1. A mechanism to ensure that a database record is identical at the server as well as at the device cache and that only cache records are used for computations in<===>Cache coherence
2. A mobile device cannot store a large database due to<===>Memory constraints
3. A mobile device is the following to server<===>Not always connected
4. Access point is not required in<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
5. Access probabilities of each record and its comparisons with probabilities of other records are<===>Unpredictable in wireless environment
6. Advertisers is example for the following mechanism in distributed computing systems<===>Push based
7. All buckets have the following to the beginning of the next indexed bucket<===>Offset
8. All operations must be complete comes under the following rule in the transaction model<===>Atomicity
9. Asynchronous mechanism has<===>More band width
10. Bandwidth in downstream from server to device is<===>Much larger than the one in upstream from the device
11. Bandwidth in downstream is the following to upstream<===>Larger
12. Blue tooth device can form a network with a devices within a distance of a about 10 m<===>Pico net
13. Bluetooth is<===>Connection oriented protocol
14. Broadcast cycle is extended in the following method<===>Index based method
15. Cache invalidation mechanism follows the following protocol<===>MESI
16. Cache miss occurs if the following time is longer than the time period between two instants of repeating the directory before the broadcasts of records<===>Tuning time
17. Caching of pushed data leads to<===>Reduced access interval
18. Classical internet IPV4 addresses are made up of<===>32 bits
19. Client devices presume that as long as there is no invalidation report, the copy is valid for use in computations in the following approach<===>Asynchronous
20. Communication from server to device is<===>Downlink
21. Context helps in<===>Reducing ambiguity in actions
22. Context of VUI defines the following context<===>Temporal
23. Cost based data replacement method is<===>Caching
24. Cost of cache-misses refers to<===>Time taken in accessing record at server in case that the record not found
25. Data base transaction model enforce the following rules<===>ACID
26. Database hoarding may be done<===>At the application tier itself
27. DB2e is<===>Relational database engine
28. DB2e stands for<===>IBM DB2 every place
29. DB2e supports databases of size up to<===>120 MB
30. DB2e supports<===>Both mobile device and hand held OS
31. Downlink is from<===>Server to devices
32. Downloading ring tone is example of database stored in the following architecture<===>1-tier
33. DSR is<===>Reactive
34. DSR performs<===>Unicasing
35. DSR uses<===>Flooding
36. During daytime the display brightness is increased is of the following context<===>Physical
37. During the time intervals in which unsolicited data is being broadcasted, the device remains<===>Idle
38. Each data packet includes the routing node address in<===>Source routing
39. Each record in cache is called<===>cache-line
40. Ending of a tagged data record is specified by<===>Record
41. Example for fixed infrastructure network is<===>Cellular network
42. Example of hybrid mechanism in distributed computing system is<===>Advertising and setting music albums
43. Examples of integration of mobile phones with IPv4 and IPV6<===>CDMA handsets and Apple iphone
44. Getting ready for caching when selected record of interest broadcasts is<===>Tuning
45. Graph having one input path and one outgoing path is<===>acrylic
46. GSM is used only for<===>Voice communication
47. HTTP layer in TCP/IP protocol suite acts as the following protocol when connecting to internet in wired internet<===>Application layer
48. HTTP stands for<===>Hypertext transfer protocol
49. If the data record is modified at the server then the copy of that record at client device also changes accordingly .This phenomenon is<===>Synchronization
50. If the server respond to many device requests within expected time interval the following mechanism is better<===>Pull based
51. If the transaction cannot be completed then it must be<===>Rolled back
52. In advertising and selling music albums the advertisements are<===>Pushed
53. In MANETS the number of routers may<===>Decrease only
54. In mobile computing large databases are not available on<===>Mobile devices
55. In mobile device database the cached data is<===>Hoarded
56. In push based data is pushed at selected time intervals using the following algorithm<===>Adaptive
57. In query processing the symbol represents<===>Projection
58. In the following after a transaction is completed, the transaction must persist and can t be aborted or discarded<===>Serializable Isolation
59. In the following connection is asymmetric<===>I mode
60. In the following data records are pushed to mobile devices by broadcasting<===>Push based
61. In the following hardware is shared and adapted between the two channels<===>Hybrid
62. In the following mechanism the number of server interruptions may increase<===>Pull based
63. In the following mechanism the server doesn t keep track of the records stored at the device caches<===>Stateless Asynchronous
64. In the following mechanism there are two channels<===>Hybrid
65. In the following method broadcasting contain a fewer bits compared to key and record separately<===>Hash based method
66. In the following two transactions are carried out simultaneously there should not be any interference between the two<===>Isolation
67. In the hash based method hash is broadcasted from<===>server
68. Increased access latency is due to<===>More pushed items
69. Indexing increases<===>Access latency
70. Invalidation means<===>Unusable
71. IPV6 addresses are of<===>128 bits
72. IPV6 is used for<===>Both internet radio and real time video over the internet only
73. MANETS are<===>Self organized
74. MANETS stands for<===>Mobile Adhoc net
75. Mobile communication between mobile device and static computer system is<===>Asymmetric
76. Mobile TV is an example for<===>Multicast
77. No frequent unnecessary transfers of data reports are present in the following approach<===>Synchronous
78. No unsolicited or irrelevant data arrives at the device in the following mechanism<===>Pull based
79. Number of server interruptions can be controlled by<===>Pull threshold
80. OBEX stands for<===>Bluetooth object exchange
81. On demand mode is done in the following mechanism<===>Pull based
82. Power resources at mobile devices are<===>Limited
83. Protocol for transport layer in Bluetooth is<===>OBEX
84. Publish subscribe mode delivery mechanism is done in the following data delivery mechanism<===>Push based
85. Push based data delivery mechanism can also be called as<===>Publish subscribe mode
86. Pushed records are chopped adaptively if the number of pull requests is<===>Increased
87. Pushing the data only once<===>Saves bandwidth
88. QNX is<===>AN RTOS based on UNIX
89. Records are pulled by the mobile devices on demand in the following mechanism<===>Pull based
90. Records changing with time are called as<===>Temporal
91. Retrieving required data from the database server during each computation is<===>Impractical
92. Routing packets to a single destinated address is<===>Unicasting
93. Score of world cup football match is<===>Temporal
94. Server load is reduced by<===>Prefetching
95. Stored queries and procedures define business logic<===>Explicit
96. Symbian V6 is example for<===>Mobile device OS
97. Synchronization is through the following binding over the WAP application layer client or server<===>SyncML
98. taccess is increased in the following method<===>Index based method
99. The available routing path may change in the following network<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
100. The back channel in IPP mechanism is used to send the following for records<===>Pull requests
101. The clock of master functions is reference ford. Child synchronization in<===>Slave
102. The copies cached at the devices are equivalent to the following at the processors in a multiprocessor system with a shared memory<===>Cache memory
103. The data broadcasted from the following is interleaved<===>server
104. The data is not in a contradictory state after the transaction comes under the following rule<===>Consistency
105. The data is pushed as per the subscription for push service by a user in the following mechanism<===>Push based
106. The data stored in database follows<===>Logic
107. The deletion of link shown in a table or cache is called<===>Link reversal
108. The device cache or server has rewritten a database recor5d which can be shared and used for computations comes under the following state<===>Modified
109. The device which discovers the master becomes<===>Slave
110. The device which first establishes a Pico net becomes<===>Master
111. The execution of interrelated instructions in a sequence for a specific operation on a database is<===>Transaction
112. The following architecture doesn t provide HTTP-TLS- TCP-IP layers at the WAP client for interacting with the WAP gateway<===>WAP 1.1
113. The following at the client device may be invalidated<===>Cache record
114. The following caches some specific data, which may be required for further computations<===>Mobile devices
115. The following can prefetch instead of caching from the pushed records keeping future needs in view<===>Client device
116. The following code binds with WSP for connectivity to the internet<===>SyncML
117. The following computing is defined by inter relationships and conditions oc network connectivity protocol<===>Computing
118. The following computing leads to application aware computing<===>Context aware
119. The following connects WAP client to HTTP servers<===>WAP gate way
120. The following context defined the interrelation between time and the occurrence of an event or action<===>Temporal
121. The following context is defines user location, user profile<===>User
122. The following does exchange hello message periodically to listen to disconnected links<===>AODV
123. The following doesnot exchange hello message periodically to listen to disconnected links<===>TORA
124. The following entails requesting for and pulling records that may be required later<===>Perfecting
125. The following entails saving a copy of select data or part of database from the connected system with a large database<===>Servers
126. The following guarantees hopfree routes<===>TORA
127. The following has a structure and overhead<===>Broad cast data
128. The following has been designed to reside at the device<===>IBM DB2 every place
129. The following indicates that the invalidation information for an item is sent as soon as its value changes<===>Asynchronous
130. The following is a process by which a cached data item or record becomes invalid<===>Cache invalidation
131. The following is a process by which client device selects only the required pushed buckets, tunes to them and caches them<===>Selective tuning
132. The following is a tag with a slash sign before the tag<===>Record
133. The following is a technique in which each data bucket is assigned an index at the previous data bucket to enable the device to tune and cache the bucket after the wait as per the offset value<===>Indexing
134. The following is employed for highly dynamic MANETS and provides an improved partial link reversal process<===>TORA
135. The following is generated when a disconnection occurs during transmission from a node to its neighbor<===>Route error packet
136. The following is not example of distributed computing system in push based mechanism<===>Generators of traffic congestion
137. The following is present between the tag and the end tag in XML<===>Record
138. The following is the result of operations on pair of key and record<===>Hash
139. The following is the transmission of data packets in a computer network such that a single destination receives the packets<===>Unicast
140. The following makes more bandwidth efficient<===>Synchronous
141. The following may be due to expiry or modification of record at the database server<===>Invalidation
142. The following mechanism entails broadcasting of the invalidation of cache to all the clients of server<===>Stateless
143. The following mechanism entails cache invalidation reports are sent only to the affected client devices and not broadcasted to all<===>Stateful
144. The following mechanism integrates pushes and pull<===>Hybrid
145. The following mechanism is also known as IPP mechanism<===>Hybrid
146. The following mechanism is best option for the server as they present server overload<===>Push based
147. The following mechanism is means by which the server conveys invalid information to client devices<===>Cache validation
148. The following mechanism provides for adaptation to pull in case when a data record pushed from server is missed<===>Hybrid
149. The following mechanism provides for adaptively to pull in case of an urgent need<===>Hybrid
150. The following method involves broadcasting a directory as over at the beginning of each broadcast cycle<===>Directory method
151. The following mode has much smaller frequency spectrum requirements than that for a node in fixed infrastructure network `<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
152. The following mode is also known as on-demand mode<===>Pull based
153. The following network enables fast establishment of networks<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
154. The following network has access points, base stations or gateways networked together using switches, hubs or routers<===>Fixed infrastructure
155. The following network is not usable in operations like disaster relief<===>Fixed infrastructure
156. The following networks are self organized<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
157. The following nodes have peer to peer connectivity among themselves<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
158. The following of the cached data in the database ensuring that even when the device is in disconnected mode, the data required from the database is available for computing<===>Hoarded
159. The following posses network capacity such that many nodes can send packets to a given destination<===>TORA
160. The following protocol deploys source routing<===>DSR
161. The following protocol reacts to the changes and dynamically maintains only the routing addresses from source to destination in<===>DSR
162. The following pulls the data records from service provider's application databases server in a pull based mechanism<===>User device
163. The following reduces the power requirements as it reduces the number of packets or packets for transmission<===>Aggregation
164. The following reduces the time taken for tuning by client devices<===>Indexing
165. The following requires no external definition for the business logic to function<===>Implicit
166. The following routing algorithm has the feature of stopping the non-productive link reversals in a given portion of the network<===>TORA
167. The following sequence defines one channel<===>Hopping
168. The following serves the websites on the internet<===>Web server
169. The following synchronizes all active devices<===>Master
170. The following takes independent world view and does not require components to have global view of the system<===>Implicit context
171. The following takes place during the interval in which the device is connected to the server or network<===>Caching
172. The following temporally maps the location of buckets<===>Indexes
173. The following transactions are caused due to network failure<===>Retrying
174. The hot records are<===>Most needed database records at client device
175. The key used to search for a record is the following in XML database<===>Tag
176. The location of switches, hubs or router is mobile in<===>Fixed infrastructure
177. The logic of transactions is among the following when comes from within the database<===>Implicit
178. The mobile device is allocated<===>Unlimited bandwidth
179. The number of routers available at any instant can increase or decrease in the following network<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
180. The read operation of a new state starts only after the write operation of previous state is completed in<===>Serializable Isolation
181. The server advertises the following<===>Invalidation information
182. The server data base no longer has a copy of the record which can be shared and used for computation earlier comes under the following state<===>Invalidation
183. The transaction between the API and the database uses an explicitly defined<===>Query
184. The value to be used by the device along with present location and calculate the period of or tuning to next bucket<===>Offset
185. The wireless connectivity range in MANETS include<===>Only nearest node connectivity
186. Through the following cost of cache-misses can be reduced<===>Prefetching
187. Time taken by the device for selection of record is<===>Tuning time
188. TLS is<===>Security protocol
189. TORA is<===>proactive
190. TORA provides<===>multiple routing paths
191. TORA supports<===>bidirectional links
192. Train schedules in a railway time table is an example for<===>Data caching
193. VANETs stand for<===>Vehicular Adhoc network
194. Various Pico nets form an Adhoc network called<===>Scatter net
195. WAP 2.0 is<===>Wireless protocol
196. When the process starts, initially the following is given in header<===>Source address
197. When the server has very little contention the following mechanism is better<===>Pull based
198. Whether the client requires invalidation report or not but every client device gets an invalidation report under the following approach<===>Asynchronous
199. WSP layer in WAP 2.0 acts as the following protocol when connecting to internet on the wireless network<===>Application layer
200. XML databases incorporate the following business logic<===>Implicit
2. A mobile device cannot store a large database due to<===>Memory constraints
3. A mobile device is the following to server<===>Not always connected
4. Access point is not required in<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
5. Access probabilities of each record and its comparisons with probabilities of other records are<===>Unpredictable in wireless environment
6. Advertisers is example for the following mechanism in distributed computing systems<===>Push based
7. All buckets have the following to the beginning of the next indexed bucket<===>Offset
8. All operations must be complete comes under the following rule in the transaction model<===>Atomicity
9. Asynchronous mechanism has<===>More band width
10. Bandwidth in downstream from server to device is<===>Much larger than the one in upstream from the device
11. Bandwidth in downstream is the following to upstream<===>Larger
12. Blue tooth device can form a network with a devices within a distance of a about 10 m<===>Pico net
13. Bluetooth is<===>Connection oriented protocol
14. Broadcast cycle is extended in the following method<===>Index based method
15. Cache invalidation mechanism follows the following protocol<===>MESI
16. Cache miss occurs if the following time is longer than the time period between two instants of repeating the directory before the broadcasts of records<===>Tuning time
17. Caching of pushed data leads to<===>Reduced access interval
18. Classical internet IPV4 addresses are made up of<===>32 bits
19. Client devices presume that as long as there is no invalidation report, the copy is valid for use in computations in the following approach<===>Asynchronous
20. Communication from server to device is<===>Downlink
21. Context helps in<===>Reducing ambiguity in actions
22. Context of VUI defines the following context<===>Temporal
23. Cost based data replacement method is<===>Caching
24. Cost of cache-misses refers to<===>Time taken in accessing record at server in case that the record not found
25. Data base transaction model enforce the following rules<===>ACID
26. Database hoarding may be done<===>At the application tier itself
27. DB2e is<===>Relational database engine
28. DB2e stands for<===>IBM DB2 every place
29. DB2e supports databases of size up to<===>120 MB
30. DB2e supports<===>Both mobile device and hand held OS
31. Downlink is from<===>Server to devices
32. Downloading ring tone is example of database stored in the following architecture<===>1-tier
33. DSR is<===>Reactive
34. DSR performs<===>Unicasing
35. DSR uses<===>Flooding
36. During daytime the display brightness is increased is of the following context<===>Physical
37. During the time intervals in which unsolicited data is being broadcasted, the device remains<===>Idle
38. Each data packet includes the routing node address in<===>Source routing
39. Each record in cache is called<===>cache-line
40. Ending of a tagged data record is specified by<===>Record
41. Example for fixed infrastructure network is<===>Cellular network
42. Example of hybrid mechanism in distributed computing system is<===>Advertising and setting music albums
43. Examples of integration of mobile phones with IPv4 and IPV6<===>CDMA handsets and Apple iphone
44. Getting ready for caching when selected record of interest broadcasts is<===>Tuning
45. Graph having one input path and one outgoing path is<===>acrylic
46. GSM is used only for<===>Voice communication
47. HTTP layer in TCP/IP protocol suite acts as the following protocol when connecting to internet in wired internet<===>Application layer
48. HTTP stands for<===>Hypertext transfer protocol
49. If the data record is modified at the server then the copy of that record at client device also changes accordingly .This phenomenon is<===>Synchronization
50. If the server respond to many device requests within expected time interval the following mechanism is better<===>Pull based
51. If the transaction cannot be completed then it must be<===>Rolled back
52. In advertising and selling music albums the advertisements are<===>Pushed
53. In MANETS the number of routers may<===>Decrease only
54. In mobile computing large databases are not available on<===>Mobile devices
55. In mobile device database the cached data is<===>Hoarded
56. In push based data is pushed at selected time intervals using the following algorithm<===>Adaptive
57. In query processing the symbol represents<===>Projection
58. In the following after a transaction is completed, the transaction must persist and can t be aborted or discarded<===>Serializable Isolation
59. In the following connection is asymmetric<===>I mode
60. In the following data records are pushed to mobile devices by broadcasting<===>Push based
61. In the following hardware is shared and adapted between the two channels<===>Hybrid
62. In the following mechanism the number of server interruptions may increase<===>Pull based
63. In the following mechanism the server doesn t keep track of the records stored at the device caches<===>Stateless Asynchronous
64. In the following mechanism there are two channels<===>Hybrid
65. In the following method broadcasting contain a fewer bits compared to key and record separately<===>Hash based method
66. In the following two transactions are carried out simultaneously there should not be any interference between the two<===>Isolation
67. In the hash based method hash is broadcasted from<===>server
68. Increased access latency is due to<===>More pushed items
69. Indexing increases<===>Access latency
70. Invalidation means<===>Unusable
71. IPV6 addresses are of<===>128 bits
72. IPV6 is used for<===>Both internet radio and real time video over the internet only
73. MANETS are<===>Self organized
74. MANETS stands for<===>Mobile Adhoc net
75. Mobile communication between mobile device and static computer system is<===>Asymmetric
76. Mobile TV is an example for<===>Multicast
77. No frequent unnecessary transfers of data reports are present in the following approach<===>Synchronous
78. No unsolicited or irrelevant data arrives at the device in the following mechanism<===>Pull based
79. Number of server interruptions can be controlled by<===>Pull threshold
80. OBEX stands for<===>Bluetooth object exchange
81. On demand mode is done in the following mechanism<===>Pull based
82. Power resources at mobile devices are<===>Limited
83. Protocol for transport layer in Bluetooth is<===>OBEX
84. Publish subscribe mode delivery mechanism is done in the following data delivery mechanism<===>Push based
85. Push based data delivery mechanism can also be called as<===>Publish subscribe mode
86. Pushed records are chopped adaptively if the number of pull requests is<===>Increased
87. Pushing the data only once<===>Saves bandwidth
88. QNX is<===>AN RTOS based on UNIX
89. Records are pulled by the mobile devices on demand in the following mechanism<===>Pull based
90. Records changing with time are called as<===>Temporal
91. Retrieving required data from the database server during each computation is<===>Impractical
92. Routing packets to a single destinated address is<===>Unicasting
93. Score of world cup football match is<===>Temporal
94. Server load is reduced by<===>Prefetching
95. Stored queries and procedures define business logic<===>Explicit
96. Symbian V6 is example for<===>Mobile device OS
97. Synchronization is through the following binding over the WAP application layer client or server<===>SyncML
98. taccess is increased in the following method<===>Index based method
99. The available routing path may change in the following network<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
100. The back channel in IPP mechanism is used to send the following for records<===>Pull requests
101. The clock of master functions is reference ford. Child synchronization in<===>Slave
102. The copies cached at the devices are equivalent to the following at the processors in a multiprocessor system with a shared memory<===>Cache memory
103. The data broadcasted from the following is interleaved<===>server
104. The data is not in a contradictory state after the transaction comes under the following rule<===>Consistency
105. The data is pushed as per the subscription for push service by a user in the following mechanism<===>Push based
106. The data stored in database follows<===>Logic
107. The deletion of link shown in a table or cache is called<===>Link reversal
108. The device cache or server has rewritten a database recor5d which can be shared and used for computations comes under the following state<===>Modified
109. The device which discovers the master becomes<===>Slave
110. The device which first establishes a Pico net becomes<===>Master
111. The execution of interrelated instructions in a sequence for a specific operation on a database is<===>Transaction
112. The following architecture doesn t provide HTTP-TLS- TCP-IP layers at the WAP client for interacting with the WAP gateway<===>WAP 1.1
113. The following at the client device may be invalidated<===>Cache record
114. The following caches some specific data, which may be required for further computations<===>Mobile devices
115. The following can prefetch instead of caching from the pushed records keeping future needs in view<===>Client device
116. The following code binds with WSP for connectivity to the internet<===>SyncML
117. The following computing is defined by inter relationships and conditions oc network connectivity protocol<===>Computing
118. The following computing leads to application aware computing<===>Context aware
119. The following connects WAP client to HTTP servers<===>WAP gate way
120. The following context defined the interrelation between time and the occurrence of an event or action<===>Temporal
121. The following context is defines user location, user profile<===>User
122. The following does exchange hello message periodically to listen to disconnected links<===>AODV
123. The following doesnot exchange hello message periodically to listen to disconnected links<===>TORA
124. The following entails requesting for and pulling records that may be required later<===>Perfecting
125. The following entails saving a copy of select data or part of database from the connected system with a large database<===>Servers
126. The following guarantees hopfree routes<===>TORA
127. The following has a structure and overhead<===>Broad cast data
128. The following has been designed to reside at the device<===>IBM DB2 every place
129. The following indicates that the invalidation information for an item is sent as soon as its value changes<===>Asynchronous
130. The following is a process by which a cached data item or record becomes invalid<===>Cache invalidation
131. The following is a process by which client device selects only the required pushed buckets, tunes to them and caches them<===>Selective tuning
132. The following is a tag with a slash sign before the tag<===>Record
133. The following is a technique in which each data bucket is assigned an index at the previous data bucket to enable the device to tune and cache the bucket after the wait as per the offset value<===>Indexing
134. The following is employed for highly dynamic MANETS and provides an improved partial link reversal process<===>TORA
135. The following is generated when a disconnection occurs during transmission from a node to its neighbor<===>Route error packet
136. The following is not example of distributed computing system in push based mechanism<===>Generators of traffic congestion
137. The following is present between the tag and the end tag in XML<===>Record
138. The following is the result of operations on pair of key and record<===>Hash
139. The following is the transmission of data packets in a computer network such that a single destination receives the packets<===>Unicast
140. The following makes more bandwidth efficient<===>Synchronous
141. The following may be due to expiry or modification of record at the database server<===>Invalidation
142. The following mechanism entails broadcasting of the invalidation of cache to all the clients of server<===>Stateless
143. The following mechanism entails cache invalidation reports are sent only to the affected client devices and not broadcasted to all<===>Stateful
144. The following mechanism integrates pushes and pull<===>Hybrid
145. The following mechanism is also known as IPP mechanism<===>Hybrid
146. The following mechanism is best option for the server as they present server overload<===>Push based
147. The following mechanism is means by which the server conveys invalid information to client devices<===>Cache validation
148. The following mechanism provides for adaptation to pull in case when a data record pushed from server is missed<===>Hybrid
149. The following mechanism provides for adaptively to pull in case of an urgent need<===>Hybrid
150. The following method involves broadcasting a directory as over at the beginning of each broadcast cycle<===>Directory method
151. The following mode has much smaller frequency spectrum requirements than that for a node in fixed infrastructure network `<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
152. The following mode is also known as on-demand mode<===>Pull based
153. The following network enables fast establishment of networks<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
154. The following network has access points, base stations or gateways networked together using switches, hubs or routers<===>Fixed infrastructure
155. The following network is not usable in operations like disaster relief<===>Fixed infrastructure
156. The following networks are self organized<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
157. The following nodes have peer to peer connectivity among themselves<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
158. The following of the cached data in the database ensuring that even when the device is in disconnected mode, the data required from the database is available for computing<===>Hoarded
159. The following posses network capacity such that many nodes can send packets to a given destination<===>TORA
160. The following protocol deploys source routing<===>DSR
161. The following protocol reacts to the changes and dynamically maintains only the routing addresses from source to destination in<===>DSR
162. The following pulls the data records from service provider's application databases server in a pull based mechanism<===>User device
163. The following reduces the power requirements as it reduces the number of packets or packets for transmission<===>Aggregation
164. The following reduces the time taken for tuning by client devices<===>Indexing
165. The following requires no external definition for the business logic to function<===>Implicit
166. The following routing algorithm has the feature of stopping the non-productive link reversals in a given portion of the network<===>TORA
167. The following sequence defines one channel<===>Hopping
168. The following serves the websites on the internet<===>Web server
169. The following synchronizes all active devices<===>Master
170. The following takes independent world view and does not require components to have global view of the system<===>Implicit context
171. The following takes place during the interval in which the device is connected to the server or network<===>Caching
172. The following temporally maps the location of buckets<===>Indexes
173. The following transactions are caused due to network failure<===>Retrying
174. The hot records are<===>Most needed database records at client device
175. The key used to search for a record is the following in XML database<===>Tag
176. The location of switches, hubs or router is mobile in<===>Fixed infrastructure
177. The logic of transactions is among the following when comes from within the database<===>Implicit
178. The mobile device is allocated<===>Unlimited bandwidth
179. The number of routers available at any instant can increase or decrease in the following network<===>Mobile Adhoc networks
180. The read operation of a new state starts only after the write operation of previous state is completed in<===>Serializable Isolation
181. The server advertises the following<===>Invalidation information
182. The server data base no longer has a copy of the record which can be shared and used for computation earlier comes under the following state<===>Invalidation
183. The transaction between the API and the database uses an explicitly defined<===>Query
184. The value to be used by the device along with present location and calculate the period of or tuning to next bucket<===>Offset
185. The wireless connectivity range in MANETS include<===>Only nearest node connectivity
186. Through the following cost of cache-misses can be reduced<===>Prefetching
187. Time taken by the device for selection of record is<===>Tuning time
188. TLS is<===>Security protocol
189. TORA is<===>proactive
190. TORA provides<===>multiple routing paths
191. TORA supports<===>bidirectional links
192. Train schedules in a railway time table is an example for<===>Data caching
193. VANETs stand for<===>Vehicular Adhoc network
194. Various Pico nets form an Adhoc network called<===>Scatter net
195. WAP 2.0 is<===>Wireless protocol
196. When the process starts, initially the following is given in header<===>Source address
197. When the server has very little contention the following mechanism is better<===>Pull based
198. Whether the client requires invalidation report or not but every client device gets an invalidation report under the following approach<===>Asynchronous
199. WSP layer in WAP 2.0 acts as the following protocol when connecting to internet on the wireless network<===>Application layer
200. XML databases incorporate the following business logic<===>Implicit
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