1. ____ develops a characterization of the over all size, process, environment, people and quality required for the project .<===>software project manager
2. _____ and ______ teams tend to engage in support roles while preparing for the full-scale production stage.<===>Software Assessment team & Software Development team
3. ______ is responsible for quality of individual components including all component development, testing, and maintenance.<===>Software Development team
4. ______ is the responsibility of Software Management team.<===>Resource commitments
5. ______ is used to mean a complete synchronization across the project.<===>iteration
6. ______ provide an important perspective for managing the process<===>Metric value
7. _______ % of the engineering is consumed by ______ % of the requirements.<===>80% & 20%
8. _______ % of the progress is made by 20% of the people<===>80%
9. _______ activity of the engineering stage of the life cycle is important.<===>Automating the development process
10. _______ is about managing change and measuring change.<===>Iterative development
11. _______ phases are dominated by Software Management and Software Architecture team.<===>Inception and elaboration
12. ________ are crucial for focusing continuous attention on the evolving health of the project and its dynamic priorities<===>periodic status assessments
13. ________ plays a greater role for small commercial product.<===>deployment
14. ________&_________ with the process frame work are critical factors in software project success.<===>work break down structure & its synchronization
15. _________ decomposes the character of the project and maps it to the life cycle, the budget and the personnel.<===>work break down structure
16. _________ guide lines capture the expertise and experience of many people.<===>initial planning
17. _________ include absorptions into overhead of general administrative cause, project billing based on usage.<===>Financing models
18. _________ is the architecture for the financial plan.<===>work break down structure
19. _________ is the basis for predictable, cost efficient construction for large projects.<===>good design
20. _________ partitions the estimate for the effort into a top level work break down structure<===>software project manager
21. __________ are highly dependent on numerous parameters, which have a significant impact on the direction of a project.<===>comprehensive project plans
22. __________ consists of CDW,TOR,PDW.<===>individual milestones
23. __________ forces the project history to the captured and documented, when the period varies.<===>recurring event
24. __________ graph presents values over time.<===>trend graph
25. __________ need to the derived from forward looking top-down approach.<===>project plans
26. __________ serve as project snapshots<===>periodic status assessments
27. __________ should organize the planning elements around the process framework rather than the product framework.<===>evolutionary work break down structure
28. __________ starts with small team until the risks in the requirements have been suitably resolved.<===>Iterative development project
29. __________ teams have common goals, complementary skills, and close communications.<===>cohesive
30. ___________ bugs are software faults that are coincidental with probabilistic occurrence of a given situation.<===>Heisen
31. ___________ has the goal to present to all stake holders a recommendation on how to proceed with development industry plans .<===>life cycle objective milestone
32. ___________ is a sign of success.<===>Low attrition
33. ___________ is defined as the number of software change orders opened and closed over the life cycle.<===>Change traffic
34. ___________ is extremely important to project success.<===>the art of planning
35. ___________ is the relationship between opened versus closed software change orders.<===>Stability
36. ___________ teams have conflicting goals, competing or incomplete skills, and less-than-open communications.<===>adversarial
37. ____________ can be measured by defining planned estimate of the work & then tracking progress against that plan.<===>Iterative development project
38. ____________ contains background material on software oriented work break down structure.<===>software engineering economies
39. ____________ exaggerate the performance biases and result in an overly pessimistic plan.<===>bottom up approach
40. _____________ and ___________are useful for generating the planning artifacts.<===>software cost estimation tools & work breakdown structure tools
41. _____________ is highly dependent on the skills of personnel, especially subproject managers and team leads.<===>performance
42. _____________ quantifies the volume of change.<===>Breakage item
43. ______________ are formally planned and conducted and the impacts of changes are typically benign.<===>project milestone
44. ________________ plans can shape,cultures and encourage team work.<===>open plan
45. ________________defines how the project requirements will be transformed into a product with in the business constraints.<===>project plan
46. _______________captures the contract between the development group and the buyer.<===>Vision statement
47. _______________focuses line of business units, but not on the top level organization or the projects.<===>Standardization
48. ______________quantifies the complexity of change.<===>Rework item
49. ____________review is conducted at the end of each iteration to assess the degree to the iteration which achieved its objective and satisfied its evaluation criteria<===>iteration assessment
50. ___________focuses the overflow of a project level environment, the infrastructure context of the project's parent organization, and tool building.<===>Process automation
51. ___________is companion group to the Software Engineering Process Authority.<===>Software Engineering Environment Authority
52. ___________provides the change management instrumentation necessary to automate metrics and control release baselines.<===>Defect tracking
53. ___________reviews both the projects conformance to contractual obligations and the project s organizational policy obligations.<===>Project review authority
54. __________are motivated by return on investment, new business discriminators, market diversification, and profitability.<===>Software lines of business
55. __________is a necessary role in any organization.<===>Software Engineering Process Authority
56. __________provide human resource support, project independent research and development.<===>Organization's infrastructure
57. _________is responsible for automating the organizational process, maintaining, and training.<===>Software Engineering Environmental Authority
58. ________are management reviews conducted at regular iterations to address program and quality indicators<===>periodic status assessments
59. ________are motivated by the cost, schedule and quality of specific deliverables.<===>Project teams
60. ________facilitates the exchange of information and process guidance.<===>Software Engineering Process Authority
61. ________team takes ownership of all aspects of quality.<===>Software Management team
62. _______are prematurely decomposed, structured planned around the product design, and budgeted in either too little.<===>conventional break down structure
63. _______team is fairly balanced organization in which most of the activity resides in the Software Development and Software Assessment teams.<===>construction
64. ______are project specific.<===>conventional work break down structure
65. ______review is conducted at the start of each iteration to review the detailed Iteration plan and the evaluation criteria<===>iteration readiness
66. ___is simply hierarchy of elements that decomposes the project plan into the discrete work tasks.<===>work break down structure
67. 80% errors are caused by _________ % of the components.<===>20%
68. 80% of contributors comes from _______ % of contributors<===>20
69. 80% of the software cost is consumed by __________ % of the components.<===>20%
70. a and ß releases are parts of ____________<===>construction
71. A modern process attacks how much percentage of the requirements, usecases, components & risks?<===>20%
72. A transition to more mature iterative development process that supports automation does not include<===>delete
73. Acceptable prototype is achieved after _______ iterations.<===>inception
74. Acceptance criteria for product release & releasable user manual are the requirements in __________ milestone<===>initial operational capability mile stone
75. After product release _________________ is done.<===>transition iteration
76. An organization has_______________ types of teams.<===>four
77. An organization's policies, procedures, and practices for managing a software intensive line of business is called<===>Meta process
78. Architecture frame work is done in ________ phase.<===>elaboration
79. As team size ____________, a new level of personnel management is introduced at roughly each factor of 5.<===>grows
80. Automation enables teams to spend less time on<===>over head tasks
81. Automation enables teams to spend more time on<===>engineering
82. CCPDS-R includes _________ number of phases<===>2
83. CD phase in CCPDS-R is similar to _________ phase<===>inception
84. Check points more emphasis on executable demonstration in____________<===>complete architecture feasibility demonstration
85. Construction phase takes ________ %of all, for small commercial project.<===>50
86. During the engineering stage _________ will dominate.<===>top-down perspective
87. Evaluation criteria in early release plans are__________<===>goals
88. From __________ , the primary measure of scale is the size of the team.<===>process tailoring perspective
89. FSD phase is____________<===>large
90. Good and bad project performance is much more obvious in _________ phase of life cycle.<===>inception
91. How many core metrics are there?<===>seven
92. How many simple planning guide lines should be considered when a project plan is being initiated or assessed?<===>2
93. How much software development effort is devoted to programming?<===>15%
94. In 1955 the overall ratio of software to hardware cost is<===>15:85
95. In late risk resolution, which kind of system elements are elaborated early in the life cycle?<===>high leverage
96. In modern process, the system requirements are captured in _______<===>Vision statement
97. In the work break down structure budgeting defaults, the management has ______ % of default budget<===>10
98. In which mile stone software quality metrics received to determine whether quality is sufficient to transit to the support organization<===>product release mile stone
99. In which phase, the Software Architecture team has only 50% involvement?<===>elaboration
100. In which phase, the Software Assessment team has only 50% involvement?<===>construction
101. In which phase, the Software Development team has only 50% involvement?<===>transition
102. In which phase, the Software Management team has only 50% involvement?<===>inception
103. Inception & elaboration phases are present in which stage<===>engineering stage
104. Inception team focuses on ________<===>planning
105. Incremental test process consists of ________ phases.<===>5
106. Integration that occurs early & continuously serves as the ________ activity of the design artifacts.<===>verification
107. Iterative process deliver a product with only about ___________ of the total budget consumed by these activities.<===>25%
108. Major mile stones are<===>system wide events
109. Making the solution smaller reduces<===>management complexity
110. Metrics applied to ----------------------- will be far less accurate than those applied to the production stage.<===>Engineering stage
111. Mile stones in life cycle must have<===>Well defined expectations and provide tangible result
112. More effort is needed for ______phase of software development life cycle<===>construction
113. Most of the critical risks will be resolved by____________<===>end of the elaboration phase
114. Mostly the iterations which have 1 to 6 months duration need only the ___________ & _____________ reviews<===>iteration readiness review & milestones assessment
115. Organizations with a mature process have<===>high level of precedent experience
116. PDW stands for___________<===>preliminary design walkthrough
117. Performance issues arise _________ in the life cycle<===>early
118. Performance issues arise in _________ phase of life cycle.<===>inception
119. Project organization represents _____________<===>the architecture of the team
120. Protrated integration & late design breakage are resolved by forcing integration into which stage?<===>engineering stage
121. Recurring themes from successful projects include status assessments that are______<===>low overhead activities
122. Reusable components for network management are provided by________<===>NAS
123. software process maturity and domain experience are mandatory to avoid _____and ensure of expectations across numerous stakeholders.<===>risks & synchronization
124. Software systems & products typically costs, how much times as much per SLOC as individual software programs?<===>4
125. Specific monitors are also known as____________<===>roles
126. System of systems is known as<===>software system products
127. TBD statements comes in _________<===>component evolution
128. The _____________ is a architecture focused organization.<===>elaboration team
129. The _________________of Software Assessment focuses on Infrastructure baseline.<===>elaboration phase
130. The actual spending profile for a project over its actual schedule is___________<===>Actual cost
131. The amount of time spent to engineering stage compared to production stage for large project is in the ratio____________<===>45/55
132. The architecture first approach forces integration into which phase?<===>design phase
133. The Architecture team is responsible for _______________<===>System level quality
134. The art of good project management is to make __________________in current iteration plan and the next iteration plan.<===>trade offs
135. The Assessment team is responsible for_____________<===>the quality of baseline releases
136. The atomic unit of software work that is authorized to create, modify, or obsolescence components within a configuration baseline is called ____________<===>Software Change Order
137. The automation that support for meta process is called<===>Infrastructure
138. The conventional focus on documents and review meetings are replaced by:<===>both demonstrable results and well defined sets
139. The demonstrations do not eliminate which breakage?<===>design phase
140. The four major mile stones occur at the____________ between life cycle phases<===>transistion points
141. The general guide lines are that most projects will use between_________<===>4 and 9
142. The guide line should be considered when a project plan is a _________<===>default allocation of costs among the first level WBS elements
143. The inception phase of software management life cycle consists of _____ phase.<===>Elaboration
144. The intermediate line of business level standard promotes ____________<===>Domain-specific technology inception and training
145. The lower project level standard promotes<===>Project-specific training
146. The management team should be ___________ development team.<===>Smaller than
147. The milestone of an iteration and its associated evaluation criteria need to focus the engineering activities on the<===>project priorities
148. The MTBF trend over time is known as_____________<===>Maturity
149. The plan of product release mile stone is<===>next generation product plan
150. The planned cost of the actual progress is represented by<===>Earned value
151. The positive value of cost variance corresponds to<===>Over-budget region
152. The primary support required for the design workflow is the_________________<===>visual modeling
153. The purpose of ______________is financial insight , plan vs actuals ,management indicators.<===>Budgeted cost and expenditures
154. The requirements driven functional decomposition is avoided by organizing _________ kind of specifications.<===>low level
155. The transition phase of Software Assessment life cycle includes_________<===>Infrastructure maintenance
156. The user points to graphical object displaying a point in time & drills down to view the trend for the metric using<===>drill down to trend
157. Transition phase takes ________ %of all, for large commercial project.<===>15
158. User interface control is provided by____________<===>DCO
159. Walk through catches _______ % of errors.<===>80
160. What is the dimension for metric?<===>Dynamic trend
161. When a transition is to be done, which of the following is false<===>improve the persons working on the program
162. Which includes the name of the organization, date of organization?<===>Description
163. Which is not good of software metrics<===>Work and process
164. Which is not in the seven core metrics?<===>Work break down structure
165. Which is not provided by work break down structure?<===>a mechanism for disseminating process
166. Which is not the building block of the automation tools?<===>Testing
167. Which is not the component of an organization s automation build block?<===>Workflow automation
168. Which is not the project environment?<===>Stakeholder Environment
169. Which is not the type of joint management reviews<===>maintenance
170. Which is not the type of major mile stones<===>iteration and initiation mile stone
171. Which is primarily a function of number of source lines of code<===>maintenance cost
172. Which is resolved by emphasizing an architecture first<===>late risk resolution
173. Which is the defining document for the organization s software policies?<===>Organizational policy
174. Which kind of requirements are captured in evaluation criteria<===>lower level
175. which mile stones focus on demonstrated results?<===>major
176. Which milestone has the high fidality transition phase plan<===>initial operational capability mile stone
177. Which of following come under lower management complexity?<===>smaller scale
178. Which of following come under lower technical complexity?<===>single thread
179. Which of the following indicators are derived from the evolving product?<===>Quality
180. Which of the following is a crux of software project success?<===>management discipline
181. Which of the following is an example of metrics automation?<===>SPCP
182. Which of the following is correct flow for small commercial project?<===>design-implementation-deployment
183. Which of the following is not a characteristic of cohesive team?<===>well defined phase transition
184. Which of the following is not a characteristic of conventional software?<===>low fidelity traceability among all artifacts
185. Which of the following is not a characteristic of flexible process<===>more credible
186. Which of the following is not a characteristic of good metric?<===>Untailorable
187. Which of the following is not a characteristic of level 1 organization<===>well established
188. Which of the following is not a characteristic of modern development process?<===>postponement of completeness
189. Which of the following is not a management indicator?<===>No of releases
190. Which of the following is not a metric<===>CCPDS-R
191. Which of the following is not a perspective of work and progress indicator?<===>Software design. team
192. Which of the following is not included in management indicator?<===>No of releases
193. Which of the following is not the management?<===>Rework and adaptability
194. Which of the following is not true?<===>early increments will be matured.
195. Which of the following is the quality indicator<===>
196. Which team is independent team among the following?<===>Software Assessment team
197. Which topic is not in the default content of periodic status assessments<===>designing
198. Who is responsible for meeting the requirements of a contract or some other project compliance standard?<===>Software project manager
2. _____ and ______ teams tend to engage in support roles while preparing for the full-scale production stage.<===>Software Assessment team & Software Development team
3. ______ is responsible for quality of individual components including all component development, testing, and maintenance.<===>Software Development team
4. ______ is the responsibility of Software Management team.<===>Resource commitments
5. ______ is used to mean a complete synchronization across the project.<===>iteration
6. ______ provide an important perspective for managing the process<===>Metric value
7. _______ % of the engineering is consumed by ______ % of the requirements.<===>80% & 20%
8. _______ % of the progress is made by 20% of the people<===>80%
9. _______ activity of the engineering stage of the life cycle is important.<===>Automating the development process
10. _______ is about managing change and measuring change.<===>Iterative development
11. _______ phases are dominated by Software Management and Software Architecture team.<===>Inception and elaboration
12. ________ are crucial for focusing continuous attention on the evolving health of the project and its dynamic priorities<===>periodic status assessments
13. ________ plays a greater role for small commercial product.<===>deployment
14. ________&_________ with the process frame work are critical factors in software project success.<===>work break down structure & its synchronization
15. _________ decomposes the character of the project and maps it to the life cycle, the budget and the personnel.<===>work break down structure
16. _________ guide lines capture the expertise and experience of many people.<===>initial planning
17. _________ include absorptions into overhead of general administrative cause, project billing based on usage.<===>Financing models
18. _________ is the architecture for the financial plan.<===>work break down structure
19. _________ is the basis for predictable, cost efficient construction for large projects.<===>good design
20. _________ partitions the estimate for the effort into a top level work break down structure<===>software project manager
21. __________ are highly dependent on numerous parameters, which have a significant impact on the direction of a project.<===>comprehensive project plans
22. __________ consists of CDW,TOR,PDW.<===>individual milestones
23. __________ forces the project history to the captured and documented, when the period varies.<===>recurring event
24. __________ graph presents values over time.<===>trend graph
25. __________ need to the derived from forward looking top-down approach.<===>project plans
26. __________ serve as project snapshots<===>periodic status assessments
27. __________ should organize the planning elements around the process framework rather than the product framework.<===>evolutionary work break down structure
28. __________ starts with small team until the risks in the requirements have been suitably resolved.<===>Iterative development project
29. __________ teams have common goals, complementary skills, and close communications.<===>cohesive
30. ___________ bugs are software faults that are coincidental with probabilistic occurrence of a given situation.<===>Heisen
31. ___________ has the goal to present to all stake holders a recommendation on how to proceed with development industry plans .<===>life cycle objective milestone
32. ___________ is a sign of success.<===>Low attrition
33. ___________ is defined as the number of software change orders opened and closed over the life cycle.<===>Change traffic
34. ___________ is extremely important to project success.<===>the art of planning
35. ___________ is the relationship between opened versus closed software change orders.<===>Stability
36. ___________ teams have conflicting goals, competing or incomplete skills, and less-than-open communications.<===>adversarial
37. ____________ can be measured by defining planned estimate of the work & then tracking progress against that plan.<===>Iterative development project
38. ____________ contains background material on software oriented work break down structure.<===>software engineering economies
39. ____________ exaggerate the performance biases and result in an overly pessimistic plan.<===>bottom up approach
40. _____________ and ___________are useful for generating the planning artifacts.<===>software cost estimation tools & work breakdown structure tools
41. _____________ is highly dependent on the skills of personnel, especially subproject managers and team leads.<===>performance
42. _____________ quantifies the volume of change.<===>Breakage item
43. ______________ are formally planned and conducted and the impacts of changes are typically benign.<===>project milestone
44. ________________ plans can shape,cultures and encourage team work.<===>open plan
45. ________________defines how the project requirements will be transformed into a product with in the business constraints.<===>project plan
46. _______________captures the contract between the development group and the buyer.<===>Vision statement
47. _______________focuses line of business units, but not on the top level organization or the projects.<===>Standardization
48. ______________quantifies the complexity of change.<===>Rework item
49. ____________review is conducted at the end of each iteration to assess the degree to the iteration which achieved its objective and satisfied its evaluation criteria<===>iteration assessment
50. ___________focuses the overflow of a project level environment, the infrastructure context of the project's parent organization, and tool building.<===>Process automation
51. ___________is companion group to the Software Engineering Process Authority.<===>Software Engineering Environment Authority
52. ___________provides the change management instrumentation necessary to automate metrics and control release baselines.<===>Defect tracking
53. ___________reviews both the projects conformance to contractual obligations and the project s organizational policy obligations.<===>Project review authority
54. __________are motivated by return on investment, new business discriminators, market diversification, and profitability.<===>Software lines of business
55. __________is a necessary role in any organization.<===>Software Engineering Process Authority
56. __________provide human resource support, project independent research and development.<===>Organization's infrastructure
57. _________is responsible for automating the organizational process, maintaining, and training.<===>Software Engineering Environmental Authority
58. ________are management reviews conducted at regular iterations to address program and quality indicators<===>periodic status assessments
59. ________are motivated by the cost, schedule and quality of specific deliverables.<===>Project teams
60. ________facilitates the exchange of information and process guidance.<===>Software Engineering Process Authority
61. ________team takes ownership of all aspects of quality.<===>Software Management team
62. _______are prematurely decomposed, structured planned around the product design, and budgeted in either too little.<===>conventional break down structure
63. _______team is fairly balanced organization in which most of the activity resides in the Software Development and Software Assessment teams.<===>construction
64. ______are project specific.<===>conventional work break down structure
65. ______review is conducted at the start of each iteration to review the detailed Iteration plan and the evaluation criteria<===>iteration readiness
66. ___is simply hierarchy of elements that decomposes the project plan into the discrete work tasks.<===>work break down structure
67. 80% errors are caused by _________ % of the components.<===>20%
68. 80% of contributors comes from _______ % of contributors<===>20
69. 80% of the software cost is consumed by __________ % of the components.<===>20%
70. a and ß releases are parts of ____________<===>construction
71. A modern process attacks how much percentage of the requirements, usecases, components & risks?<===>20%
72. A transition to more mature iterative development process that supports automation does not include<===>delete
73. Acceptable prototype is achieved after _______ iterations.<===>inception
74. Acceptance criteria for product release & releasable user manual are the requirements in __________ milestone<===>initial operational capability mile stone
75. After product release _________________ is done.<===>transition iteration
76. An organization has_______________ types of teams.<===>four
77. An organization's policies, procedures, and practices for managing a software intensive line of business is called<===>Meta process
78. Architecture frame work is done in ________ phase.<===>elaboration
79. As team size ____________, a new level of personnel management is introduced at roughly each factor of 5.<===>grows
80. Automation enables teams to spend less time on<===>over head tasks
81. Automation enables teams to spend more time on<===>engineering
82. CCPDS-R includes _________ number of phases<===>2
83. CD phase in CCPDS-R is similar to _________ phase<===>inception
84. Check points more emphasis on executable demonstration in____________<===>complete architecture feasibility demonstration
85. Construction phase takes ________ %of all, for small commercial project.<===>50
86. During the engineering stage _________ will dominate.<===>top-down perspective
87. Evaluation criteria in early release plans are__________<===>goals
88. From __________ , the primary measure of scale is the size of the team.<===>process tailoring perspective
89. FSD phase is____________<===>large
90. Good and bad project performance is much more obvious in _________ phase of life cycle.<===>inception
91. How many core metrics are there?<===>seven
92. How many simple planning guide lines should be considered when a project plan is being initiated or assessed?<===>2
93. How much software development effort is devoted to programming?<===>15%
94. In 1955 the overall ratio of software to hardware cost is<===>15:85
95. In late risk resolution, which kind of system elements are elaborated early in the life cycle?<===>high leverage
96. In modern process, the system requirements are captured in _______<===>Vision statement
97. In the work break down structure budgeting defaults, the management has ______ % of default budget<===>10
98. In which mile stone software quality metrics received to determine whether quality is sufficient to transit to the support organization<===>product release mile stone
99. In which phase, the Software Architecture team has only 50% involvement?<===>elaboration
100. In which phase, the Software Assessment team has only 50% involvement?<===>construction
101. In which phase, the Software Development team has only 50% involvement?<===>transition
102. In which phase, the Software Management team has only 50% involvement?<===>inception
103. Inception & elaboration phases are present in which stage<===>engineering stage
104. Inception team focuses on ________<===>planning
105. Incremental test process consists of ________ phases.<===>5
106. Integration that occurs early & continuously serves as the ________ activity of the design artifacts.<===>verification
107. Iterative process deliver a product with only about ___________ of the total budget consumed by these activities.<===>25%
108. Major mile stones are<===>system wide events
109. Making the solution smaller reduces<===>management complexity
110. Metrics applied to ----------------------- will be far less accurate than those applied to the production stage.<===>Engineering stage
111. Mile stones in life cycle must have<===>Well defined expectations and provide tangible result
112. More effort is needed for ______phase of software development life cycle<===>construction
113. Most of the critical risks will be resolved by____________<===>end of the elaboration phase
114. Mostly the iterations which have 1 to 6 months duration need only the ___________ & _____________ reviews<===>iteration readiness review & milestones assessment
115. Organizations with a mature process have<===>high level of precedent experience
116. PDW stands for___________<===>preliminary design walkthrough
117. Performance issues arise _________ in the life cycle<===>early
118. Performance issues arise in _________ phase of life cycle.<===>inception
119. Project organization represents _____________<===>the architecture of the team
120. Protrated integration & late design breakage are resolved by forcing integration into which stage?<===>engineering stage
121. Recurring themes from successful projects include status assessments that are______<===>low overhead activities
122. Reusable components for network management are provided by________<===>NAS
123. software process maturity and domain experience are mandatory to avoid _____and ensure of expectations across numerous stakeholders.<===>risks & synchronization
124. Software systems & products typically costs, how much times as much per SLOC as individual software programs?<===>4
125. Specific monitors are also known as____________<===>roles
126. System of systems is known as<===>software system products
127. TBD statements comes in _________<===>component evolution
128. The _____________ is a architecture focused organization.<===>elaboration team
129. The _________________of Software Assessment focuses on Infrastructure baseline.<===>elaboration phase
130. The actual spending profile for a project over its actual schedule is___________<===>Actual cost
131. The amount of time spent to engineering stage compared to production stage for large project is in the ratio____________<===>45/55
132. The architecture first approach forces integration into which phase?<===>design phase
133. The Architecture team is responsible for _______________<===>System level quality
134. The art of good project management is to make __________________in current iteration plan and the next iteration plan.<===>trade offs
135. The Assessment team is responsible for_____________<===>the quality of baseline releases
136. The atomic unit of software work that is authorized to create, modify, or obsolescence components within a configuration baseline is called ____________<===>Software Change Order
137. The automation that support for meta process is called<===>Infrastructure
138. The conventional focus on documents and review meetings are replaced by:<===>both demonstrable results and well defined sets
139. The demonstrations do not eliminate which breakage?<===>design phase
140. The four major mile stones occur at the____________ between life cycle phases<===>transistion points
141. The general guide lines are that most projects will use between_________<===>4 and 9
142. The guide line should be considered when a project plan is a _________<===>default allocation of costs among the first level WBS elements
143. The inception phase of software management life cycle consists of _____ phase.<===>Elaboration
144. The intermediate line of business level standard promotes ____________<===>Domain-specific technology inception and training
145. The lower project level standard promotes<===>Project-specific training
146. The management team should be ___________ development team.<===>Smaller than
147. The milestone of an iteration and its associated evaluation criteria need to focus the engineering activities on the<===>project priorities
148. The MTBF trend over time is known as_____________<===>Maturity
149. The plan of product release mile stone is<===>next generation product plan
150. The planned cost of the actual progress is represented by<===>Earned value
151. The positive value of cost variance corresponds to<===>Over-budget region
152. The primary support required for the design workflow is the_________________<===>visual modeling
153. The purpose of ______________is financial insight , plan vs actuals ,management indicators.<===>Budgeted cost and expenditures
154. The requirements driven functional decomposition is avoided by organizing _________ kind of specifications.<===>low level
155. The transition phase of Software Assessment life cycle includes_________<===>Infrastructure maintenance
156. The user points to graphical object displaying a point in time & drills down to view the trend for the metric using<===>drill down to trend
157. Transition phase takes ________ %of all, for large commercial project.<===>15
158. User interface control is provided by____________<===>DCO
159. Walk through catches _______ % of errors.<===>80
160. What is the dimension for metric?<===>Dynamic trend
161. When a transition is to be done, which of the following is false<===>improve the persons working on the program
162. Which includes the name of the organization, date of organization?<===>Description
163. Which is not good of software metrics<===>Work and process
164. Which is not in the seven core metrics?<===>Work break down structure
165. Which is not provided by work break down structure?<===>a mechanism for disseminating process
166. Which is not the building block of the automation tools?<===>Testing
167. Which is not the component of an organization s automation build block?<===>Workflow automation
168. Which is not the project environment?<===>Stakeholder Environment
169. Which is not the type of joint management reviews<===>maintenance
170. Which is not the type of major mile stones<===>iteration and initiation mile stone
171. Which is primarily a function of number of source lines of code<===>maintenance cost
172. Which is resolved by emphasizing an architecture first<===>late risk resolution
173. Which is the defining document for the organization s software policies?<===>Organizational policy
174. Which kind of requirements are captured in evaluation criteria<===>lower level
175. which mile stones focus on demonstrated results?<===>major
176. Which milestone has the high fidality transition phase plan<===>initial operational capability mile stone
177. Which of following come under lower management complexity?<===>smaller scale
178. Which of following come under lower technical complexity?<===>single thread
179. Which of the following indicators are derived from the evolving product?<===>Quality
180. Which of the following is a crux of software project success?<===>management discipline
181. Which of the following is an example of metrics automation?<===>SPCP
182. Which of the following is correct flow for small commercial project?<===>design-implementation-deployment
183. Which of the following is not a characteristic of cohesive team?<===>well defined phase transition
184. Which of the following is not a characteristic of conventional software?<===>low fidelity traceability among all artifacts
185. Which of the following is not a characteristic of flexible process<===>more credible
186. Which of the following is not a characteristic of good metric?<===>Untailorable
187. Which of the following is not a characteristic of level 1 organization<===>well established
188. Which of the following is not a characteristic of modern development process?<===>postponement of completeness
189. Which of the following is not a management indicator?<===>No of releases
190. Which of the following is not a metric<===>CCPDS-R
191. Which of the following is not a perspective of work and progress indicator?<===>Software design. team
192. Which of the following is not included in management indicator?<===>No of releases
193. Which of the following is not the management?<===>Rework and adaptability
194. Which of the following is not true?<===>early increments will be matured.
195. Which of the following is the quality indicator<===>
196. Which team is independent team among the following?<===>Software Assessment team
197. Which topic is not in the default content of periodic status assessments<===>designing
198. Who is responsible for meeting the requirements of a contract or some other project compliance standard?<===>Software project manager