Friday, 14 October 2011

IV B.Tech CSE I Sem II Mid WT Online Bits

1.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ enables you to define a sequence of comma-delimited parameter names and values.<===>
2.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface enables a servelt to formulate a response for a clinet.<===>ServletResponce
3.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface enables servlets to log events and access information about their environment.<===>ServletContext
4.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is for object that need to be available to all pages processing a same request.<===>request scope
5.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is set of classes and interfaces it allows a Java application to handle SQL statements to a database in a window independent way ?<===>JDBC API
6.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ keep the information on the server and pass only an identifier between a browsers and servers.<===>Session tracking
7.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class Provides methods to handle HTTP requests and responses.<===>HttpServer
8.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ elements typically perform some action based on information that is required at the exact time JSP page is required by a browser.<===>Standard action
9.        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface allows sessions to be managed.<===>HttpSessionContext
10.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface informs an object that it is bound to or unbound from a session.<===>HttpSessionBindingListener
11.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a connection type that provides access to individual elements through as identifier known as key ?<===>map
12.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a internal to be used by tag heandler to indicate un recoverdabale error ?<===>JspTagException ( )
13.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is declared in JSP scriplet or declaration.<===>scripting variable
14.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the name of the JSP container<===>jasper
15.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method returns the port number.<===>getServerPort( )
16.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ represents pure business data and rules for how to use this data.<===>model
17.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ variable contain a reference to an object represents current response time.<===>response
18.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ allow your application to react to certain events.<===>listener
19.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are typically used as containers for information that describes application entities, such as a customer or an order.<===>Java Beans elements
20.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can be used directly in template text or to assign values to action element attributes.<===>EL expressions
21.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ elements, allow you to add small pieces of code in a JSP page, such as an if statement to generate different HTML depending on a certain condition.<===>Scripting
22.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ file allows a user to specify a value for the cookie named MyCookie.<===>AddCookie.htm
23.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ file displays cookie values.<===>
24.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ file processes the submission of AddCookie.htm.<===>
25.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HTTP Response Header instructs to use or not use persistence.<===>Connection
26.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface provides methods for handling exceptions thrown while evaluating a body of an action elements.<===>TryCatchFinally
27.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a directory for temporary files created by the JSP container and other files.<===>work
28.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a Java class that extends a server with fox for processing a request and providing response.<===>Servlet
29.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the name of the servlet container<===>Catalina
30.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method returns an array of the cookies in this request.<===>getCookies( )
31.     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ objects are instances of classes defined by the servlet of JSP specification.<===>implicit
32.     _ _ _ _ _ _ are created as interesting steps towards a release build.<===>milestone builds
33.     _ _ _ _ _ _ class implements the Servlet and ServeltConfig.<===>GenericServlt
34.     _ _ _ _ _ _ class indicates that a servlet error occurred.<===>ServletException
35.     _ _ _ _ _ _ interface indicates that the servlet is thread safe.<===>Single Thread Model
36.     _ _ _ _ _ _ is the attribute name of Java type javax.sql.datasourse.<===>data source
37.     _ _ _ _ _ are small programs that execute on the server side of a web connection.<===>Servlets
38.     _ _ _ _ _ are stable releases that have been tested extensively and verified to comply with the servlet and JSP specification.<===>release builds
39.     _ _ _ _ _ class represents an interface to the generic runtime environment available to simple tag handler.<===>JSPcontext
40.     _ _ _ _ _ jspservice() method available in which jsp class?<===>javax.servlet.jsp.jsppage
41.     _ _ _ _ _ method is invoked only when the servlet is first loaded into memory.<===>init( )
42.     _ _ _ _ interface allows servlets to get initialization of parameters.<===>ServletConfig
43.     _ _ _ is a pure Java web server with support for the servelet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications.<===>tomcat 5
44.     <sp:forward> action stops processing of one page and starts processing a page specified by the page attribute called the<===>target page
45.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a nameframe pair that the server passes to the browser in response header?<===>cookie
46.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method is declared to return an enumeration all the session IDs in the HttpsessionContext interface.<===>getIDs( )
47.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a component that can intercept a request targeted for a servlet.<===>Servlet
48.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is stored on a client and contains state information.<===>Cookie
49.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ action generates an HTML table with all rows from the result.<===><c: forEach>
50.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ is a component that can interpret a request targeted for a servlet, JSP page,or static page, as well as the response before it's sent to the client.<===>filter
51.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ is a java class that extends a server with functionality for processing a request and producing a response.<===>servlet
52.     A _ _ _ _ _ _ is often used in JSP as the container for the dynamic context to be displayed by a web page.<===>bean
53.     A _ _ _ _ _ is a small amount of data that is saved on the clients machine and can be created by and referenced by a Java Servlet<===>cookie
54.     A bean class must have a _ _ _ _ _ _ constructor.<===>no -argument
55.     A class attribute value in the <jsp:usebean> action must be known in the<===>transition phase
56.     A Java servlet can write to the HTTP response header by calling the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method of the HttpServletResponse object.<===>setStatus( )
57.     A Java servlet is capable of tracking sessions by using the _ _ _ _ _ _ .<===>HttpSesion API
58.     A JSP directive elements starts with which identifier?<===>< %@
59.     A servlet can write a cookie to a user's machine via the addCookie( ) method of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface.<===>HttpServletResponse
60.     A servlet container and a JSP container are often combined in one package under the name _ _ _ _ _ _ _.<===>Web Container
61.     A simple tag handler thrown a _ _ _ _ _ exception to tell the container to stop processing a page.<===>SkipPage
62.   A small named data elements are sent to the client and returned to the server when the page is registered ?<===>cookie
63.     A sub interface of JSP ExceptionEngine used in tag servlets to indicates a _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Rrun time error
64.     All servlets must implement the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface.<===>Servlet
65.     An alternative to the _ _ _ _ _ _ standard action is the JSTL <c:set> action.<===><jsp:setproperty>
66.     An interface which specifies column result set ?<===>result set metadata
67.     Business logic code can be handled by<===>Java Beans
68.     c: Jakarta Jakarta-tomcat bin > / E:4096/p this command sets the environment space to _ _<===>4KB
69.     Collection of tags are organized into tag libraries that can be packaged as _ _ _ _ _ files.<===>jar
70.     directive elements are defined in _ _ _ _ _ _ tag.<===>
71.     Drawback of Common Gateway Interface is<===>Not Platform independent
72.     Everything in the page that is not a JSP element is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .<===>template text
73.     Executeupdate( ) method return type is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .<===>int
74.     For each specific database engine an implementation of the interface defined by the JDBC API ? translate the generic calls to the format understood by the engine called As ?<===>JDBC driver
75.     Generating the Java servlet source code from a >jsp file is known as<===>translation time
76.     getCharacterEncoding( ) method is in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ interface.<===>ServletResponse
77.     Getconnection( ) method is available in which class ?<===>drive manager
78.     How many categories of JSP elements can be grasped?<===>3
79.     How many projects Jakartha includes?<===>3
80.     How many types of drivers exits in Java ?<===>4
81.     How many types of scripting elements are there<===>3
82.     HTTP is _ _ _ _ protocol.<===>stateless
83.     HttpServeltRequest interface enables servlets to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ data to an HTTP requst.<===>read
84.     HttpServeltResponse interface enable servlets to _ _ _ _ _ data to an HTTP response.<===>writ
85.     If something does not work as expected look in the files in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ directory for clues as to what's wrong.<===>logs
86.     In how many ways to include other resources in JSP?<===>2
87.     In HTTP response code 100 indicates<===>continue
88.     In HTTP response codes 3xx species ?<===>Re direction
89.     In HTTP response codes 4XX specifies<===>client error
90.     In HTTP response codes 5XX specifies<===>server error
91.     In Java to see weather the environment variable is set or not, what is the command you can use in windows?<===>echo % java _ HOME %
92.     In JSP page directive content type attribute is of which type specifier?<===>MIME type
93.     In JSP page how many types of builds are available?<===>3
94.     In JSP specification provides a page context object provides how many levels of attributes?<===>3
95.     In JSP taglib directive may contain how many attributes?<===>2
96.     In JSP to returns the exception that caused ?<===>get Rroot canse ( )
97.     In JSP, javax.Servlet.Jsp..jsp Factory is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Abstract class
98.     In JSP, javax.Servlet.Jsp.JspPage is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Inter face
99.     In JSP, Ccontext is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>abstract class
100.  In MVC terms, the Model corresponds to<===>Business logic and data
101.  In testing Tomcat, if something does not work as expected, you will look into which directory?<===>/logs
102.  In the development of Tomcat, which you can use from the following?<===>Nightly builds
103.  In value attribute code, the value of expression must be<===>string
104.  In which directory temporary files created by JSP container and other files?<===>/work
105.  In which directory Windows batch files used for starting and stopping the server?<===>/bin
106.  In which interface provides information about structures and capabilities of database ?<===>database meta data
107.  In which of the following JSP page directive is used to copy static text into JSP source code?<===>
108.  Integer or Int datatype can occupy how many bits in SQL ?<===>32 bits
109.  J2EE defines more flexible way to make a data source or any other shared resources available through a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?<===>JNDI
110.  JCA stands for<===>JSP connection Architecture
111.  JNDI stands for ?<===>Java Naming and Directory Interface
112.  JRE stands for<===>Java Runtime Environment
113.  JSDK stands for<===>Java Servlet Development Kit
114.  JSP action elements can be invoked at<===>run time
115.  JSP is an integral part of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.<===>J2EE
116.  JSP pages are _ _ _ _ for efficient server processing.<===>Compiled
117.  JSP stands for<===>Java Server Pages
118.  JTA stands for<===>Java Transaction API
119.  Match the following 1. comments ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; a) 2. expressions ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; b) 3. scriplet ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; c) 4. declarations ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; d)<===>1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b
120.  Mmapping tag libraries can be done in which file?<===>xml
121.  Most databases interpret the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ part of the start of a comment, so what ever comes after these characters is ignored.<===>
122.  Most operating system vendors have their own _ _ _ _ implementation available for free.<===>sdk
123.  Object in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are available to all request made from same browser.<===>session
124.  OCI stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>Oracle Call Interface
125.  On a page reference starts with / its interrupted relative to the top directory for the applications web page files, this is called<===>context relative path
126.  PATH environment variable is located in which directory?<===>bin
127.  Precompiled SQL statements can be written by which class ?<===>prepared statement
128.  Resultset is of which type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<===>interface
129.  Statement used to execute _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SQL strings ?<===>static
130.  Struts is a _ _ _ _ _ _ frame work.<===>large
131.  Struts is a highly configurable _ _ _ _ _ .<===>servlet
132.  Template text can be used as<===>WML
133.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class extends ServletException.<===>UnavailableException
134.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method is dangerous to use, because they can corrupt the server's state machine.<===>getServlet( )
135.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method returns the value of the server attribute named attr.<===>Object getAttribute(string attr)
136.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class extends GenericServlet.<===>HttpServlet
137.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ created based on the context parameter information show earlier or by the <sql.setdatasource> action does not represent a connection pool.<===>data source
138.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ package contains several interfaces and classes that are commonly used by servelet developers.<===>javax.servlet.http
139.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ directory contains Unix scripts for starting & stopping the server.<===>bin
140.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ directory for the example application contains a no of JAR files<===>lib
141.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method declared by the Servlet interface returns a ServletConfig object.<===>getServeltConfig( )
142.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method is called in the Java Servlet depending on the method Used by the Client.<===>doGet( ) or doPost( )
143.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method obtains the name that is being bound (or) unbound.<===>getName( )
144.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ action replaces a place holder, marked with question mark ( ?) in the SQL statement with a value.<===><4sql:param >
145.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class extends Eventobject.<===>HttpSessionBindingEvent
146.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class provides static methods, that are useful for servlet developer.<===>Httputils
147.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method is called by the servlet to obtain initialization parameters.<===>getServletConfig( )
148.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ page uses the JSTL <c:if> action and the custom action to validate all user input.<===>validate.jsp
149.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ action can create an instance of any class that has a no-arguments constructor like the class.<===>< jsp.usebean>
150.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ action can only be used in the body of a JSP element.<===>< jsp:getproperty>
151.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ actions reads information from a database using SQL select statement, specified elements body or a SQL attribute value.<===><sql:query>
152.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ elements, specify information about the page itself that remains the same between requests.<===>directive
153.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ is also responsible for invoking the JSP page implementation class to process each request and generate the response.<===>JSP container
154.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ is invoked when a form on a web page is submitted.<===>servlet
155.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ is often implemented as a servlet configured to handle all requests for JSP pages.<===>JSP Container
156.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ method is used to notify the client that an error has occurred.<===>sendError( )
157.  The _ _ _ _ _ _ method returns an array of Cookie objects.<===>getCookies( )
158.  The _ _ _ _ _ method returns a struts action forward instance, containing information about the JSP that should be invoked to render the response.<===>perform( )
159.  The _ _ _ _ servlet uses parts of the request URI to figure out which type of request it is, located the corresponding action Class, and invokes the perform( ) method.<===>struts
160.  The action is part of the<===>JSTL
161.  The anatomy of a JSP page contains<===>JSP element and template text
162.  The bean class should implement the _ _ _ _ _ _ interface to allow a tool to save and restore the bean's state.<===>
163.  The beans can be changed into proxies for one or more EJB session beans acting as part of the controller for the application.<===>utility bean
164.  The container means an instance of ErrorData available for JSPsp error pages through the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the<===>page context
165.  The data source attribute imported by all JSTL database actions also accepts a _ _ _ _ _ path.<===>JNDI
166.  The default scope for object are<===>page scope
167.  The extension rule, using the extension _ _ _ _ _ _ , is the one that's recommended for mapping requests that should be processed by Struts.<===>.do
168.  The getSession( ) method obtains the session to which the listener is being bound or unbound. Its signature is<===>HttpSession getSession( )
169.  The init( ) method declared by the Servlet interface receives a _ _ _ _ _ _ object as its argument.<===>ServletConfig
170.  The JSP _ _ _ _ also supports access to bean properties.<===>Expression language
171.  The nice thing about using a bean is that it can _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all information about the item it represents in one simple package.<===>encapsulate
172.  The out variable is assigned to a concrete subclass of _ _ _ _ _ _ abstract class by the web container?<===>JSP writer
173.  The problem with servlets is<===>Processing the request and generating the response are both handled by a single servlet class
174.  The process of converting objects to a stream of bytes that can be stored in a file or transmitted network is<===>serialization
175.  The request generated by the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ action is an instance of the javax.servlet.jsp.jstl .sql.result class.<===><sql: query>
176.  The return type of destroy( ) method is<===>void
177.  The return type of getLastModified( ) method is<===>long
178.  The return type of getParameterValues( ) method is<===>String[ ]
179.  The Return type of getSerletInfo( ) method is<===>String
180.  The return type of getServerPort( ) method is<===>int
181.  The return type of getValue( ) method in the cookie class is<===>String
182.  The return type of isNew( ) method is<===>boolean
183.  The server calls the _ _ _ method to relinquish any resources, such as file handles that are allocated for the servlet.<===>destroy( )
184.  The term which is not related web application deployment<===>Collections
185.  The value returned by <jsp:getproperty> an EL expression directory in template text or <c:out> is always converted to a _ _ _<===>string
186.  TLD stands for<===>tag library descriptor
187.  To create new constructor in JSP with no error me ssnages ?<===>jJsp Exception ( )
188.  To invoke stored procedures you can use which class ?<===>callable statement
189.  Tomcat can be configured to use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ instead of the javac compiler available in the java 2 SDK from Sun.<===>jikies
190.  Tomcat configuration files are stored in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ directory<===>conf
191.  Tomcat is pure<===>web server
192.  Using prepared statements you can avoid which type of errors ?<===>dynamic syntax errors
193.  WEB-INF directory contains which file and directory?<===>web.xml, lib, and classes
194.  What is HTTP 1.1 status code for resource not found?<===>404
195.  What is successful status on HTTP message?<===>200
196.  What is the default location for applications served by tomcat?<===>/webapps
197.  What is the default port number, which is used in Tomcat server?<===>8080
198.  What is the default shell for Linux ?<===>bash
199.  What is the error message you run startup.bat file in Windows 95/98/ME?<===>out of environment space
200.  What is the operation of the following method ? void log(Exception e, String s)<===>Write s and the stack trace for e to the server log
201.  When browser sends request to a server it checks its _ _ _ _ _ _ and include all cookies it has received from the same server.<===>cookie JAR
202.  When fixed servlet is loaded, which of the following method is called by the container?<===>init( )
203.  Which attribute of the page directive is used to handle run time exceptions?<===>errorpage
204.  Which class manages a list of database drivers ?<===>driver manager
205.  Which directory contains the application deployment description?<===>/WEB-INF
206.  Which file contains information about security requirements in JSP page?<===>web.xml
207.  Which file is the main script for controlling the server?<===>catalina.bat
208.  Which is deployed when creating the context path?<===>.war
209.  Which method is the heart of the JSP request processing logic?<===>jspService()
210.  Which method will be faster at compile time?<===>
211.  Which method will be faster at run time?<===>
212.  Which method will be invoked in HTTP request processing?<===>DELETE
213.  Which method you can use to execute SQL select statement and to return a result set?<===>executequery ( )
214.  Which methods you must call once more the iterator to the first row ?<===>next( )
215.  Which of the following action can only be used in the body of is a action ?<===>
216.  Which of the following action obtains the current value of a bean property and inserts it directly into the response body ?<===>< jsp:getproperty >
217.  Which of the following build is very unstable?<===>nightly builds
218.  Which of the following class allows state information to be stored on a client machine?<===>Cookie
219.  Which of the following Class indicates when a listener is bound to or unbound from a session value?<===>HttpSession BindingEvent
220.  Which of the following class is the super class for all JSP released exception?<===>JspException ( )
221.  Which of the following HTTPResponseHeader that indicates the number of seconds to wait before asking for a page update?<===>Refresh
222.  Which of the following HTTPResponseHeader, that specifies the time in milliseconds when document is out of date?<===>Expires
223.  Which of the following is a standard action element of JSP?<===><jsp:include>
224.  Which of the following is a subdirectory of tomcat home directory?<===>logs
225.  Which of the following is a subdirectory of tomcat home directory?<===>work
226.  Which of the following is not a Class in javax.servelt.http package?<===>HttpSession
227.  Which of the following is not a JSP directory?<===>useBean
228.  Which of the following is not a method in HttpServlet class?<===>doTest( )
229.  Which of the following is not a popular technology for developing dynamic web sites?`<===>HPH
230.  Which of the following is not an interface of javax.servlet.http package?<===>HttpServerRequest
231.  Which of the following is not an interface?<===>GenericServlet
232.  Which of the following is not JDBC own class for date and time values ?<===>java.sql.result set
233.  Which of the following method comes under ServletContext interface?<===>getRealpath( )
234.  Which of the following method comes under ServletResponse interface?<===>getCharacterEncoding( )
235.  Which of the following method is not central to the life cycle of a servlet?<===>Thread( )
236.  Which of the following method is not in servletRequest interface?<===>getMimeType( )
237.  Which of the following method is related HttpServletResponse interface?<===>encodeURL( )
238.  Which of the following package is required to build servlets ?<===>javax.servlet.http
239.  Which of the following returns the session ID?<===>getID( )
240.  Which of the following scripting element is used for a block of code to be executed?<===>Scriptlets
241.  Which of the following scripting element is used to declare variables and methods in the JSP page implementation class?<===>
242.  Which of the following scripting element is used to embed scripting code expressions when the result shall be added to the response<===>
243.Which of the following scripting element used to embed scripting code?<===>
244.  Which of the following standard action can be used to provide support for cookie genuine tracking?<===>
245.  Which of the following standard action element makes a Java Beans component available in a page?<===><jsp:useBean>
246.  Which of the following standard action elements adds a parameter value to a request of to another servlet or JSP page?<===>
247.  Which of the following utility enables you to test some of the servlets that you create?<===>Servletrunner
248.  Which one of the following is not a database ?<===>Sap
249.  Which one of the following supports for a modular design?<===>struts
250.  Which one of the following supports for mapping of symbolic page names to the real UR Is?<===>struts
251.  Which protocol we will use in web applications?<===>HTTP
252.  Which type diver translates JDBC to ODBC and relies on an ODBC driver to communicate with the database ?<===>type- 1 driver
253.  Which type driver is a pure Java client library for data base ?<===>type -3 driver
254.  Which type driver is a pure Java library that translate JDBC requests directly to database - specific protocol ?<===>type - 4 driver
255.  Which type driver is written partly in Java and partly in native code<===>type -2 driver
256.  Who is not contributing to Tomcat from the following?<===>Microsoft
257.  WML stands for<===>Wireless Markup Language

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