ _ _ _ 27") Λ percent(A,"60,61 _ _ _ 80") Λ test(A,"B,B+ _ _ _ _ .A+) =>placement(A,"MNCs") is an example of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Multi dimensional association
152. The larger the value, the greater the proportion of class members that share attribute-value pair This is applicable t o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>intraclass similarity
153. The partitioning of process is referred to as binning and the intervals are considered as _ _ _<===>bins
154. The process of grouping a set of physical objects into classes of similar objects is called as –<===>clusterin
155. The rule "IF NOT A1 AND A2 THEN NOT C1 "is encoded as<===>010
156. The sequence of steps in conceptual clustering are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>clustering,characterization
157. The set X=>Y [a=50 %,b=2 %] is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ item set.<===>2
158. The statement "If any student age is above 20 and their percentage is 70 or more are approved for placement " the rule in rough set theory can be written as _ _ _ _ _ _<===>if(x, age > 20) Λ if(x, percentage >= 70) then placement =approved
159. The tech of updating the weights & biases after the presentation of each sample is<===>case updating
160. TID stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Transaction is associated with an identifier
161. Time series analysis is also referred to as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>decomposition
162. Training set & test set are two sets of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>holdout method
163. Transaction reduction implies _ _ _ _ _ _<===>reducing the number of transactions in the future iteration
164. Wave Cluster is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ algorithm from the following. i)hierarchical ii)density-basediii)grid-based<===>ii & iii
165. Web linkage structures, web contents etc., are included in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>web mining
166. When multi-level association rules are mined, some of the rules found will be redundant due to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ relationships between them.<===>ancestor
167. where m and p are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>number of matches and number of variables
168. Which algorithm facilitates parallel processing?<===>STING
169. Which algorithm is included with certain series of walks through itemset space?<===>random walk through algorithm
170. Which association rule has overcome the disadvantage of Association rules?<===>Distance-based association rules
171. Which categories can be used during association mining to guide the process, leading to more efficient and effective mining?<===>antimonotone, monotone, succinct, convertible
172. Which constraint specify the set of task-relevant data?<===>data constraints
173. Which constraints are applied before mining?<===>knowledge type and data constraints
174. Which constraints may be expressed as Metarules?<===>rule constraints
175. Which method doesn't handle categorical attributes?<===>CURE
176. Which method of estimating classifier samples the given the training instances uniformly with replacement?<===>boot strapping
177. Which method overcame with the problem of favoring clusters with spherical shape and similar sizes?<===>CURE
178. Which method represents each cluster by a certain fixed number of representative objects and shrinks them towards the center of the cluster<===>CURE
179. Which of the following are spatial operators? i)spatial-union ii)spatial-overlapping iii)spatial-intersection iv)spatial-disjoint<===>i,ii,iii
180. Which of the following criteria is not the one used for the comparison of classification and prediction?<===>data cleaning
181. Which regression helps in counting the data frequently?<===>Poisson regression
182. Which step could involve huge computations?<===>prune step
183. Which threshold can be set up for passing down relatively frequent items to lower<===>level-class threshold
184. While _ _ _ _ _ _ _ predicts class, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ models continuous-valued functions.<===>classification-prediction


1. A mechanism to ensure that a database record is identical at the server as well as at the device cache and that only cache records are used for computations in<===>Cache coherence
2. A mobile device cannot store a large database due to<===>Memory constraints
3. A mobile device is the following to server<===>Not always connected
4. Access point is not required in<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
5. Access probabilities of each record and its comparisons with probabilities of other records are<===>Unpredictable in wireless environment
6. Advertisers is example for the following mechanism in distributed computing systems<===>Push based
7. All buckets have the following to the beginning of the next indexed bucket<===>Offset
8. All operations must be complete comes under the following rule in the transaction model<===>Atomicity
9. Asynchronous mechanism has<===>More band width
10. Bandwidth in downstream from server to device is<===>Much larger than the one in upstream from the device
11. Bandwidth in downstream is the following to upstream<===>Larger
12. Blue tooth device can form a network with a devices within a distance of a about 10 m<===>Pico net
13. Bluetooth is<===>Connection oriented protocol
14. Broadcast cycle is extended in the following method<===>Index based method
15. Cache invalidation mechanism follows the following protocol<===>MESI
16. Cache miss occurs if the following time is longer than the time period between two instants of repeating the directory before the broadcasts of records<===>Tuning time
17. Caching of pushed data leads to<===>Reduced access interval
18. Classical internet IPV4 addresses are made up of<===>32 bits
19. Client devices presume that as long as there is no invalidation report, the copy is valid for use in computations in the following approach<===>Asynchronous
20. Communication from server to device is<===>Downlink
21. Context helps in<===>Reducing ambiguity in actions
22. Context of VUI defines the following context<===>Temporal
23. Cost based data replacement method is<===>Caching
24. Cost of cache-misses refers to<===>Time taken in accessing record at server in case that the record not found
25. Data base transaction model enforce the following rules<===>ACID
26. Database hoarding may be done<===>At the application tier itself
27. DB2e is<===>Relational database engine
28. DB2e stands for<===>IBM DB2 every place
29. DB2e supports databases of size up to<===>120 MB
30. DB2e supports<===>Both mobile device and hand held OS
31. Downlink is from<===>Server to devices
32. Downloading ring tone is example of database stored in the following architecture<===>1-tier
33. DSR is<===>Reactive
34. DSR performs<===>Unicasing
35. DSR uses<===>Flooding
36. During daytime the display brightness is increased is of the following context<===>Physical
37. During the time intervals in which unsolicited data is being broadcasted, the device remains<===>Idle
38. Each data packet includes the routing node address in<===>Source routing
39. Each record in cache is called<===>cache-line
40. Ending of a tagged data record is specified by<===>Record
41. Example for fixed infrastructure network is<===>Cellular network
42. Example of hybrid mechanism in distributed computing system is<===>Advertising and setting music albums
43. Examples of integration of mobile phones with IPv4 and IPV6<===>CDMA handsets and Apple iphone
44. Getting ready for caching when selected record of interest broadcasts is<===>Tuning
45. Graph having one input path and one outgoing path is<===>acrylic
46. GSM is used only for<===>Voice communication
47. HTTP layer in TCP/IP protocol suite acts as the following protocol when connecting to internet in wired internet<===>Application layer
48. HTTP stands for<===>Hypertext transfer protocol
49. If the data record is modified at the server then the copy of that record at client device also changes accordingly .This phenomenon is<===>Synchronization
50. If the server respond to many device requests within expected time interval the following mechanism is better<===>Pull based
51. If the transaction cannot be completed then it must be<===>Rolled back
52. In advertising and selling music albums the advertisements are<===>Pushed
53. In MANETS the number of routers may<===>Decrease only
54. In mobile computing large databases are not available on<===>Mobile devices
55. In mobile device database the cached data is<===>Hoarded
56. In push based data is pushed at selected time intervals using the following algorithm<===>Adaptive
57. In query processing the symbol represents<===>Projection
58. In the following after a transaction is completed, the transaction must persist and can t be aborted or discarded<===>Serializable Isolation
59. In the following connection is asymmetric<===>I mode
60. In the following data records are pushed to mobile devices by broadcasting<===>Push based
61. In the following hardware is shared and adapted between the two channels<===>Hybrid
62. In the following mechanism the number of server interruptions may increase<===>Pull based
63. In the following mechanism the server doesn t keep track of the records stored at the device caches<===>Stateless Asynchronous
64. In the following mechanism there are two channels<===>Hybrid
65. In the following method broadcasting contain a fewer bits compared to key and record separately<===>Hash based method
66. In the following two transactions are carried out simultaneously there should not be any interference between the two<===>Isolation
67. In the hash based method hash is broadcasted from<===>server
68. Increased access latency is due to<===>More pushed items
69. Indexing increases<===>Access latency
70. Invalidation means<===>Unusable
71. IPV6 addresses are of<===>128 bits
72. IPV6 is used for<===>Both internet radio and real time video over the internet only
73. MANETS are<===>Self organized
74. MANETS stands for<===>Mobile Adhoc net
75. Mobile communication between mobile device and static computer system is<===>Asymmetric
76. Mobile TV is an example for<===>Multicast
77. No frequent unnecessary transfers of data reports are present in the following approach<===>Synchronous
78. No unsolicited or irrelevant data arrives at the device in the following mechanism<===>Pull based
79. Number of server interruptions can be controlled by<===>Pull threshold
80. OBEX stands for<===>Bluetooth object exchange
81. On demand mode is done in the following mechanism<===>Pull based
82. Power resources at mobile devices are<===>Limited
83. Protocol for transport layer in Bluetooth is<===>OBEX
84. Publish subscribe mode delivery mechanism is done in the following data delivery mechanism<===>Push based
85. Push based data delivery mechanism can also be called as<===>Publish subscribe mode
86. Pushed records are chopped adaptively if the number of pull requests is<===>Increased
87. Pushing the data only once<===>Saves bandwidth
88. QNX is<===>AN RTOS based on UNIX
89. Records are pulled by the mobile devices on demand in the following mechanism<===>Pull based
90. Records changing with time are called as<===>Temporal
91. Retrieving required data from the database server during each computation is<===>Impractical
92. Routing packets to a single destinated address is<===>Unicasting
93. Score of world cup football match is<===>Temporal
94. Server load is reduced by<===>Prefetching
95. Stored queries and procedures define business logic<===>Explicit
96. Symbian V6 is example for<===>Mobile device OS
97. Synchronization is through the following binding over the WAP application layer client or server<===>SyncML
98. taccess is increased in the following method<===>Index based method
99. The available routing path may change in the following network<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
100. The back channel in IPP mechanism is used to send the following for records<===>Pull requests
101. The clock of master functions is reference ford. Child synchronization in<===>Slave
102. The copies cached at the devices are equivalent to the following at the processors in a multiprocessor system with a shared memory<===>Cache memory
103. The data broadcasted from the following is interleaved<===>server
104. The data is not in a contradictory state after the transaction comes under the following rule<===>Consistency
105. The data is pushed as per the subscription for push service by a user in the following mechanism<===>Push based
106. The data stored in database follows<===>Logic
107. The deletion of link shown in a table or cache is called<===>Link reversal
108. The device cache or server has rewritten a database recor5d which can be shared and used for computations comes under the following state<===>Modified
109. The device which discovers the master becomes<===>Slave
110. The device which first establishes a Pico net becomes<===>Master
111. The execution of interrelated instructions in a sequence for a specific operation on a database is<===>Transaction
112. The following architecture doesn t provide HTTP-TLS- TCP-IP layers at the WAP client for interacting with the WAP gateway<===>WAP 1.1
113. The following at the client device may be invalidated<===>Cache record
114. The following caches some specific data, which may be required for further computations<===>Mobile devices
115. The following can prefetch instead of caching from the pushed records keeping future needs in view<===>Client device
116. The following code binds with WSP for connectivity to the internet<===>SyncML
117. The following computing is defined by inter relationships and conditions oc network connectivity protocol<===>Computing
118. The following computing leads to application aware computing<===>Context aware
119. The following connects WAP client to HTTP servers<===>WAP gate way
120. The following context defined the interrelation between time and the occurrence of an event or action<===>Temporal
121. The following context is defines user location, user profile<===>User
122. The following does exchange hello message periodically to listen to disconnected links<===>AODV
123. The following doesnot exchange hello message periodically to listen to disconnected links<===>TORA
124. The following entails requesting for and pulling records that may be required later<===>Perfecting
125. The following entails saving a copy of select data or part of database from the connected system with a large database<===>Servers
126. The following guarantees hopfree routes<===>TORA
127. The following has a structure and overhead<===>Broad cast data
128. The following has been designed to reside at the device<===>IBM DB2 every place
129. The following indicates that the invalidation information for an item is sent as soon as its value changes<===>Asynchronous
130. The following is a process by which a cached data item or record becomes invalid<===>Cache invalidation
131. The following is a process by which client device selects only the required pushed buckets, tunes to them and caches them<===>Selective tuning
132. The following is a tag with a slash sign before the tag<===>Record
133. The following is a technique in which each data bucket is assigned an index at the previous data bucket to enable the device to tune and cache the bucket after the wait as per the offset value<===>Indexing
134. The following is employed for highly dynamic MANETS and provides an improved partial link reversal process<===>TORA
135. The following is generated when a disconnection occurs during transmission from a node to its neighbor<===>Route error packet
136. The following is not example of distributed computing system in push based mechanism<===>Generators of traffic congestion
137. The following is present between the tag and the end tag in XML<===>Record
138. The following is the result of operations on pair of key and record<===>Hash
139. The following is the transmission of data packets in a computer network such that a single destination receives the packets<===>Unicast
140. The following makes more bandwidth efficient<===>Synchronous
141. The following may be due to expiry or modification of record at the database server<===>Invalidation
142. The following mechanism entails broadcasting of the invalidation of cache to all the clients of server<===>Stateless
143. The following mechanism entails cache invalidation reports are sent only to the affected client devices and not broadcasted to all<===>Stateful
144. The following mechanism integrates pushes and pull<===>Hybrid
145. The following mechanism is also known as IPP mechanism<===>Hybrid
146. The following mechanism is best option for the server as they present server overload<===>Push based
147. The following mechanism is means by which the server conveys invalid information to client devices<===>Cache validation
148. The following mechanism provides for adaptation to pull in case when a data record pushed from server is missed<===>Hybrid
149. The following mechanism provides for adaptively to pull in case of an urgent need<===>Hybrid
150. The following method involves broadcasting a directory as over at the beginning of each broadcast cycle<===>Directory method
151. The following mode has much smaller frequency spectrum requirements than that for a node in fixed infrastructure network `<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
152. The following mode is also known as on-demand mode<===>Pull based
153. The following network enables fast establishment of networks<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
154. The following network has access points, base stations or gateways networked together using switches, hubs or routers<===>Fixed infrastructure
155. The following network is not usable in operations like disaster relief<===>Fixed infrastructure
156. The following networks are self organized<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
157. The following nodes have peer to peer connectivity among themselves<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
158. The following of the cached data in the database ensuring that even when the device is in disconnected mode, the data required from the database is available for computing<===>Hoarded
159. The following posses network capacity such that many nodes can send packets to a given destination<===>TORA
160. The following protocol deploys source routing<===>DSR
161. The following protocol reacts to the changes and dynamically maintains only the routing addresses from source to destination in<===>DSR
162. The following pulls the data records from service provider's application databases server in a pull based mechanism<===>User device
163. The following reduces the power requirements as it reduces the number of packets or packets for transmission<===>Aggregation
164. The following reduces the time taken for tuning by client devices<===>Indexing
165. The following requires no external definition for the business logic to function<===>Implicit
166. The following routing algorithm has the feature of stopping the non-productive link reversals in a given portion of the network<===>TORA
167. The following sequence defines one channel<===>Hopping
168. The following serves the websites on the internet<===>Web server
169. The following synchronizes all active devices<===>Master
170. The following takes independent world view and does not require components to have global view of the system<===>Implicit context
171. The following takes place during the interval in which the device is connected to the server or network<===>Caching
172. The following temporally maps the location of buckets<===>Indexes
173. The following transactions are caused due to network failure<===>Retrying
174. The hot records are<===>Most needed database records at client device
175. The key used to search for a record is the following in XML database<===>Tag
176. The location of switches, hubs or router is mobile in<===>Fixed infrastructure
177. The logic of transactions is among the following when comes from within the database<===>Implicit
178. The mobile device is allocated<===>Unlimited bandwidth
179. The number of routers available at any instant can increase or decrease in the following network<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
180. The read operation of a new state starts only after the write operation of previous state is completed in<===>Serializable Isolation
181. The server advertises the following<===>Invalidation information
182. The server data base no longer has a copy of the record which can be shared and used for computation earlier comes under the following state<===>Invalidation
183. The transaction between the API and the database uses an explicitly defined<===>Query
184. The value to be used by the device along with present location and calculate the period of or tuning to next bucket<===>Offset
185. The wireless connectivity range in MANETS include<===>Only nearest node connectivity
186. Through the following cost of cache-misses can be reduced<===>Prefetching
187. Time taken by the device for selection of record is<===>Tuning time
188. TLS is<===>Security protocol
189. TORA is<===>proactive
190. TORA provides<===>multiple routing paths
191. TORA supports<===>bidirectional links
192. Train schedules in a railway time table is an example for<===>Data caching
193. VANETs stand for<===>Vehicular Adhoc network
194. Various Pico nets form an Adhoc network called<===>Scatter net
195. WAP 2.0 is<===>Wireless protocol
196. When the process starts, initially the following is given in header<===>Source address
197. When the server has very little contention the following mechanism is better<===>Pull based
198. Whether the client requires invalidation report or not but every client device gets an invalidation report under the following approach<===>Asynchronous
199. WSP layer in WAP 2.0 acts as the following protocol when connecting to internet on the wireless network<===>Application layer
200. XML databases incorporate the following business logic<===>Implicit

Friday, 14 October 2011

IV B.Tech CSE I Sem II Mid WT Online Bits

1.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ enables you to define a sequence of comma-delimited parameter names and values.<===>
2.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface enables a servelt to formulate a response for a clinet.<===>ServletResponce
3.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface enables servlets to log events and access information about their environment.<===>ServletContext
4.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is for object that need to be available to all pages processing a same request.<===>request scope
5.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is set of classes and interfaces it allows a Java application to handle SQL statements to a database in a window independent way ?<===>JDBC API
6.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ keep the information on the server and pass only an identifier between a browsers and servers.<===>Session tracking
7.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class Provides methods to handle HTTP requests and responses.<===>HttpServer
8.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ elements typically perform some action based on information that is required at the exact time JSP page is required by a browser.<===>Standard action
9.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface allows sessions to be managed.<===>HttpSessionContext
10.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface informs an object that it is bound to or unbound from a session.<===>HttpSessionBindingListener
11.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a connection type that provides access to individual elements through as identifier known as key ?<===>map
12.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a internal to be used by tag heandler to indicate un recoverdabale error ?<===>JspTagException ( )
13.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is declared in JSP scriplet or declaration.<===>scripting variable
14.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the name of the JSP container<===>jasper
15.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method returns the port number.<===>getServerPort( )
16.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ represents pure business data and rules for how to use this data.<===>model
17.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ variable contain a reference to an object represents current response time.<===>response
18.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ allow your application to react to certain events.<===>listener
19.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are typically used as containers for information that describes application entities, such as a customer or an order.<===>Java Beans elements
20.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can be used directly in template text or to assign values to action element attributes.<===>EL expressions
21.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ elements, allow you to add small pieces of code in a JSP page, such as an if statement to generate different HTML depending on a certain condition.<===>Scripting
22.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ file allows a user to specify a value for the cookie named MyCookie.<===>AddCookie.htm
23.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ file displays cookie values.<===>
24.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ file processes the submission of AddCookie.htm.<===>
25.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HTTP Response Header instructs to use or not use persistence.<===>Connection
26.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface provides methods for handling exceptions thrown while evaluating a body of an action elements.<===>TryCatchFinally
27.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a directory for temporary files created by the JSP container and other files.<===>work
28.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a Java class that extends a server with fox for processing a request and providing response.<===>Servlet
29.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the name of the servlet container<===>Catalina
30.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method returns an array of the cookies in this request.<===>getCookies( )
31.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ objects are instances of classes defined by the servlet of JSP specification.<===>implicit
32.     _ _ _ _ _ _ are created as interesting steps towards a release build.<===>milestone builds
33.     _ _ _ _ _ _ class implements the Servlet and ServeltConfig.<===>GenericServlt
34.     _ _ _ _ _ _ class indicates that a servlet error occurred.<===>ServletException
35.     _ _ _ _ _ _ interface indicates that the servlet is thread safe.<===>Single Thread Model
36.     _ _ _ _ _ _ is the attribute name of Java type javax.sql.datasourse.<===>data source
37.     _ _ _ _ _ are small programs that execute on the server side of a web connection.<===>Servlets
38.     _ _ _ _ _ are stable releases that have been tested extensively and verified to comply with the servlet and JSP specification.<===>release builds
39.     _ _ _ _ _ class represents an interface to the generic runtime environment available to simple tag handler.<===>JSPcontext
40.     _ _ _ _ _ jspservice() method available in which jsp class?<===>javax.servlet.jsp.jsppage
41.     _ _ _ _ _ method is invoked only when the servlet is first loaded into memory.<===>init( )
42.     _ _ _ _ interface allows servlets to get initialization of parameters.<===>ServletConfig
43.     _ _ _ is a pure Java web server with support for the servelet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications.<===>tomcat 5
44.     <sp:forward> action stops processing of one page and starts processing a page specified by the page attribute called the<===>target page
45.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a nameframe pair that the server passes to the browser in response header?<===>cookie
46.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method is declared to return an enumeration all the session IDs in the HttpsessionContext interface.<===>getIDs( )
47.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a component that can intercept a request targeted for a servlet.<===>Servlet
48.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is stored on a client and contains state information.<===>Cookie
49.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ action generates an HTML table with all rows from the result.<===><c: forEach>
50.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ is a component that can interpret a request targeted for a servlet, JSP page,or static page, as well as the response before it's sent to the client.<===>filter
51.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ is a java class that extends a server with functionality for processing a request and producing a response.<===>servlet
52.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ is often used in JSP as the container for the dynamic context to be displayed by a web page.<===>bean
53.     A _ _ _ _ _ is a small amount of data that is saved on the clients machine and can be created by and referenced by a Java Servlet<===>cookie
54.     A bean class must have a _ _ _ _ _ _ constructor.<===>no -argument
55.     A class attribute value in the <jsp:usebean> action must be known in the<===>transition phase
56.     A Java servlet can write to the HTTP response header by calling the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method of the HttpServletResponse object.<===>setStatus( )
57.     A Java servlet is capable of tracking sessions by using the _ _ _ _ _ _ .<===>HttpSesion API
58.     A JSP directive elements starts with which identifier?<===>< %@
59.     A servlet can write a cookie to a user's machine via the addCookie( ) method of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface.<===>HttpServletResponse
60.     A servlet container and a JSP container are often combined in one package under the name _ _ _ _ _ _ _.<===>Web Container
61.     A simple tag handler thrown a _ _ _ _ _ exception to tell the container to stop processing a page.<===>SkipPage
62.   A small named data elements are sent to the client and returned to the server when the page is registered ?<===>cookie
63.     A sub interface of JSP ExceptionEngine used in tag servlets to indicates a _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Rrun time error
64.     All servlets must implement the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface.<===>Servlet
65.     An alternative to the _ _ _ _ _ _ standard action is the JSTL <c:set> action.<===><jsp:setproperty>
66.     An interface which specifies column result set ?<===>result set metadata
67.     Business logic code can be handled by<===>Java Beans
68.     c: Jakarta Jakarta-tomcat bin > / E:4096/p this command sets the environment space to _ _<===>4KB
69.     Collection of tags are organized into tag libraries that can be packaged as _ _ _ _ _ files.<===>jar
70.     directive elements are defined in _ _ _ _ _ _ tag.<===>
71.     Drawback of Common Gateway Interface is<===>Not Platform independent
72.     Everything in the page that is not a JSP element is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .<===>template text
73.     Executeupdate( ) method return type is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .<===>int
74.     For each specific database engine an implementation of the interface defined by the JDBC API ? translate the generic calls to the format understood by the engine called As ?<===>JDBC driver
75.     Generating the Java servlet source code from a >jsp file is known as<===>translation time
76.     getCharacterEncoding( ) method is in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface.<===>ServletResponse
77.     Getconnection( ) method is available in which class ?<===>drive manager
78.     How many categories of JSP elements can be grasped?<===>3
79.     How many projects Jakartha includes?<===>3
80.     How many types of drivers exits in Java ?<===>4
81.     How many types of scripting elements are there<===>3
82.     HTTP is _ _ _ _ protocol.<===>stateless
83.     HttpServeltRequest interface enables servlets to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ data to an HTTP requst.<===>read
84.     HttpServeltResponse interface enable servlets to _ _ _ _ _ data to an HTTP response.<===>writ
85.     If something does not work as expected look in the files in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ directory for clues as to what's wrong.<===>logs
86.     In how many ways to include other resources in JSP?<===>2
87.     In HTTP response code 100 indicates<===>continue
88.     In HTTP response codes 3xx species ?<===>Re direction
89.     In HTTP response codes 4XX specifies<===>client error
90.     In HTTP response codes 5XX specifies<===>server error
91.     In Java to see weather the environment variable is set or not, what is the command you can use in windows?<===>echo % java _ HOME %
92.     In JSP page directive content type attribute is of which type specifier?<===>MIME type
93.     In JSP page how many types of builds are available?<===>3
94.     In JSP specification provides a page context object provides how many levels of attributes?<===>3
95.     In JSP taglib directive may contain how many attributes?<===>2
96.     In JSP to returns the exception that caused ?<===>get Rroot canse ( )
97.     In JSP, javax.Servlet.Jsp..jsp Factory is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Abstract class
98.     In JSP, javax.Servlet.Jsp.JspPage is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Inter face
99.     In JSP, Ccontext is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>abstract class
100.  In MVC terms, the Model corresponds to<===>Business logic and data
101.  In testing Tomcat, if something does not work as expected, you will look into which directory?<===>/logs
102.  In the development of Tomcat, which you can use from the following?<===>Nightly builds
103.  In value attribute code, the value of expression must be<===>string
104.  In which directory temporary files created by JSP container and other files?<===>/work
105.  In which directory Windows batch files used for starting and stopping the server?<===>/bin
106.  In which interface provides information about structures and capabilities of database ?<===>database meta data
107.  In which of the following JSP page directive is used to copy static text into JSP source code?<===>
108.  Integer or Int datatype can occupy how many bits in SQL ?<===>32 bits
109.  J2EE defines more flexible way to make a data source or any other shared resources available through a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?<===>JNDI
110.  JCA stands for<===>JSP connection Architecture
111.  JNDI stands for ?<===>Java Naming and Directory Interface
112.  JRE stands for<===>Java Runtime Environment
113.  JSDK stands for<===>Java Servlet Development Kit
114.  JSP action elements can be invoked at<===>run time
115.  JSP is an integral part of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.<===>J2EE
116.  JSP pages are _ _ _ _ for efficient server processing.<===>Compiled
117.  JSP stands for<===>Java Server Pages
118.  JTA stands for<===>Java Transaction API
119.  Match the following 1. comments ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; a) 2. expressions ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; b) 3. scriplet ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; c) 4. declarations ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; d)<===>1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b
120.  Mmapping tag libraries can be done in which file?<===>xml
121.  Most databases interpret the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ part of the start of a comment, so what ever comes after these characters is ignored.<===>
122.  Most operating system vendors have their own _ _ _ _ implementation available for free.<===>sdk
123.  Object in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are available to all request made from same browser.<===>session
124.  OCI stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Oracle Call Interface
125.  On a page reference starts with / its interrupted relative to the top directory for the applications web page files, this is called<===>context relative path
126.  PATH environment variable is located in which directory?<===>bin
127.  Precompiled SQL statements can be written by which class ?<===>prepared statement
128.  Resultset is of which type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>interface
129.  Statement used to execute _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SQL strings ?<===>static
130.  Struts is a _ _ _ _ _ _ frame work.<===>large
131.  Struts is a highly configurable _ _ _ _ _ .<===>servlet
132.  Template text can be used as<===>WML
133.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class extends ServletException.<===>UnavailableException
134.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method is dangerous to use, because they can corrupt the server's state machine.<===>getServlet( )
135.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method returns the value of the server attribute named attr.<===>Object getAttribute(string attr)
136.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class extends GenericServlet.<===>HttpServlet
137.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ created based on the context parameter information show earlier or by the <sql.setdatasource> action does not represent a connection pool.<===>data source
138.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ package contains several interfaces and classes that are commonly used by servelet developers.<===>javax.servlet.http
139.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ directory contains Unix scripts for starting & stopping the server.<===>bin
140.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ directory for the example application contains a no of JAR files<===>lib
141.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method declared by the Servlet interface returns a ServletConfig object.<===>getServeltConfig( )
142.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method is called in the Java Servlet depending on the method Used by the Client.<===>doGet( ) or doPost( )
143.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method obtains the name that is being bound (or) unbound.<===>getName( )
144.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ action replaces a place holder, marked with question mark ( ?) in the SQL statement with a value.<===><4sql:param >
145.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class extends Eventobject.<===>HttpSessionBindingEvent
146.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class provides static methods, that are useful for servlet developer.<===>Httputils
147.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method is called by the servlet to obtain initialization parameters.<===>getServletConfig( )
148.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ page uses the JSTL <c:if> action and the custom action to validate all user input.<===>validate.jsp
149.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ action can create an instance of any class that has a no-arguments constructor like the class.<===>< jsp.usebean>
150.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ action can only be used in the body of a JSP element.<===>< jsp:getproperty>
151.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ actions reads information from a database using SQL select statement, specified elements body or a SQL attribute value.<===><sql:query>
152.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ elements, specify information about the page itself that remains the same between requests.<===>directive
153.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ is also responsible for invoking the JSP page implementation class to process each request and generate the response.<===>JSP container
154.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ is invoked when a form on a web page is submitted.<===>servlet
155.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ is often implemented as a servlet configured to handle all requests for JSP pages.<===>JSP Container
156.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ method is used to notify the client that an error has occurred.<===>sendError( )
157.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ method returns an array of Cookie objects.<===>getCookies( )
158.  The _ _ _ _ _ method returns a struts action forward instance, containing information about the JSP that should be invoked to render the response.<===>perform( )
159.  The _ _ _ _ servlet uses parts of the request URI to figure out which type of request it is, located the corresponding action Class, and invokes the perform( ) method.<===>struts
160.  The action is part of the<===>JSTL
161.  The anatomy of a JSP page contains<===>JSP element and template text
162.  The bean class should implement the _ _ _ _ _ _ interface to allow a tool to save and restore the bean's state.<===>
163.  The beans can be changed into proxies for one or more EJB session beans acting as part of the controller for the application.<===>utility bean
164.  The container means an instance of ErrorData available for JSPsp error pages through the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the<===>page context
165.  The data source attribute imported by all JSTL database actions also accepts a _ _ _ _ _ path.<===>JNDI
166.  The default scope for object are<===>page scope
167.  The extension rule, using the extension _ _ _ _ _ _ , is the one that's recommended for mapping requests that should be processed by Struts.<===>.do
168.  The getSession( ) method obtains the session to which the listener is being bound or unbound. Its signature is<===>HttpSession getSession( )
169.  The init( ) method declared by the Servlet interface receives a _ _ _ _ _ _ object as its argument.<===>ServletConfig
170.  The JSP _ _ _ _ also supports access to bean properties.<===>Expression language
171.  The nice thing about using a bean is that it can _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all information about the item it represents in one simple package.<===>encapsulate
172.  The out variable is assigned to a concrete subclass of _ _ _ _ _ _ abstract class by the web container?<===>JSP writer
173.  The problem with servlets is<===>Processing the request and generating the response are both handled by a single servlet class
174.  The process of converting objects to a stream of bytes that can be stored in a file or transmitted network is<===>serialization
175.  The request generated by the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ action is an instance of the javax.servlet.jsp.jstl .sql.result class.<===><sql: query>
176.  The return type of destroy( ) method is<===>void
177.  The return type of getLastModified( ) method is<===>long
178.  The return type of getParameterValues( ) method is<===>String[ ]
179.  The Return type of getSerletInfo( ) method is<===>String
180.  The return type of getServerPort( ) method is<===>int
181.  The return type of getValue( ) method in the cookie class is<===>String
182.  The return type of isNew( ) method is<===>boolean
183.  The server calls the _ _ _ method to relinquish any resources, such as file handles that are allocated for the servlet.<===>destroy( )
184.  The term which is not related web application deployment<===>Collections
185.  The value returned by <jsp:getproperty> an EL expression directory in template text or <c:out> is always converted to a _ _ _<===>string
186.  TLD stands for<===>tag library descriptor
187.  To create new constructor in JSP with no error me ssnages ?<===>jJsp Exception ( )
188.  To invoke stored procedures you can use which class ?<===>callable statement
189.  Tomcat can be configured to use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ instead of the javac compiler available in the java 2 SDK from Sun.<===>jikies
190.  Tomcat configuration files are stored in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ directory<===>conf
191.  Tomcat is pure<===>web server
192.  Using prepared statements you can avoid which type of errors ?<===>dynamic syntax errors
193.  WEB-INF directory contains which file and directory?<===>web.xml, lib, and classes
194.  What is HTTP 1.1 status code for resource not found?<===>404
195.  What is successful status on HTTP message?<===>200
196.  What is the default location for applications served by tomcat?<===>/webapps
197.  What is the default port number, which is used in Tomcat server?<===>8080
198.  What is the default shell for Linux ?<===>bash
199.  What is the error message you run startup.bat file in Windows 95/98/ME?<===>out of environment space
200.  What is the operation of the following method ? void log(Exception e, String s)<===>Write s and the stack trace for e to the server log
201.  When browser sends request to a server it checks its _ _ _ _ _ _ and include all cookies it has received from the same server.<===>cookie JAR
202.  When fixed servlet is loaded, which of the following method is called by the container?<===>init( )
203.  Which attribute of the page directive is used to handle run time exceptions?<===>errorpage
204.  Which class manages a list of database drivers ?<===>driver manager
205.  Which directory contains the application deployment description?<===>/WEB-INF
206.  Which file contains information about security requirements in JSP page?<===>web.xml
207.  Which file is the main script for controlling the server?<===>catalina.bat
208.  Which is deployed when creating the context path?<===>.war
209.  Which method is the heart of the JSP request processing logic?<===>jspService()
210.  Which method will be faster at compile time?<===>
211.  Which method will be faster at run time?<===>
212.  Which method will be invoked in HTTP request processing?<===>DELETE
213.  Which method you can use to execute SQL select statement and to return a result set?<===>executequery ( )
214.  Which methods you must call once more the iterator to the first row ?<===>next( )
215.  Which of the following action can only be used in the body of is a action ?<===>
216.  Which of the following action obtains the current value of a bean property and inserts it directly into the response body ?<===>< jsp:getproperty >
217.  Which of the following build is very unstable?<===>nightly builds
218.  Which of the following class allows state information to be stored on a client machine?<===>Cookie
219.  Which of the following Class indicates when a listener is bound to or unbound from a session value?<===>HttpSession BindingEvent
220.  Which of the following class is the super class for all JSP released exception?<===>JspException ( )
221.  Which of the following HTTPResponseHeader that indicates the number of seconds to wait before asking for a page update?<===>Refresh
222.  Which of the following HTTPResponseHeader, that specifies the time in milliseconds when document is out of date?<===>Expires
223.  Which of the following is a standard action element of JSP?<===><jsp:include>
224.  Which of the following is a subdirectory of tomcat home directory?<===>logs
225.  Which of the following is a subdirectory of tomcat home directory?<===>work
226.  Which of the following is not a Class in javax.servelt.http package?<===>HttpSession
227.  Which of the following is not a JSP directory?<===>useBean
228.  Which of the following is not a method in HttpServlet class?<===>doTest( )
229.  Which of the following is not a popular technology for developing dynamic web sites?`<===>HPH
230.  Which of the following is not an interface of javax.servlet.http package?<===>HttpServerRequest
231.  Which of the following is not an interface?<===>GenericServlet
232.  Which of the following is not JDBC own class for date and time values ?<===>java.sql.result set
233.  Which of the following method comes under ServletContext interface?<===>getRealpath( )
234.  Which of the following method comes under ServletResponse interface?<===>getCharacterEncoding( )
235.  Which of the following method is not central to the life cycle of a servlet?<===>Thread( )
236.  Which of the following method is not in servletRequest interface?<===>getMimeType( )
237.  Which of the following method is related HttpServletResponse interface?<===>encodeURL( )
238.  Which of the following package is required to build servlets ?<===>javax.servlet.http
239.  Which of the following returns the session ID?<===>getID( )
240.  Which of the following scripting element is used for a block of code to be executed?<===>Scriptlets
241.  Which of the following scripting element is used to declare variables and methods in the JSP page implementation class?<===>
242.  Which of the following scripting element is used to embed scripting code expressions when the result shall be added to the response<===>
243.Which of the following scripting element used to embed scripting code?<===>
244.  Which of the following standard action can be used to provide support for cookie genuine tracking?<===>
245.  Which of the following standard action element makes a Java Beans component available in a page?<===><jsp:useBean>
246.  Which of the following standard action elements adds a parameter value to a request of to another servlet or JSP page?<===>
247.  Which of the following utility enables you to test some of the servlets that you create?<===>Servletrunner
248.  Which one of the following is not a database ?<===>Sap
249.  Which one of the following supports for a modular design?<===>struts
250.  Which one of the following supports for mapping of symbolic page names to the real UR Is?<===>struts
251.  Which protocol we will use in web applications?<===>HTTP
252.  Which type diver translates JDBC to ODBC and relies on an ODBC driver to communicate with the database ?<===>type- 1 driver
253.  Which type driver is a pure Java client library for data base ?<===>type -3 driver
254.  Which type driver is a pure Java library that translate JDBC requests directly to database - specific protocol ?<===>type - 4 driver
255.  Which type driver is written partly in Java and partly in native code<===>type -2 driver
256.  Who is not contributing to Tomcat from the following?<===>Microsoft
257.  WML stands for<===>Wireless Markup Language